Hidden Inventory, Part 11

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Toji gets up onto his feet and stretches his arms behind his head, the sound of bones cracking is heard as he does that.

The cursed spirit was now wrapped around his waist.

'My bones aren't broken. So that energy wave just now was red, the cursed technique of the limitless... One, the power to stop motion–the neutral limitless. Two, the power to attract–the strengthened limitless blue. And three, the power to repel–the cursed technique reversal red. None of them...are a problem!' Toji thought as he started to swing a chain with his blade on it around in circles.

'One, his stopping technique hasn't been an issue from the start. Two, I can nullify the attraction technique with my extended reach inverted spear. Even my speed is effective. Three, as long as I don't mess up the timing, I can use the inverted spear against his repelling power. This uneasiness...' Toji watched as Gojo started to float up toward the sky.

A crazed look could be seen on Gojo's face which caused a shiver to run up Toji's spine.

"No... Everything's okay. Die!" Toji starts to swing his extended spear.

'Sorry, Amanai. Right now, I'm not angry for you. Nor do I feel vengeful toward anyone. Right now...it's just...that everything...feels right.' Gojo thought to himself.

The bright yellow sky above Gojo's figure sparkled and shined breathlessly.

"Throughout heaven and earth...I alone am the honored one," Gojo states.

Rubble from the ground came flying in Gojo's direction, but Gojo just watched it all happen from where he was in the sky.

Toji used all his strength and sent in another attack, but this time it came at an angle.

Gojo had two fingers pressed against the palm of his hand, the thumb covering both of them while his ring finger and pinky finger stuck straight up into the air.

'Innate techniques that have been passed down through the generations gave the advantage of how-to manuals. The disadvantage is that word gets out about the techniques. You must be from one of the big three sorcerer families. Most likely Zen'in... No wonder you knew about blue, red...and the limitless. But this...even within the Gojo Family...is known only to a few. Motion and reversal. It is born by colliding both infinities. An imaginary mass rushes forth... Hollow technique! Purple!' Gojo thought.

An invisible force rushes in Toji's direction as the said man stands frozen in his spot.

"I don't work for free." That's what I would always say before making a run for it. But now the awakened power of the limitless stands before me. He's probably the greatest sorcerer alive. I wanted to discredit it to crush it. The pinnacle of the jujutsu world and the Zen'in family. I wanted this for self-affirmation. And I deviated from my true self."

Toji stared at the ground as his left arm and part of his torso were long gone, blood dripping heavily and staining both the ground and his clothes.

'At that point, I had already lost.' He thought.

"I thought I had set aside such petty pride," Toji muttered.

An image of his wife, the woman he first loved, and his son came to mind.

'To be proud neither of myself nor others... I chose that path, didn't I?' Toji lifted his gaze as blood dripped down his chin.

"So... Any last words?" Gojo asks.

"... Nope," Toji answered before an image of his son appeared in his head.

"In two or three years, my kid will be sold off to the Zen'in Family. Do as you please."

Gojo watched Toji die standing up, speaking his last words.

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