Ryomen Sukuna

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Megumi and (Y/n) could be seen both standing in front of a thermometer shed, the other currently on the phone with Gojo.

"A thermometer shed?! You're telling us someone's keeping a Special-grade cursed object in a place like this?" Megumi asked, disbelief and annoyance being seen in his green eyes.

(Y/n) sweatdropped as he listened to the conversation before him, quietly sipping away on a can of (F/d) he had got from one of the vending machines that he had come across.

"Ha ha! Recovering it should be no problem then!" Gojo joyfully replied.

Megumi opened the shed, staring at it for a few moments before searching all around it.

"It's missing..." (Y/n) murmured, staring at the empty spot with a raised brow.

"There's nothing here..." Megumi says into the phone.

"Huh?" Gojo questions.

"The shed is empty," Megumi explained.

A laugh could be heard from the phone's speaker even though it sounded muffled.

"For real? That's hilarious!" Gojo exclaimed.

"I'm gonna punch you," Megumi blatantly threatened.

"No going home until it's recovered, okay?" Gojo beamed on the other side of the phone.

Megumi gritted his teeth in annoyance, before turning his head in (Y/n)'s direction.

"Let's go," Megumi says before turning around and walking off.

"Mhm," (Y/n) casually hummed out and followed after the green-eyed male.


A pink-haired male could be seen surrounding a table in the middle of a room with two other students also surrounding it.

"Are you sure?" The male, Yuji Itadori, asked as he gazed at the other two students in the room.

The two students, Sasaki and Iguchi, nodded their heads.

"Here we go!" Itadori declared.

The three stared down at the Ouija board in front of them.

"Spirits... Spirits... Please reveal an animal that the school council president is weaker than!"

Soft scratching noises were heard as the small item in front of them moved across the letters.

The group watched closely before bursting out into laughter.

"What?! A fish?!"

The sudden sound of a door slamming open was heard as a figure made their appearance.

"Occult Research Club!" A male shouted, causing the group to turn toward him.

"Hey, so you really are Mr. Worm!" Itadori joked, which caused Sasaki to hold back her laughter.

"I'm gonna kill you..." The male grumbled, before deciding to start talking about what he was originally here for. "Your club didn't submit its activities reports! We don't have space in this school for clubs like that! This is going to be the changing room for the girls' track-and-field team started today! So get out!" He shouted.

"I wouldn't mess with our club members if I were you!" Itadori replied before getting up from his seat just to grab multiple reports of the activity that they've been researching and put them onto the table.

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