After eating some food with the company of Murphy, my mom and Bear, I made my way back outside. I wanted to practice throwing the new knives I had made to see if I needed to change anything about them. I found a post of wood that was part of the fence to use as a target.
After throwing them a few times, I figured they were just as good as my other ones. I went to collect them from the post and when I turned around I thought about running into the electric wires behind me.
Mason was standing there with a box full of metal parts. His mouth was hanging open at the sight of me.
"Kota?" He questioned if it was really me. I felt frozen and couldn't talk. "I thought you got floated, you're alive." He carefully placed the box onto the ground and tried to approach me.
"Don't," my voice was stern even though my hands trembled. "My dog will kill you." As if on cue, Bear began to growl.
"Okay, okay," he said and stopped moving. "Look can we go somewhere and talk. I haven't seen you in years."
"No," my answer was short and clear.
"You're going to have to talk to me eventually," he told me. I didn't reply to him. Mason just went to pick up the box and I watched him closely as he walked off. I leaned back on the post and lowered my body to sit. My breathing became uneasy as the memories I tried so hard to repress came back to me. I wished Bellamy was here, I felt unsafe now without him. Tears rushed down my face and I could hear my own air wheezing out of me.
Mason used to be someone I trusted, someone I cared for. That was until he betrayed and violated me. We never officially declared our relationship, but at the same time we were basically dating. We would do everything together.
Then he locked me in a bathroom with him. He preyed on me when I screamed for him to stop. I was held down by his body. He ripped off my clothing, revealing parts of me that I wasn't ready to show. Then to wrap it all up, he said I did good. I was fifteen, he was seventeen. He was bigger, stronger and more likable.
I refused to tell anyone about what had happened even when my parents begged me to let them know what got me so depressed. I made my mom switch me out of any class I had with him. I knew when he went to the dining hall and which paths he took to places just so I could avoid it. I didn't tell officials because there was no proof. Now we were on a whole ass planet and I felt like I wouldn't be able to avoid him anymore.
Bear had snapped me out of my panic attack. He kept nuzzling his giant head into my chest until I finally pet him. I couldn't let this debilitate me right now, I made myself stand up. What I saw next only made things ten times worse.
When I walked around to the front of camp, I saw Jaha entering the gates alongside Finn, Clarke, Raven and Abby. No Bellamy. Clarke caught view of my eyes and ran up to me as I marched towards Jaha.
"Kota stop," she told me as she was slowing down in front of me. "I know you hate him, but right now isn't the time."
"Why not? Where the hell is Bellamy?" She looked like the didn't want to answer my questions. "Don't start keeping things from me now."
I was more hostile than normal due to seeing Mason just moments ago.
"The grounders had Jaha, he was sent to tell us the grounders are coming and you'd be locked up if you did anything to him," she answered my first question.
"And Bellamy?" I asked again.
"He went to look for a way into Mount Weather, then there was acid fog released," Clarke finally told me. "Bellamy will be okay."
"You don't know that. Neither of you thought to tell me?" I shook my head at Clarke and pushed past her. This day could not get any worse.
That was until an hour later when Jaha and Abby emerged from the Ark to talk to the swarm of people. Jaha was explaining how we needed to pack up our stuff and leave to the so called City of Light.
"We're not leaving!" I yelled from the silent crowd. He saw me now, he knew I was there.
"It's our best option," he said back to me.
"What about our people trapped in Mount Weather!" I heard Clarke speak up from another part of the crowd.
"Like we said, it was a difficult decision," Jaha announced.
I was ready to lunge until a familiar hand grabbed onto my arm. I spun around to see if it was who I thought it was, "Bellamy."
"We need to get to the drop ship," he said into my ear. It was obviously urgent, so I followed him out of the crowd. "Do you know where Clarke is? She needs to come too."
"I can find her," I said despite not really wanting to. I had to put my anger aside right now.
Once I got Clarke, we left the camp to the drop ship. Clarke walked ahead of Bellamy and I.
"What happened to your face?" Bellamy finally found the chance to ask me about it.
"I asked Murphy to fight me, not in a bad way but in a learning way I guess," I answered honestly.
"Oh my god," he groaned out knowing that what I did was kind of ridiculous. There was a moment of silence before I ratted him out.
"You didn't tell me about looking for a Mount Weather entrance," I said to him. He had a look of guilt appear on his face. "Why?"
"I knew you weren't going to like it," he explained. I knew I was the one person who could convince him to do or not do something, but he still should have told me.
"I don't care if I like it or not. I just need to know," I looked over to him, his eyes were already on me.
"You're right," he agreed. If it were the other way around, who knows what he would've done. When we made it into the drop ship, I could hear yelling and chains clanking.
I told Bear to stay on the lower level of the drop ship. As I emerged from the ladder after Bellamy, I saw what the urgency was about. Lincoln was restrained, but he didn't look like the Lincoln we knew. He was animalistic and blood hungry. He didn't recognize any of us. My chest felt like it twisted when I saw Octavia crying.
"Can you help him?" She asked Clarke.
"I don't know... I knew Mount Weather was controlling reapers. Not making them," Clarke said in shock. This definitely got my mind off of whatever it was thinking about before.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...