Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 6

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"Hey (Y/n), where's Junpei?" Itadori asks, grabbing the male's attention.

"Oh, Shoko swooped in and turned him into her little assistant. He should be hanging out with Gojo, watching over us to make sure that we don't get too badly injured since Shoko stayed at the infirmary," (Y/n) answered.

Itadori became dot-eyed and nodded his head with a smile on his lips.

"Oh, okay. That's good!" He beamed.


A young Panda could be seen surrounded by toys.

"Panda, you older brother and sister," Masamichi says causing the young figure to stare at him in confusion.

"That's incorrect. I do not," Panda replied.

"Yeah, you do. Inside of you," Masamichi states.

"Inside of me...?" Panda questioned.

"Yeah. You'll get to know both someday," Masamichi answered with a small smile on his lips. "They'll always be lend you their power!"

Mechamaru lifts his arms, creating a shield with spikes on his forearms.

A loud shattering sound was heard as the spikes broke the second the transformed Panda punched Mechamaru.

The punch shattered Mechamaru's face and blew an eye out which also disappeared.

Mechamaru's body went flying out of the trees just to land harshly on a building's roof.

'He's not as powerful as Todo, but that strike...' Mechamaru slowly lifted himself to his feet. '...resonated!'

"You noticed, huh? That was my brother's specialty, the unblockable drumming beat" Panda says as he stands across from Mechamaru.

'If I get it on the head or torso by that drumming beat attack one more time, Mechamaru will be out of commission. My right arm's sword option is malfunctioning. I can't shoot ultimate cannon anymore.' Mechamaru mused.

'Gorilla mode goes wild with the cursed energy. I need to hurry. His right arm is useless. I'm pretty sure he can't fire off an attack with maximum output anymore. Does he have swords in his left arm and mouth, or can they only shoot? Either way, he'll be cautious when attacking.' Panda thought. 'Mechamaru thinks he failed with those two shots. But the truth is he crushed two of my cores. His next move is probably gonna be an extremely close-range shot at my core or a slashing attack to finish me off.'

Panda leaps over onto the roof that is right across from Mechamaru.

'However... I have the upper close combat.'

Panda darted forward, leaving a dent in the roof he was just standing on.

Mechamaru tosses broken tiles he had gotten off of the roof beneath him.

Panda seemed to notice this as he crossed his arms over his face to protect it from the tiles.

Mechamaru uses the engines on his elbows to get around Panda.

'I won't miss...this time. The core is the strongest concentration of energy. Here!' Mechamaru thought as he attacked Panda from behind.

Panda grunted out.

"You did well...for a doll," Mechamaru says.

Mechamaru then becomes surprised when Panda grabs his forearm, crushing it.

"Don't you compare me to some average cursed corpse! I can fake my core's location with energy manipulation," Panda states.

The said cursed corpse then grabbed Mechamaru's face and immediately decommissioned him on the roof.

"You lost because... You underestimated a doll! As long as I've been alive, I've never been the same as the people around me. I feel like we can relate when it comes to that. Although I've never felt jealous toward humans."


Panda smirked. "I mean, humans are gross, right? They all get so worked up over-achieving their goals. Plus, it's hard to tell whether they're trying to be cool or just sulking!" An image of Yuta comes to mind as he shifts to his original form, "But they possess qualities that I don't have... I like that about them. I bet you've been through a lot too. But just because someone's been through a lot doesn't mean they're right. And I'm not even your enemy."

Panda looked at Mechamaru with curiosity.

"Why'd you become a jujutsu sorcerer? Is it because you can't do anything else? It really doesn't matter what your reasons are. If you have a wish you want fulfilled...I'll help ya out."

"Everyone...someday I'll..." Mechamaru whispered as he remembered what his classmates did for him.

He wanted to walk with them in his original and real body. Not as some doll.

"What? Come again?" Panda brings a paw up to his ear.

"If you saw what I looked like...would you still want to help me?" Mechamaru asks.

Panda laughed. "You think I'd be picky about the way someone looks?! See ya later. Let me come and visit ya sometime," he then walked away.

"Shut stupid doll."

Panda then huffed and turned around.

"I almost forgot! Let me borrow...your phone."

Mechamaru has been eliminated.


Maki twirls her weapon in her hands before blocking Miwa's incoming attack.

'No way... She's...crazy strong!!' Miwa thought.


(Y/n) stopped running and looked up toward the sky, which caused Inumaki to stop and turn toward him.

"Tuna," Inumaki called out.

(Y/n) looked over at the male and gave a fake smile.

"Nothing, I'm alright. Let's keep going," he reassured.

Inumaki stared for a few moments before nodding his head. "Salmon," he agreed.

The duo then continued running.

'There's a cursed spirit somewhere nearby... Is the Kyoto principal really going to release a monstrous curse on the students just because he didn't get what he wanted?' (Y/n) thought with a small frown on his lips. 'I hope they don't mind me burning down the place if it comes to that.'

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