The Origin of Obedience, Part 3

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The group of four immediately split up from each other.

Megumi, Nobara, and (Y/n) went after the smaller cursed spirit they mainly were after, while Itadori fought the bigger one that had made its grand entrance.

As of right now, the curse that Itadori was fighting against took a deep breath which the male took notice of.

The cursed spirit spews out a substance from his mouth which Itadori dodges by jumping into the air and flipping in his direction.

Gravity took its course and had Itadori start falling near the curse's figure.

The cursed spirit swiped his hand out and snatched Itadori's arm which surprised him.

"I!" The curse boasted with a wide smile.

Itadori frowned heavily as he placed his feet onto the curse's mouth and used all his strength to pull himself out of the curse's grasp.

The curse releases his hold on Itadori which causes the pink-haired male to jump backward so that he would be able to get a good distance between the two of them.

'What's with the blood he spat out? Is it poisonous?' Itadori wondered.

"Whaaat? You're strong... This isn't fun," the curse complained.


Nobara sends in her attack with her hammer which causes the curse that she, Megumi, and (Y/n) were after to go duck away like whack-a-mole.

The next attack came from Megumi, but the curse just went back into the ground and reappeared on the ceiling.

"We should just think of this as whack-a-mole, right?" Nobara asks.

"Yeah. Just keep crushing the holes for me. It probably won't retaliate," Megumi answers.

(Y/n) gazed at the cursed spirit with a thoughtful look on his face.

"So, although it has targets, in exchange for its cursed technique's wide range, the main body can't attack?" Nobara wondered.

"Maybe. I'm not sure," Megumi replied.

All of a sudden, two arms appeared from behind Nobara and grabbed onto her.

"Kugisaki!" Megumi hollers as he reaches a hand out to his female classmate.

"No worries. You and (Y/n) just keep whacking that mole," Nobara reassured as she was pulled into the black mass behind her.

"Crap!" Megumi exclaimed.

"Hm? Is there a third one?" A small grin appeared on (Y/n)'s lips.

'Death painting wombs? Interesting.' (Y/n) thought as he placed a hand on his chin.


"Kugisaki?!" Itadori hollers.

"Ah! Who? Older brother? Me too!" The curse shouts before running off into a portal-like substance that appeared on a wall nearby.

"Hey! It ran away! Should I let it go?" Itadori exclaimed.

"Go after it!"

Itadori's eyes widened when he heard Megumi's voice.

"That thing and Kugisaki are outside the barrier now! She might actually be up against something much worse than we expected! Handling things on this side shouldn't be a problem! Kugisaki's the top priority! Go!!" Megumi shouted.

"If you and (Y/n) get in trouble, you two better get out too!" Itadori replied as he started to enter the substance that acted like a portal.

Megumi waved over the other male.

"We'll be alright, Itadori. Go save her," (Y/n) reassured.


"Why you... Don't touch me!!" Nobara hollers as she swings her hammer backward, which causes her to get released.

"A female. Apologies," the figure that had brought her to his domain apologizes.

Nobara gives a disgusted look as she takes in the other's appearance.

"The errand entrusted to us brothers...doesn't entail killing jujutsu sorcerers. Retreat now and I'll let things be," he says.

"Errand?" Nobara repeated.

"Oh? I thought we were on the same errand," the male says.


The mole-like curse kept hopping up from hole to hole as if it were a game.

Megumi sends in an attack, but quickly changes his direction in where the curse reappeared, which surprises it.

"Your surprise attack is too simple," Megumi says as he attacks where the curse is, just for it to reappear behind him and (Y/n).

A small laugh left the curse.

"Like I said, too simple."

A loud crunch was heard as a giant Divine Dog appeared behind the cursed spirit.

However, this shikigami seemed to be covered in cursed energy that was being given to it from some unknown source.

(Y/n) had a small grin on his lips as he quietly tapped his fingers against his leg, which broke the connection of him giving the shikigami cursed energy he was sharing.

Megumi released a heavy sigh of relief from his lips.

'Tsumiki should be fine now. Next up is...' Megumi's eyes widened when he saw something squirming its way out. 'It's still alive?! That wasn't the main body? The barrier isn't gone either! What's going on?!' He wondered.

A very familiar cursed spirit that he, Itadori, and (Y/n) had once fought, landed on its feet before the two of them.

A wide menacing grin was seen on the curse's lips as it stared at Megumi and (Y/n).

(Y/n) stood in front of Megumi, and placed his hands in pockets. "I'll take care of this one," he states.

"What–" Megumi stared at the (H/c)-haired male.

A smirk appeared on (Y/n)'s lips.

"Just... stand back and watch."


"Our to retrieve Sukuna's fingers!"

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