The Shibuya Incident, Part 38

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"Hey, brat. Take a good look," Sukuna says as he allows Itadori to regain control of his body once again.

Itadori stood frozen as he stared at the state of despair and destruction that surrounded him.

There was nothing seen for miles except for the dark tall figures in the distance that weren't destroyed in the destruction.

Itadori's eyes landed on Haruta's lifeless figure that was split in half, his blood splattering across the ground.

His eyes shrunk as memories of what happened came storming into his mind.

He could see all the people Sukuna had murdered and terrorized during the time the King of Curses had control of his body.

Itadori grabbed his face and rubbed at it as the memories kept coming one by one.

"NGHHHH GAHHHH!" Itadori screamed as he fell to his knees and vomited on the ground in front of him.

Tears swam in Itadori's eyes as they dripped, heavy pants escaping his lips while his shoulders trembled.

"I'm wondering why the heck I have to be executed."

Itadori's past words echoed throughout his mind which caused his heart to ache even more.

"Just...die already," he muttered.

(Y/n) stood away from the teenager, not knowing how to help the pink-haired boy to calm down.

"I already know how I'm gonna go out."

Itadori started to scratch at the ground, breaking away the skin of his fingertips which made them start bleeding.

"Just me! Just me! Die!" Itadori cried out.

"When it's your time to go, make sure you're surrounded by others."

"Help people."


"Now!" Itadori shouted.

(Y/n) looked away, a small frown tugging away at his lips.

After a few minutes, Itadori seemed to have calmed himself down even though he was shaken.

"I need to move."

'At this rate...' Itadori trailed off in thought.

"I need to fight."

'...I'm nothing but a murderer.'

Itadori stared off into the distance with a cold look on his face, not a single emotion swimming in those honey-colored eyes of his.


The sound of a phone ringing was heard as Nanami could be seen walking down a hallway, the left half of his body burnt to a crisp with blood and opened wounds.

He was missing his left eye, but that didn't stop him from heading in the direction of where Mahito would be at.

Mahito was sitting in a photo ID booth, listening to Nanami's footsteps as they got closer and closer to him.

Nanami came to a stop at the foot of the staircase to see all of the transfigured humans at the bottom of them.

The transfigured humans groaned lowly as they looked at Nanami.

"Malaysia... Yeah, Malaysia... Kuantan would be nice," he muttered to himself.

'Build a house on a secluded beach. Finally get around to the countless books I've bought but never read. Go through them page by page... Kinda like taking back the time I've lost. No, right now you're... You're heading over to save Fushiguro... But what about Maki...and Naobito? What happened to them...? Tired, so tired. Yeah, I'm just tired. I've done enough, haven't I?' Nanami thought.

The transfigured humans closed in on Nanami but he quickly started to slice them down, their violet blood landing on him.

Blood splattered and went flying everywhere as Nanami sliced down the transfigured humans that approached and circled him in every direction.

Time comes to a pause when Mahito places a hand on Nanami.

Mahito stared quietly at the man who stood severely injured across from him.

Instead of seeing Mahito, Nanami had taken notice of an old classmate of his who died back during his high school days.

The image?

It was Haibara.

"I didn't know you were here," Nanami says.

"Yup. The whole time. Wanna chat? We go way back, after all," Mahito replied.

'Haibara... What the hell was I trying to do anyway? I ran. Even though I ran away, I came back with the vague reason of finding the work worthwhile.' Nanami thought as he stared at Haibara's image that stood in front of him.

Haibara's image pointed off to the side which made Nanami look over and notice Itadori's figure.

Mahito followed Nanami's line of sight and also looked over, noticing Itadori standing there in plain sight.

A small orange and blue fox made out of flames flickered itself in existence around Itadori's feet before disappearing completely.

"Itadori," Mahito says with a smirk on his lips.

"Nanamin!" Itadori shouted.

'No, Haibara. That's not right. I can't say that to him. It'll just end up becoming a curse for him.' Nanami mused.

"Itadori..." Nanami trailed off as he sent a reassuring smile in Itadori's direction.

Itadori's eyes widened when he realized what was about to happen in front of him.

"You've got this from here," Nanami says.

The fox made out of flames reappeared and quickly darted forward, jumping onto Mahito's arm to change the position of the curse's attack to somewhere else.

Mahito's eyes widened as he watched Nanami's arm get transfigured and destroyed instead.

Blood went flying as Nanami went face forward into the ground.

The fox made out of flames jumped a little and rolled into the air just to disappear.

Itadori stood in silence as he took in the situation that was happening before him.

His heart raced as he watched Nanami fall.

The pink-haired teenager quickly turned his attention to Mahito.

"You... What the hell are you?! MAHITO?!" Itadori yelled.

Mahito held a wide manic grin on his lips.

"I can hear you just fine without you yelling! Yuji Itadori!" Mahito shouted.


(Y/n) stared off into the distance just to switch his attention when he felt warm heat rub itself against his legs.

"Thank you, Momo..."

The fox made out of blue and orange flames shifted and turned into a young girl who was wearing a shrine maiden outfit.

Momoshiki, or Momo for short, glanced up at the male beside her as her own set of nine tails swayed behind her.

"You owe me..." She murmured.

"I know. I'll let you eat Kenjaku or something when the time comes," (Y/n) replied.

Momo stood for a few extra silent moments before deciding to speak up. "Why do you exactly call yourself a cursed spirit when you know that you're not?" She asked.

"Because it's easier to be called that," (Y/n) answered.

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