First Attack • 4

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We were all getting impatient trying to urge Finn to just swing on the vine already. Finn and Jasper ignored us as they continued to talk, then Finn handed the roped vines to the other boy.

"Let's go Jasper!" Octavia cheered him on. Jasper held onto the vines as he began to run, then jumped.

Jasper landed not so gracefully on the other side. He quickly picked himself up and started pumping his fists into the air.

"Yes, Jasper! You did it!" I yelled towards the victorious boy. Everyone started whooping for him.

Clarke was now taking the bundled vines into her hands, Finn telling her it was her turn. Before Clarke took off, I watched as Jasper pick up a beat up sign from the ground. Relief flooded through me reading the words on it.

"Mount Weather baby! We made it!" Jasper announced. He continued to thrust the sign up into the air as I jumped up and down in excitement.

Something flew through the air, making a loud swooshing noise as it whizzed past us. I watched in horror as the airborne spear impaled our friend. His body flung back into the tree behind him, his face no longer looking the same as it did two seconds ago.

We all tackled each other down to the ground to take any kind of cover we could. I looked back to see Jasper as the others kept their eyes on the forest around us. I instantly had a ball form deep in my throat, I felt dizzy at the sight. The rustling in the trees prompted Clarke to speak, "we're not alone."

After we scurried back to camp, we arrived in the heat of a fight. Wells held a knife to Murphy's throat, Bellamy standing close to them. I wasn't surprised that Murphy was in this position at all.

"Wells, let him go!" Clarke shouted at the sight. Bellamy rushed towards Octavia and I, taking her weight off of me and checking to see if she was alright. Once Octavia confirmed she was okay, Bellamy turned back to Clarke.

"Where's all the food?" He questioned.

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather," Finn broke the news.

"So what the hell happened?" Bellamy's voice was booming.

"We got attacked," I told the group around us. Everyone was now looking at me, I wasn't used to this kind of attention. I remained silent, allowing Clarke and Finn explain what happened, what the grounders did to Jasper.

Clarke held Wells' hands up and before she could say anything I stepped forward. My blood was boiling at the absence of his wrist band, "where is your wrist band?" I was almost yelling.

"Ask him," he looked towards Bellamy. I shot him an evil stare, he kept his eyes securely on mine.

"How many?" Clarke dug.

"Twenty-four and counting," he answered proudly, breaking eye contact with me. My jaw clenched at how badly I wanted to sock his stupid face right now. Don't even get me started on Murphy backing Bellamy up, turns out he didn't give a shit about me.

Clarke was fuming, rightfully so, exposing the truth about the dying Ark. Bellamy immediately rebuttaled her claims, firing up the crowd to be on his side. I looked over to Octavia with frustration about her brother's actions. She looked back with sympathy present, I knew she couldn't do much in the moment.

I saw Clarke and Monty march off, I jogged to catch up. Once I did, I grabbed Clarke's attention, "we're getting Jasper right?"

Determination was present in her reply, "yes."

I rushed into the drop ship to grab any kind of scrap metal I could manage to get a hold of. Once I exited the ship, Clarke entered it.

"I need to grab some things then we're leaving," she told me.

I just nodded as a reply. I crouched down by a rock and dumped the five pieces of metal onto the dirt. I examined them, three of them were already triangle-ish shaped with pointed tips. I pocketed those safely in my pants, then got to work on the remaining two pieces. I continued to sharpen them against the rock until Clarke reappeared, this time with Wells trailing behind her. I rolled my eyes knowing this meant he was coming.

"Let's go Kota," Clarke waved me on. I secured the last of my makeshift throw knives and followed her towards Octavia and Bellamy.

As we approached them, I met my eyes with Octavia's, "come on Octavia."

Bellamy turned to me with his eyebrow raised, "she's not going." Both Octavia and I scoffed in unison. "You're not either," he looked directly at me. My face twisted at his statement.

"Yeah right," the salty words fell from my mouth.

"No he's right. Her leg will slow us down, but Kota is coming," Clarke brought herself into the conversation. She put her attention on Bellamy. "I'm here for you. I heard you have a gun."

Great, now Octavia's asshole brother was going to come and not her. I thought he would've been nicer since he greeted me with a hug not that long ago.

As they conversed, I knelt down in front of Octavia. "Bring him back," she pleaded to me, referring to Jasper.

"We will, please heal that leg up," I also pleaded. She squeezed my hand as Atom whisked her away. I didn't want to do this without her, after all that time in lock up together I considered her a sister to me. But this was for Jasper, not me.

We began our journey, Clarke and Wells were leading the way as I got caught in between Bellamy and Murphy.

Murphy offered me a ration of his remaining food. I dismissed it with a head shake, he was now picking up on my anger towards him.

"What? Because of those damn wrist bands?" Murphy asked with his signature sass.

I grit my teeth together before I turned to put my finger accusingly on his chest, both of us stopping in our tracks. It caused Bellamy to stop and hone his attention in on us.

"You know my parents are up there," I spat. His eyes held the same gaze as before, I was embarrassed for him. My feet decided I'd rather deal with Wells instead of Murphy right now, so I caught up to them.

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