The Shibuya Incident, Part 5

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The cursed spirit jerked its head and jumped in every direction, taking a bite of whatever it came near contact with.

Sparks were heard from electrical wiring from one of the signs that had a large piece missing from it.

'Crazy jumping and biting power. The fact that it can communicate means it's a more powerful curse...' Itadori thought.

The cursed spirit appeared beside Itadori's figure, a fist reeled back behind its head before sending it straight at the teenager.

Itadori immediately ducked out and flipped himself away.

'Its bite... It's ability to use all four limbs independently. It wants to keep our fight confined to close combat.' Itadori narrowed his eyes at the cursed spirit, eyeing it down carefully.

"So, which are you?" The cursed spirit asks.

'It probably won't use any sneaky tactics.' He thought before deciding to speak up. "Which what?" Itadori asks.

"Are you smart...or not? I'm... Smart..." The curse answered.

"Smart people... Usually don't brag about being smart," Itadori replied.

The cursed spirit covered its mouth with its hands, a shocked look on its face.

Itadori walked forward and sent a punch straight at the curse.

This is a numbers battle... Two arms versus...

...four arms!

Itadori and the cursed spirit shared attacks, blurs of punches being sent at one another were seen.

One of Itadori's incoming punches was blocked but he quickly followed up with a second attack which caught the cursed spirit by surprise.

Violet blood went flying whenever Itadori landed a heavy punch on the cursed spirit.

'My arms, jaw and eyes...are all better than a human's. So why... Why am I the one... Getting hit?!' The cursed spirit thought as it fell to its knees.

A glare was seen on Itadori's face as he slowly walked up to the curse's kneeling figure, hands covered in cursed energy.

The cursed spirit gulped before spewing an attack straight at Itadori behind clenched teeth.

Itadori ducked and moved in close with a reeled-back fist as he stared seriously up at the curse.

'But... As I thought... I'm...smarter!' The curse thought.

The cursed spirit's abdomen expanded in Itadori's direction which looked like a stinger.

'I win...' The cursed spirit mused.

Itadori's eyes widened a bit when he saw the unexpected attack get closer to his face.

Within a second, Itadori attacked the cursed spirit back, sending violet blood flying as the extended abdomen section that belonged to the curse went flying as it was separated from the main body.

'So it does use sneaky tactics. However... Beyond that...' Itadori trailed off.

"You...ate people."

Itadori glared at the cursed spirit once more. "Any...last words?" He asked.

The cursed spirit stared at Itadori with a panicked look on its face.


The sound of a seal shattering was heard.

"Sister?" Ui Ui spoke up as he and Mei Mei stood casually around a platform with violet blood surrounding both of them.

"Yeah. The curtain's lifted. Let's wait for Itadori and head for B5F," Mei Mei confirmed.


Mahito held a smirk on his lips as he walked down a platform.

"So Ko-guy was defeated, huh? Looks like we have a skilled sorcerer on our hands. Too bad. I wanted to fight too. Oh well. What're you gonna do? After all, it's work," he tells himself.

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