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"Those nails... I'd take 'em out if I were you," Nobara says to the mannequin-like shifted cursed spirit that glared at her hatefully.

"My cursed gonna flow through 'em!" She warns just for the needles and her cursed energy to crush the head belonging to the mannequin, sending it to the ground, unmoving.

A smile of approval appeared on her lips when she saw that she had taken down the cursed spirit.

The sound of shuffling captured her attention which caused her eyes to snap in that direction just to make eye contact with a young boy trembling behind boxes.

Nobara walked over to the young boy and leaned down a little. "Everything's okay now. You can come out," she reassured.

The boy immediately shook his head, making Nobara shocked.

Nobara gave a small pout. "Well, they say kids don't like to approach beautiful girls. Guess I'll bring Itadori," she sighs.

"Wait! Don't leave me!" The boy cried out, reaching a hand out in Nobara's direction as a curse showed up behind him.

Nobara goes in to attack the curse just to freeze as the curse holds the boy hostage, pointing a single long fingernail up against his neck, drawing blood.

'He's holding him hostage?! This curse...can think!' Nobara thought.


(Y/n) seemed to snap out of whatever he was remembering, his once dull eyes going back to their original shade of (E/c) as he looked over at Megumi and Gojo, listening in to their conversation.

"It's not just the level...nor is it about cursed energy," Gojo states.

"Cunning!" Megumi replied.

A chuckle left Gojo's lips. "A curse that has intelligence often sprouts from a ruthless choice. A choice and death!" He says.

(Y/n)'s eyes flickered up toward the building, sweatdropping. 'They're all crazy here. But then again, we're all a little aren't we?' He thought, looking away and giving a small ghost-like smirk as he stared up at the sky.


Nobara was currently panicking about what to do.

'Crap! Crap! Crap! This curse isn't even that tough. It's a grade 4, maybe even a lower grade 3 at best! And it understands that! It's taking the kid hostage because it knows that. I gotta stay calm! If I die, the boy has no hope... but if the boy dies, my chances of survival won't be affected. I have to be rational. I have to survive!' She thought.

For a moment, she tightened her grasp on her hammer just to release the weapon and its nails, allowing them to hit the ground as she raised her hands up.

"I got nothing. Let the kid go," Nobara says.

'I'm such an idiot! Guh... I knew it wouldn't be that easy.' She thought.

"I wish...I could've seen Saori one last time," she muttered.

Nobara and the curse's eyes widened as a fist came through the wall right beside the curse's head.

"Huh? Did I miss?" Itadori's voice could be heard from the other side.

The boy stared at the hand in disbelief and shock.

Without a second thought, Itadori breaks through the wall, sending an attack at the curse's arm.

The curse's arm went falling, allowing its grip on the boy's head to loosen which Itadori took advantage of and grabbed him, getting out of the and toward Nobara for safety.

"You all right?" Itadori asks, getting multiple harsh nods from the boy that he had saved.

The curse waved as it started to phase through the wall.

"He's getting away!" Itadori shouts.

"Get back here!" Nobara shouts, showing a straw doll that she was carrying on her. "Itadori! Give me that arm!" Nobara shouts.


Gojo, Megumi, and (Y/n) looked up, taking notice of the curse that had made its appearance outside.

"Oh?!" Gojo exclaimed.

"I'm gonna exorcise it," Megumi states.

"Hold on..." Gojo ordered, waiting for what to come next.

The curse froze in mid-air before a piercing scream escaped from it as needles extended and punctured through its whole body from the inside.

It started falling, disappearing into nothing.

"Good. She's plenty crazy," Gojo approved.

"Little psycho," (Y/n) coughed out, just to look away when Gojo and Megumi turned their attention toward him.

'You say that. But you hold about the same amount of insanity as Sukuna, maybe a little more than him.' Gojo thought, a chuckle escaping his lips.


"What's up?! We sent the kid home safe and sound. Time for some grub," Gojo states.

"Steak!" Itadori exclaims.

"Sushi!" Nobara hopped in with her opinion.

"What do you two want, Megumi? (Y/n)?" Gojo asks, turning toward the two brooding males.

Megumi was scrolling through his phone as if he was searching for the most expensive restaurant nearby.

(Y/n) says nothing, not caring what they ate.

Gojo seems to say something to Nobara and Itadori before walking off with them.

Megumi jerked his head in the trio's direction, shocked.

"C'mon," (Y/n) muttered, casually picking Megumi up onto his back and walking with the group that had left them behind.

"Guh!" Megumi muttered in surprise but wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s shoulders.

Gojo and Itadori looked over their shoulders in confusion, just to become immediately jealous when they saw Megumi being carried by their (H/c)-haired crush.

Nobara seemed to notice this and smirked. 'Aw, they all seem to be in love with the same person. This is perfect blackmail material!' She thought, taking a quick picture of all four males.


"Hey, what's that?" A man asked.

"What?" Another man asks.

"There! That egg thing!" The first man points out.

"Whachu talkin' about?!" The second one questioned, concerned for the other male.

An unnamed apparition of potential special grade was witnessed by multiple non-jujutsu sorcerers. Since it was deemed an emergency, three first-year students and a single second-year student were sent to the scene...

Of those died.

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