Hidden Inventory, Part 8

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Gojo could be seen having blood drip down his lips as the blade dug in deeper. His hands were grasping at the blade with all of his strength.

Toji didn't seem bothered by this as he immediately pulled the blade straight down through Gojo's chest.

More blood was sent flying as Toji started stabbing Gojo's leg to immobilize him.

Gojo sends a blast of cursed energy at Toji just for the said man to dodge it and reappear right in front of the teenager.

Toji came in with a quick sweep to the back of Gojo's knee after coming in with several spins to amp up the strength of it.

Gojo's body went backward, more blood flying out of his open wound.

Toji goes in for the final attack and stabs Gojo straight through the head to finish off the fight and end the teenager's life.

A grin was seen on Toji's lips as he turned away, swiping his cursed tool off to the side.

"I think... I'm getting my edge back now."

Gojo's motionless body was seen covered in blood, two small fly heads landing on his face.


The sound of an elevator was heard as Riko and Kuroi went down into the bottom part of Jujutsu High that held the Tombs of the Star Corridor.

"Master Riko. This is as far as I go," Kuroi bowed to the female. "Master Riko, please take..." Kuroi's eyes widened as she was brought into a hug.

"Kuroi! I love you! Always! Now and forever!!" Riko cries out.

Tears slipped down Kuroi's cheeks. "I-I love you too...!" She replied.

Geto stared blankly at the scene before him since he knew what was coming for the young girl.

"Is this...?" Riko asks as she follows Geto down a long tunnel.

"Yes. We're just outside of where Master Tengen resides... This is the country's base for primary barriers... The Main Hall of the Tombs of the Star Corridor!" Geto answered.

He then pointed to a tree in the middle of the room. "Go down the stairs and pass the gate. Then head toward the base of that huge tree. It's protected by a different barrier than the one around Jujutsu High. Only those invited may enter. You'll be protected by Master Tengen until the merger. Or you can turn back...and return home with Kuroi," Geto explains.

Riko's eyes widened at Geto's words. "What?" She turned her gaze toward him.

"When we were assigned this mission by our teacher...he referred to the merger as an "erasure." It's as if he looked at it as if something wrong. For a muscle-brained guy like him, he likes to beat around the bush. Satoru and I both came to a decision before we met you," Geto tells her.

"If the kid who is the star plasma vessel should refuse the merger... Then we call it off!" Gojo exclaimed.

Geto laughed. "Heh heh heh... You sure about that?" He asks.

"Huh?" Gojo looked over at Geto.

"We might have to fight Master Tengen," Geto points out.

Gojo sent a teasing grin in Geto's direction. "You scared? Don't worry! We should be fine," he replied.

Geto smiled. "We're... the strongest. No matter what decision you make, we will guarantee your future," he finished.

Tears slipped down Riko's cheeks. "I... Ever since I was born, I've been told that I'm special and different. Being special was normal for me. I've survived till now by staying away from danger. My parents died in a car crash. I don't remember it. I'm not sad or lonely anymore. That's why... with the merger, I thought I'd be okay...leaving everyone. No matter how painful it became, I believed that... someday...the sadness and loneliness would disappear. But... but now... I want to... be with everyone longer! I want to go to more places and see more things with everyone... More!!" She sobbed.

Geto's smile softened as he gazed at Riko while reaching a hand out toward her. "Let's go home, Riko."

"Yeah!" Riko agreed with teary eyes.

As she reached her hand out, a loud bang was heard.

Geto's eyes widened as he watched Riko's body become lifeless and hit the ground.

"Riko?" He asks.

"Okay, job's done," Toji says as he enters the room.

Geto slowly turned his attention over to Toji. "How... How'd you get here?" He asks.

"How...? Oh, gotcha. I killed Satoru Gojo," Toji boasted.

Immediately, Geto summoned a giant dragon-cursed spirit.

"I see... Then die!" Geto replied.

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