Something Better To Look At • 142

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"Saddle up Apollo and Artemis, we'll leave in a few I just need to pack us some water and food," Bellamy said to me as he walked over to the water barrel. I let Bellamy be in charge of naming the horses which explains their Greek names. Octavia and him were obsessed with Greek mythology, I think these names were a way for him to remind himself that she was still out there. Since both the horses seemed to be the same age, he said the names were perfect. Apollo and Artemis were twins, Gods of art and nature.

The past three days we got a lot of work done. We built a small wagon to fit the barrel on so we could bring a bunch of water back for us and the horses. We had to make a run once a day to fill it up, but we had to go out anyways to see what the traps caught.

My traps were golden, they caught an abundance of small wildlife that kept our stomachs full along with the berries I was constantly collecting. On top of that, Bellamy and I built three small huts outside, similar to the ones I built the first time we came down in the drop ship. A fourth was in the works, but we were in no rush to finish it. One of them was our new home while the other was food storage. I told Bellamy we needed to keep building more just in case our friends did make it here. The extravagant amount of wood chopping we had done made my arms super sore.

Bellamy stomped out our fire outside as I finished preparing the horses with our subpar saddles. I had claimed Artemis as my horse, she was a beautiful and all black with a white spot on her forehead. Bellamy said it was fitting that I picked Artemis, apparently she was the Goddess of animals and vegetation. Apollo was a pretty girl too, quite the opposite of Artemis with her coat colored all white.

After Bellamy hoisted me up onto Artemis and he got on Apollo, I heard Bellamy click his tongue and the horses began their walk. Having the horses would cut the time down immensely to where the Ark used to be. What made it even better was that these horses loved to run.

"Wanna race?" I asked Bellamy as we trotted along.

"Hell yeah," he answered and then commanded for Apollo to take off. I smiled and kicked my heel to give Artemis a love tap. Artemis bolted after her companion, she was really damn fast too.

I never thought I would ever have this feeling again. The warm sun coming down on me with my hair whipping around in the wind. It reminded me of when Octavia taught me how to ride and how freeing it was. Flying through the trees with my husband, not worrying about danger made me wonder if we were actually just in heaven. Bellamy and Apollo won our little race, I blamed it on his two second head start.

"We're still a few miles out," Bellamy gave a heads up as our horses slowed to a trot. "Thirsty?"

I reached my hand out to signal that I was and Bellamy grabbed a water bottle to throw over to me. After a few sips I threw it back over to him and he finished the rest of its content.

What shocked me the most on our ride here was the trench we hiked through to get from the Ark to Polis. It was still a massive gorge, but it was so lively. There was grass covering the once rocky ground and vines covered the walls, it was really enthralling to ride though.

"What do you think it looks like?" I asked Bellamy as we continued on.

He shrugged his shoulders while looking over to me, "probably like the rest of Earth. Green, how it's supposed to be."

"That beam from when the Ark exploded is probably still there," I was disappointed in that memory.

"Well I don't think anyone moved it and even after a hundred years and some war, I don't think it's going away anytime soon," Bellamy prepared me to expect it. "But I think there will be better things to look at when we get there."

I was surprised at how content Bellamy has been the past few days. I would have thought he was going to be on a level ten stress mode, but maybe he realized that there was some truth in what I said about our people. Also, I think he got all his frustrations out with chopping so much damn wood. I also kept him majorly busy teaching him how to put together the huts and both of us trying to figure out how the hell to make wheels for the wagon. Our team effort worked out for us in the end with that one.

I didn't know if I would see anything as beautiful as that lake view, but where we just arrived topped that immensely. I knew we arrived when I saw the debris of metal laying around, but the thing was the metal was barely noticeable. The entire field that the Ark had landed on morphed into a meadow. Wildflowers painted the ground before us with vibrant tones.

I could hear Bellamy let out a small, yet jolly laugh at the sight, "I told you there would be something better to look at."

"Incredible," I breathed out my astonishment. The horses continued trotting, following where we led them. The remains of the Ark were covered in moss and blooming flowers, a completely different sight from when it was on fire.

After a few minutes of admiring I could hear Bellamy voice a gentle 'woah' for the horses to stop. We were right where my mother was buried, the beam was in fact still there but I didn't even care about it anymore. Bellamy moved his body to get off of Apollo then came over to me so he could help me down.

I never took my eyes off of the site. This area specifically had sky blue flowers blanketing the grass and dirt. The best part of it all was that they completely covered the metal beam I hated so much. I turned my head to look over to Bellamy while tears dripped from my eyes, I saw that his eyes had welled up from what we were seeing as well.

I bent down to kneel in the sea of pedals and reached out to touch one of the flowers, "I love you, mom." I felt Bellamy's warm hand being placed onto my back as I appreciated the delicacy between my fingers.

Bellamy and I sat here for a while next to her grave, taking our time before we started back to the bunker. We ate some food and let the horses graze as we talked by my mom's place of rest. I often wondered what true peace was, I never had a period of my life where I thought that it was the best it was going to be before this. Sitting here in a field full of flowers that my mom grew while laughing with Bellamy and enjoying our food solidified to me that this is what peace was supposed to be like.

"We should go, we'll get back before sunset if we leave now," Bellamy felt bad having to end our trip. I didn't fight back on it though, I knew we'd have to leave eventually. I got up and brushed my pants off as I made my way over to Artemis. Before Bellamy helped me get on, he cupped my face and landed a kiss on my forehead.

"My beautiful girl," Bellamy said sincerely as he tucked a piece of my hair back and placed one of the blue flowers on my ear.

I gave him a soft smile in return, the same one he held on his tame face. Soon after, we were both on horse back and leaving the meadow.

"Tomorrow I think we should start making an enclosure for these guys," Bellamy stated as he patted Apollo's neck.

"I think so too. I feel bad when we have to tie them to the tree," I agreed with him.

"I also think we should build a house, you know like how people used to?" Bellamy's eyebrows raised in entertainment.

I let out an innocent laugh, "that'll take a while."

"All we got is time," he noted. "We should do it close to the lake too. Do you know how to build a real house?"

"I know enough to make it happen," I gleamed as I moved my eyes back to the road ahead.

"Good, because I don't. Not yet anyways," Bellamy stated light-heatedly.

"Bellamy," my voice was riddled with concern as my eyes locked on the green glow that illuminated in the distance.

"That's coming from Polis," Bellamy stated with urgency. "Someone came through the anomaly stone. We need to get back there. Now."

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now