Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 2

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"My type? What does that have to do with anything?" Itadori asks in disbelief.

"Stop fussing. All I'm doing is getting a sense of who I'm fighting," Todo replied coolly.

"I'm not really sure what's goin' on, but...I guess I like..." Itadori trails off to create suspension between him and Todo.

Todo waits quietly and patiently for Itadori's answer.

"...tall girls...with big butts... Like Jennifer Lawrence. But I like... dominant guys," Itadori answered.

Todo's eyes widened at the answer.

At that moment, a memory was born inside Todo's brain...of a past event that never happened...

"I'm gonna confess my love to Takada," Todo says out of nowhere.

"Don't do it! I don't wanna have to pick up the pieces! What a pain!" Itadori replied.

"You think I don't have a chance?" Todo asks.

"What makes you think otherwise?" Itadori says.

"Hellen Keller once said to Anne Sullivan... "What idiot admits defeat before trying?"," Todo explained.

"The Japanese wrestler Inoki said that!"

The scene then changed to Todo handing over a love letter with Itadori standing nearby.

"Sorry... There's someone I already like," Takada says before walking off after ripping the love letter Todo gave her.

Todo gloomed as he dramatically sulked in a corner.

"You think she means me?" Todo mumbled.

"Yeah right," Itadori walked over to the sulking male and hit the back of his head, "C'mon! Let's get outta here! Ramen's...on me."

"No one's ever beaten us in our hometown, huh?" Todo asks, changing the topic.

Itadori looks at the male in confusion.

"It seems that...we're best friends," Todo states.

"But we just met!" Itadori shouts.

From above, Momo was on her phone ordering her teammates on where Itadori was.

"Yeah. Keep going straight. But Todo's there," Momo says.

"It shouldn't be a problem. After all, he said he didn't care about our plans," the person on the phone replied.

Itadori becomes tensed and weary as he realizes that he is now surrounded.

'I'm surrounded!' Itadori thought.

The first one to attack was Mai by her shooting bullets straight in Itadori's direction.

Itadori darted to the side to avoid the attack sent at him.

Miwa was the next one to attack Itadori who immediately noticed her.

As she attacks him, Itadori flips over her figure to dodge it.

Miwa looks over her shoulder in surprise. 'What quick reactions! Although I did hesitate for a bit, my counter didn't even touch him!' She thought.

Mechamaru decided to take his chance in attacking Itadori as he showed up from the side.

The said robot points his hand out in Itadori's direction.

"What–?!" Itadori exclaimed before realizing something.

'Huh? Are they...trying to kill me?' He thought in fear.

The sound of a clap echoed throughout the forest, which caused Itadori to disappear and get teleported away from the danger he was surrounded by.

The four Kyoto students that once surrounded him were surprised.

Noritoshi jerked his head over to a tree where he saw Itadori. Where he was once located, but was no longer at.

'That was... I swapped positions with Itadori.' Noritoshi thought in surprise.


Noritoshi jumps out of the way as Todo punches the ground.

"I thought I told you...that I'd kill anyone who got in my way," Todo warns.

"No, you said..." Noritoshi trailed off.

'That was Itadori... No! That was Todo's cursed technique.' Noritoshi corrected himself.

" would kill anyone who gave you orders," Noritoshi finished.

"Whatever. Now go away!" Todo shouts and starts to walk away.

"Looks like we're retreating," Mechamaru says.

"Lame," Mai scoffed.

'Thank goodness!' Miwa thought in relief.

"Make sure to kill him," Noritoshi ordered.

" up to Itadori. After all...I'm not the kind of guy...who goes easy on someone just because they're my best friend!" Todo replied with a grin.

"Yeesh... I knew we should've left him alone," Momo sighed.

'I gotta keep my eyes open up here so we can get ahead hunting down the curses.' She mused.

"Having to deal with everyone's such a pain. Looks like it's up to me to hold it down. At least I'm looking cute today!" Momo tells herself.

"Take her down," Megumi ordered.

Momo turned her attention toward the giant shikigami that surprised her.


Noritoshi looked upward and saw Momo get hit by Nue.

"Mai. Mechamaru. You two cover Nishimiya," Noritoshi says.

"Copy that," Mechamaru replied.

"I guess it'd be a problem if she wasn't around," Mai grumbled.

The Kyoto students then took off in separate directions, splitting up.


Miwa becomes startled by Maki popping up from behind a tree.

Maki sent an attack in Miwa's direction, which had blocked it in time.

Megumi slid into view, he and Noritoshi blocking each other's attacks.

"Kamo... Are you guys trying to kill Itadori?" Megumi asks.

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