The Shibuya Incident, Part 3

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"You're going down first!" Gojo coldly says as he narrows his eyes at Hanami's figure. "So, c'mon... What's wrong? Weren't you the ones who told me..." He stepped off the tracks and made his way to Jogo and Hanami. " not run away?"

Jogo's eye widened when he saw just how close Gojo had gotten to him.

Jogo went in for a punch just to be stopped by the back of Gojo's hand.

Seeing this surprised Jogo. 'Did I just touch-' A grin appeared on Jogo's lips.

Gojo had ducked over the incoming kick that belonged to Hanami as he gripped onto Jogo's wrist.

The white-haired male stepped over Jogo's arm and placed it against his inner thigh.

"Ready... Steady..."

A crazed look was seen on Gojo's face as he ripped Jogo's arm off, which made the said cursed spirit to release a pained sound as violet blood went flying.

Hanami took this chance to send a punch at Gojo's face since he was preoccupied with Jogo, however, Gojo blocked the incoming punch with Jogo's arm he had just ripped off moments prior.

Gojo quickly sent a kick to Hanami's upper thigh to gain some distance between the two of them as he darted straight at Jogo who was regenerating the arm Gojo had torn off.

'He's going for Jogo. Did he say that earlier to confuse us? Not only that... He deactivated...his Limitless cursed technique!' Hanami realized.

Jogo seemed to be panicking a bit when he saw how Gojo was closing in on him so he took this chance to try and get away from him.

'He decided to stop concentrating on his cursed technique. Since the number of people is starting to thin out...does he plan to just use cursed energy and keep this fight confined to close quarters? But if that's the case, there's no point in getting the crowd involved anymore. All I need to do is...use my cursed technique!' Hanami thought as he sent an attack in Gojo's direction.

Jogo looked over his shoulder with fear being seen on his face. "Don't activate your amplification! Hanami!!" He hollered.

Gojo appeared before Hanami with a wide, crazed smile on his lips. Insanity glimmering in his vivid blue eyes.

He had grasped onto one of Hanami's branches while landing his feet on the cursed spirit's left shoulder and where Hanami's ribs would be.

"Someone told me that...this is your weak point," Gojo then grasped onto the other branch and pulled them out roughly which sent violet blood flying.

"Thought so. You can't use your amplification and your innate the same time," Gojo stared coldly down at Hanami's figure that stumbled backward.

A cold sweat ran down Jogo's face as he kept trying his best to keep a good distance between him and Gojo.

'The only reason I survived earlier was because the amplification was protecting me! He's this strong even though he's just using cursed energy manipulation and physical attacks! Satoru Gojo... Is there anything you don't have?!' Jogo thought, clearly panicking.

All of a sudden, the people behind Gojo were killed by Choso's blood manipulation.

Gojo looked over in Choso's direction with a frown on his lips.

"Tch!" Choso tched out.

'That guy's not a cursed spirit. I bet he's a cursed womb: death painting. He's annoying, but he doesn't seem to be as proactive as these two. He can wait.' Gojo thought.

Though injured, Hanami ran forward to attack Gojo with Jogo's help involved again.

"You sure about that?" Gojo asked, glancing over in Jogo's direction which surprised the said cursed spirit. "If you try to neutralize my technique with your amplification...then I'll counter by strengthening my cursed technique. This useless tree over here...might not be up to the challenge right now," Gojo then turned toward Hanami and walked in his direction while covering his whole body in cursed energy.

"Wha-?!" Jogo gasped out.

Gojo grinned widely as he started to force Hanami back into a wall, but didn't dare to stop just yet.

"Satoru Gojo!! Over here!!" Jogo hollered, pointing an attack over at the trapped people.

He wanted to stop the white-haired man from going any further.

Instead, a loud explosion went off with violet blood splattering against the destroyed wall.

"Hanami..." Jogo trailed off in fear.

Where Hanami should've stood... There was nothing but smoke and violet blood in his place.

Gojo then coldly glared in Jogo's direction by looking over his shoulder.



"This is the curtain that's surrounding the station and trapping civilians. Inside, there's another curtain on the Fukutoshin Line platform that's keeping jujutsu sorcerers out. Between the two curtains is...the cursed spirit or cursed user who cast the curtains."

"Between? Not at the platform?" Mei Mei asked.

"We think that whoever it taking the risk of leaving the curtain alone. Two assistant managers have already been taken down. Also, in between the curtains... Well... We can't be sure..."

Itadori gave a look of confusion.

Mei Mei smiled. "It's fine. Go ahead and say it."

The woman that Mei Mei, Ui Ui, and Itadori were talking to decided to gulp quietly.

"In between the curtains...there may be transfigured humans."

Hearing those words caused a reaction of shock to appear on Itadori's face as Mahito immediately came to mind.


"Hm...? Oh. Transfigured humans?" (Y/n) walked down one of the vacant roads, talking out as if someone was there with him even though there was nobody there.

"Yes. And they're all down in the stations on the platforms," a voice said from a mechanical object that was attached to (Y/n)'s right ear.

"I'll let Itadori and the others deal with 'em. Kokichi, keep an eye on any potential threats when Kenjaku decides to show up in Suguru Geto's body to catch Satoru Gojo off guard," (Y/n) replied.

Kokichi, who was using a miniature version of Mechamaru as a way for communication, made a sound of confirmation from the object.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out," the boy reassured.

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