The Origin of Obedience, Part 5

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Sukuna had a grin on his lips as he sat comfortably on his throne which was built up by many skulls.

He had taken notice of a very familiar spike of cursed energy he hadn't seen in a long while and had been searching for its owner this whole time.

"So, he's here. Wonderful," Sukuna chuckled.


(Y/n) stretched his arms above his head as he listened to Megumi getting sick behind him.

'I told him to keep his eyes closed. But did he listen? Nope.' (Y/n) sighed heavily before turning toward Megumi who was heaving out breaths that he tried to get control over.

Megumi's body trembled due to the aftermath of getting sick in the grass. He had seen how the (H/c)-haired male had exorcised the cursed spirit which caused his stomach to churn and feel unwell.

But for some reason, he had a feeling that wasn't the cruelest way for (Y/n) to exorcise a curse. Another sicker way than he could ever imagine.

That thought made his stomach churn once more and he felt light-headed.

The (H/c)-haired male then seemed to realize that Megumi seemed to be deep in thought over something.

"Do you know what the bare minimum requirement is...for human interaction?" Megumi asks as he sits casually on top of a pile of students.

"No..." The students answered.

Megumi scratched at his forehead and looked down at the pile he was sitting on.

"I will not kill, please do not kill me." You can replace "kill" with anything else. Basically, you shouldn't cross any line that violates another person's dignity. You should acknowledge each other's existence. That's the rule. You ignored it and fed your stupid ego and treated it like a nuisance," Megumi explains.

The raven-haired second-year junior student started walking down the pile.

"Did that make you feel good? If I see you do it again, I'll kill you," Megumi states.

"...Did we do something to you?" A student at the bottom of the pile, asks.

"Figure it out yourself. Or just die."

"I-I-I'll definitely tell Ikezawa and everyone today...that I'm not their lapdog!"

"You got this, Aida!"

"But I might be the next punching bag, so don't go overboard!"

"Hey, fatty! Change of plans! I'll tell them that you're the lapdog instead!"

Megumi walked by the group of boys who were talking with one another.

"You're gonna sell me out?!"

"Shut it!"

"Wait... Isn't that Ikezawa and the rest of them there on the ground?"

"Megumi," a female's voice said.

Megumi paused in his walk and looked over his shoulder to see his sister.

A girl with long brown hair dressed up in a high ponytail could be seen.

"You said you wouldn't pick fights anymore," Tsumiki says.

"You're not my mom," Megumi replied.

Megumi muttered something under his breath.


An open small carton of liquid was thrown at the back of Megumi's head.

"Oh! Sorry... I didn't think it would open..." Tsumiki says.


"So, your dad is actually from the reputable Zen'in family. Even I think he's a loser. He left his family and had you. You're something your dad used against the Zen'in family. His trump card. Sucks, doesn't it?" A white-haired teenager asks as he stares down at the young Megumi before him.


Megumi glares slightly at his older sister who seems to feel bad about what she did.

"What? Tsumiki!? What did you do?!" A female student exclaimed.

"Ciao Megumi!" A male student blew a kiss out in Megumi's direction.

Megumi had his back facing his sister, ignoring the conversation she was having with a female classmate.

A sigh left Megumi's lips as his head pounded. "Crap. My head hurts..." He muttered.

(Y/n) blinked as he watched Megumi fall asleep.

"Did he really...?" He then deadpanned as he loomed over Megumi's sleeping figure. "...he really fell asleep. But then again, I don't blame him. Getting sick like that really tires you out," (Y/n) ran a hand through his (H/c) strands, sitting down beside the sleeping male just to place the raven's head on his thigh.

"Sorry, you had to see that," (Y/n) muttered before running a hand through Megumi's hair as he leaned against the palm of his hand.

"Let's just wait for the others to appear, I guess."


Nobara and the male across from her seemed to notice the change in the atmosphere immediately.

'All of a sudden, I feel a presence. Did the finger get out of the barrier? Whoever took out the finger bearer is quite formidable.' He thought.

'Even so... The finger... Even if they fought against a special grade curse and won...they more than likely didn't come out of it unscathed. I hope they're okay.' Nobara worriedly thought.

The male then started to hop away from Nobara.

"My apologies. Please forget what I said earlier," he apologized.

"Hold it!!" Nobara shouts which surprised the other. "You and your weird way of running... Do you really think you can get away like that?" She asks with a wide grin.

"I... I'm self-conscious about my back. This is a warning. If you look at my back, I will kill you."

"Yo, Kugisaki!" Itadori greets.

"Yo, big bro!" The cursed spirit exclaimed.

The male's eyes widened as he looked over at the duo.

"You... You... You... You looked!!!" He hollers.

The cursed spirit and Itadori immediately waved their hands in the air.

"Huh? Wait! Uh... Sorry..." Itadori immediately apologized.

"Big bro! Sorry! It wasn't one purpose!!!" The cursed spirit exclaimed.

The male turned to look at the duo. "I'll kill you!"

Nobara swings her hammer at the male's back.

"Then why the heck're you dressed like that?" She asked, taking notice of a weird smell.

"It gets stuffy!" He answered.

All of a sudden, a pair of wings appeared on his back.

" Wasp!!"

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