The Shibuya Incident, Part 14

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A teenage girl peeked herself out from behind a curtain with a smile on her face.

"Happy birthday, Daddy," she says.

The man stared at his daughter with a glass of alcohol in his hand, the sound of ice clinking against the glass from inside of it.

"Your present is seeing me in my school uniform! Cute, huh? Good thing I chose Mori High School," the girl says happily.

The man sighed and took a sip from the glass. "Yeah, sure. Anyway, keep flaunting yourself like that and you'll end up like your mother."

The girl walked over and sat on her father's lap, wrapping her arms over his shoulders.

"Whaaat? Do you hate mom?" The girl asks with a pout.

"I don't hate her. But she did cheat on me..." The man replied.

"Right," the girl mumbled. "Poor Daddy..."

The man's eyes widened as he felt something stab him in the back of his neck.

Leaning back, the girl's face could be seen shifting.

"Ngh... Who...?"

The girl then transformed into an elderly lady.

"Honoka... Where... daughter?" The man asks.

"I killed her," Ogami answered. "Shapeshifting while using a summon requires a dead body," she then got up and started to walk away as the man died. "She screamed for her she died."

"I'm sorryyy!! I'm soryyyyyy!!!" A terrified voice cried out.

"Hmph... It ripped..." Awasaka grumbled.

"Please, let me go!" A voice pleaded.

"Shut up," Awasaka replied.

"Why...are you doing this?" The voice asked as snot and tears went down the person's face.

"It's my job to kill people. I need to understand...the human body."


"Satoru Gojo?" Awasaka asks.

"Yes. A child who possesses the Six Eyes born into the Gojo family," a man in black answers.

"A kid?" Awasaka questioned as he gave a look of surprise.

"The bounty is already over a hundred million. Oh, but this is not a job. It is a first come, first served. So I'm told."


Awasaka and Ogami were just doing their own things until they suddenly tensed up.

A young boy with messy white hair, and vivid cold blue eyes was seen staring right at them.

Fear shivered up their spines as they panicked at the feeling that they were both consumed by.

'The curses' increasing strength... At that moment, I understood the reason why! It's because of him! It's because of Satoru Gojo! It's like when a seemingly unbeatable track-and-field record gets broken! Or when figure skaters suddenly have to add more spins to their jumps due to a single athlete's prowess! When Satoru Gojo was born...the balance of the world was altered!'


Megumi and Itadori could be seen still fighting Awasaka in the streets as they tried to defeat the man.

Awasaka sends a kick at Itadori as Megumi comes up from behind and stabs him in the side of his head.

Awasaka turned his head to face Megumi to send an attack straight at him as well.

'I'm always in the prime of my life!! Until the day I die...' Awasaka trailed off in thought.

"What a thrill," a wide grin appeared on his face.

'...I will trample on the weak!!' Awasaka declared.

"Seriously, what's with this guy?! He's more than just tough!" Itadori exclaimed in disbelief.

Megumi stayed quiet as he kept an eye on Awasaka's figure.

'It has to be related to his cursed technique. Damage nullification? No...' Megumi wondered before Gojo came to mind.

"Hey!" Megumi shouted. "Satoru Gojo is in Shibuya!! You better leave the curtain behind and run!"

Itadori stared at his raven-haired classmate in surprise.

Awasaka laughed. "Keh heh heh... "Gojo has been sealed!" you guys were the ones who yelled that out for the world to hear. Why do you think we curse users are here? If Gojo was fine, we'd be sleeping at home," he points out.

'I knew it. He can't defeat Gojo-sensei.' Megumi thought.

Itadori side-eyed Megumi. 'You're not a good liar. Fushiguro.'

'So, his cursed technique can't be something crazy like damage nullification.' Megumi continued thinking.

"No worries! I said, no worries!" Itadori says as he pats Megumi on the back.

"Shut up," Megumi grumbled.

"If you've lost your will to fight...then I'll be killing you now," Awasaka declared.

Megumi's eyes widened a bit as if he realized something and quickly brought his hand up to create the shape of a rabbit.

"Here he comes!" Itadori exclaimed as he got into a fighting stance.

"Rabbit escape!" Megumi exclaimed.

Rabbits escaped from Megumi's shadow and darted in the direction of Awasaka.

In Itadori's hands held one of those rabbits.

The rabbits created a stampede, which made Awasaka change his attention toward them.

"Let's retreat for now," Megumi says.

Itadori's eyes widened as he was grabbed by his hood and pulled backward.

"I figured out his cursed technique," Megumi explains.

"Ohhh!" Itadori replied as he looked up at Megumi.


A loud rumbling crash echoed throughout the train station as Mahito could be seen getting thrown into another wall.

(Y/n) walked up to Mahito and crouched down in front of him.

Propping his elbow onto his upper thigh, (Y/n) placed his chin on the palm of his hand and tilted his head a bit.

Blood trickled down Mahito's face and wounds.

"Ah... You can't heal yourself, can't you?" The (H/c)-haired male asks.

Mahito stays quiet as he releases heavy pants from his lips.

"Hm..." (Y/n) hummed as he thought of something.

After a few moments, Mahito finally spoke.

"Your cursed technique... What is it?" Mahito asked as he waited for whatever (Y/n) did to stop him from healing himself to wear off.

"My cursed technique?" A chuckle left (Y/n)'s lips. "Guess," he replied.

Mahito gritted his teeth a little. "It has something to do with those flames of yours, doesn't it?"

"Heh... Close, but not quite right."

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