As I walked back to the building where Bellamy was, I spotted Jordan booking it somewhere else. I picked up my pace to catch up with him. "Jordan, wait," I called to him, my voice made him turn around.
His expression insinuated that I caught him red-handed doing something that he shouldn't, that's when I knew I ran into the right person. "Where are you going?" I asked, obviously interested more than anything else.
He seemed to catch that I wanted in on whatever he was doing. "I'm finding out what happened to Delilah," he answered quietly. "By going in there."
He flicked his head in the direction of the big castle, where the Naming Day ceremony happened. "Okay, I'm coming," I didn't give him another option.
Jordan just nodded and we began to creep our way to the front doors. Luckily, not very many people were out and about so it was pretty easy to keep a low profile. Once we got to the doors, Jordan immediately started to work on the electronic code panel beside it. I jumped as Gaia came around the corner, she was in on this with Jordan. He broke it open and manipulated some wires which made the door click open.
"Just like your dad," I mumbled to him. My comment earned me a smile from him.
When we entered the room, dim florescent lights automatically turned on after Gaia shut the door. I stood in shock as I looked around. There were skeletons set up all around us.
"What the fuck," I whispered mostly to myself. I looked over to Jordan and Gaia who were walking around, trying to observe anything they could. "Tell me what you guys know."
Jordan turned back around to look at me, he seemed like he was relieved that someone actually wanted to hear what he had to say about this. "When Delilah came back out of here, she wasn't the same. She didn't remember me or anything else from her life. She's like a completely different person. Something is going on in here that made her like that."
"I believe you," I assured Jordan. He wouldn't just make this up, I saw how much he gushed over Delilah even though they only knew each other for a short amount of time.
"I knew you would," Jordan gave me a soft nod. "My dad told me you would be the one to always listen to me."
I stayed quiet at what Jordan said to me, I missed Monty so much. I'm glad he felt like he could tell Jordan that he would always be able to trust me. "Bellamy and Murphy don't believe me, they don't want to ruin our chances of staying here," Jordan expressed.
"For good reason," I saw both sides to this equation. "We won't survive outside that shield. I've been learning about this planet, but not enough yet."
I whipped my head around to the door that creaked open, Bellamy and Murphy had entered. Bellamy probably realized what Jordan was doing.
"What the fuck," Murphy looked around the room, unsure of what his eyes fed him.
"I said the same thing," I related. Gaia made sure to shut the door behind the two men.
"What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy questioned to Jordan, knowing that this was his idea.
"What you would have done," Jordan's voice came through with some sass. "The you before Praimfaya anyway. Heart before head, that was my favorite Bellamy."
"So you guys are in on this too?" Bellamy asked to Gaia and I.
"They worship night bloods. I want to know why," Gaia answered as she continued on to examine the skeletons.
"Well, I want to leave," Murphy didn't hesitate in voicing his opinion. "I don't want to get kicked out of the one safe place on this planet because Jordan got dumped."

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...