The Shibuya Incident, Part 18

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Mirai stumbled forward, clutching their chest as they felt something related to their soul getting torn apart.

The emotions of panic, fear, and anger appeared on their face at the same time when they realized what they were feeling.

"Bastard... That bastard killed Hiro!" They shouted.

"Where is he?!" Mirai jerked their head in multiple directions.

"I'll kill him! I'll fucking kill him! How dare he kill Hiro?!"

Mirai quickly turned and started running toward a different part of Shibuya.

"I'll have him come to me, and get him to fight me whether he likes it or not..."

"...I don't care if we need this damned fox. I'm ending him here and now!!"


Haruta and Nobara looked over, watching Nanami approach them.

"I can't it okay for me to kill non-black suits too?" Haruta wondered out loud.

Nanami coldly stared at Haruta as he untied his tie from his neck, just to wrap it around his right hand.

'He came to Shibuya with Fushiguro...' Nobara thought.

"Nanami...?" She called out to the man who walked toward Haruta.

"Hey, hey! Can't you read the situation here? What're you movin' around for? I've got this girl here hosta–" Haruta swung his blade off to the side just to stab at nothing. "Huh?!"

The male turned his attention toward the staircase and saw Akari climbing up it.

"Oops! She got away," Haruta says in a disappointed tone, not noticing Nanami's looming figure behind him.

"Where and how many of you are there?" Nanami asks.

Haruta looked at Nanami in the corner of his eyes with a small glare. "Dunno," he answers with a grin.

The blonde-haired male then sends a kick straight into Nanami.

Instead of causing a flinch, it felt like Haruta had just kicked a stonewall.

'Huh? He didn't even budge. It didn't even feel like I kicked a person... Also... He's... Not cut!' Haruta realized.

Nanami grasped Haruta's leg as he spoke.

"Where many of you are there?" Nanami repeated.

"Dunn–" Before Haruta could finish talking, he was sent flying and crashed into a glass case behind Nobara.

Nobara looked over her shoulder in shock.

Haruta stumbles out of the glass case with his blood dripping to the ground.

One of the marks on his face faded away, leaving only five left.

'I should've died! If it weren't for my cursed technique, I'd be dead! I need to run–' Haruta felt himself panic as he tried to move away from the danger just to be grabbed by the back of the head.

Nanami leaned over grabbing some of Haruta's hair in a tight grip.

"Where many of you are there?" Nanami repeated.

"I said I don't kn–" Haruta tried to answer just to be punched in the abdomen which caused the wall behind him to crumble under the punch's strength.

Another mark on Haruta's face faded away, leaving only four now.

The sound of a blade flying through the air grabbed Nanami's attention as he noticed it heading in his direction.

Haruta had a bloody smile on his lips.

However, a nail came out from nowhere and pinned the sword against a nearby wall.

The hand that was the sword's hilt twitched.

"Not on my watch!" Nobara exclaimed as she held several more nails on her left hand, and her hammer in her right.

A wide grin was seen on her lips.

Haruta turned his head to look over at Nobara. "Hey! Don't get in my way!" He shouted.

Nanami grabbed Haruta's throat which caused the male to choke out a gasp.

"On my way here...I ran into several dead assistant managers. It was you, correct?" Nanami asks as he holds up a fist.

"Keh... Keh heh..." Haruta chuckled. "I'm... I'm sorry!" He cried out with tears in his eyes.

A loud crash was heard as Nanami punched Haruta through multiple walls at the same time.

Nobara stared at the scene before her with a surprised look.

Nanami seemed unbothered as he rolled up his sleeves as he turned around and started to walk off.

Haruta was slumped over, blood pouring out of his mouth.

'He's on another level... So, this is what it means to be...a Grade 1 sorcerer!' Nobara thought.

"Let's go find Nitta," Nanami says.


Itadori could be seen running across a bridge as he made his way into Shibuya.

Loud screams from below captured his attention which made him look down.

"There's so many of 'em!" He exclaimed in disbelief, staring at all the transfigured humans and cursed spirits down below.

'I can't just leave them! But there's not enough time to save everyone!! Dammit! What should I do?! The station... Gojo-sensei close!!' Itadori thought.

"Spiced cod roe!" A familiar voice said, which made Itadori look in the voice's direction.

"That speech! Inumaki-senpai!!" Itadori yelled.

"Salmon!" Inumaki held up a peace sign while holding a speakerphone in his other hand.

"You're up, senpai!" Itadori shouted as he jumped down from the bridge he was on.

"Salmon. Salmon," Inumaki replied.

The second-year unzipped the collar to his uniform as he brought the speakerphone close to his lips.

"Don't move."


Choso stood emotionless at the bottom of the steps in the station that held a sealed Gojo inside at the bottom with Kenjaku.


(Y/n) shifted his gaze toward the night sky, listening to the faint echoing of screams from the people who were trying to run away and keep themselves alive.

"Kokichi," he spoke out.

The sound of the miniature version of Mechamaru buzzed to life.

"Yes?" Kokichi asks.

"I need you to do something for me," (Y/n) says.

Kokichi stayed silent for a few moments. "I understand," he replied.

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