I woke up in a completely different spot I fell asleep in. First thing I noticed were the old metal shipping container walls, they were hardly letting in any light.
The others were in here as well and seemed to be waking up like I was. I saw that Bear was standing in front of me like we was waiting for me to get up. Bellamy was now beside me, reaching out his hand to help me up.
"What happened?" I was extremely puzzled at where we were. I had no idea how I could have slept through this.
"Grounders came at our signal after you fell asleep. They made us drink something to knock us out to bring us here. They said they wouldn't take you unless I gave you some too," Bellamy explained to me.
"Can anyone tell where we are?" I heard Jasper ask. No one knew, so he didn't get a response.
Octavia began to slam her fists on the wall to hopefully get someone's attention.
"Are you feeling okay?" Bellamy asked me now that I was awake and alert. It made me realize that I felt fine, even after the seizure I had.
"I'm fine," I replied honestly. I could tell he didn't know whether to believe me or not, but didn't get a chance to question further. The doors to the container opened and white sunlight poured in. It was hard to see who was entering.
Once my vision adjusted to the light, I saw two men grounders on each side of a woman. She looked strong with messy brown curls resting on her head.
"Luna," Octavia spoke as she saw her.
"Where's Lincoln?" She immediately questioned. I felt myself tense up as I looked over to Octavia.
"Lincoln's dead," Octavia said steadily. "He said you would help us."
Luna's face turned sad and disappointed at what Octavia revealed about Lincoln. The was a pause before Luna spoke again, "did he?"
Clarke stepped forward now, "you're the last night blood."
"So Lexa is dead as well?" Luna said in a calm voice.
"Her spirit chose you to be the next commander," Clarke informed her as she reached to pull the flame out of her pocket.
"I guess she didn't tell you that I left my conclave, vowing to never kill again," Luna told her. Clarke held out the flame to show her, but Luna didn't seem to recognize it. "What is it?"
"It holds the spirits of the past commanders," Clarke explained. "To lead is you birth right, how you lead is your choice. You don't need to kill."
Clarke stepped forwards so Luna could better see the flame. Luna was examining it while Clarke asked her, "will you be the commander?"
Luna rejected the offer by closing Clarke's hand over the flame. Hearing her say 'no' made my blood run cold. She and the other grounders turned to walk away and all of us followed.
I looked around to see that we were in the middle of the ocean. There was nothing around us, their camp was completely isolated. Two other grounders came up to our group.
"Come with us, we'll get you some food and water before you go," one of them said. We followed them into a large room as they led us to a spot where we could sit. Soon after we sat down, another grounder brought us all cooked fish and water to drink.
I was starving, so was everyone else. Bear devoured his portion instantly and I ended up finishing mine shortly after. There was a women telling a story on a small stage in the center of the room, I didn't pay much attention to it though.
"She's coming back," I could hear Bellamy say. I got up at his words and made my way towards a Luna, I knew that Bellamy and Clarke were following me. When I approached her, she looked to Bear then back to me.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...