Space On The Ground • 24

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I desperately wanted to go see my mother, but Raven needed us now. We made our way into the destroyed camp that used to be full of greenery. Abby ran into the drop ship as we were told to wait outside.

I don't know what made them think they could be in charge of us all of a sudden. We've been down here longer, plus we were only down here because we were disposable to them not that long ago.

After a few minutes, I could hear Raven scream in pain. I assumed Abby was examining her, but it made me remember something.

"I have something that could help Raven. I need to go in there," I said to Bellamy.

He looked back to me, "they're watching us closely, Kota."

I knew they were, it was hard to ignore the stares on us. I decided to just try and walk in anyways, but Kane stuck his hand out and bumped it into my chest to stop me from going in.

"You're not going in there," he ordered.

Bellamy made his way over now, stepping in between Marcus and I. He had pushed me slightly to step behind him.

"Don't touch her Kane," his voice was low, but it was threatening.

Bellamy stayed in his position despite all the guns pointing at his body. It was Kane who backed off first. A guard had walked out of the drop ship and Murphy followed close behind.

"Hey Bellamy..." Murphy said timidly when he saw him. There was something hostile about this and Bellamy proved that to me by his actions.

He launched towards Murphy laying punches into his face, "murderer! You murdered two people! You tried to hang me!"

I was in disbelief of the words he was yelling. What the fuck did I miss?

The guards pulled Bellamy off of him. Kane instructed, "arrest him! You are not animals! There are rules and laws to be followed!"

I wanted to run over to Bellamy, but everyone was too distracted right now to even know I was still there. I took this chance to run into the drop ship. I saw Abby and another guard putting Raven on a stretcher. She looked worse than before if that was even possible.

I crawled up to the second level and started searching through bags of stuff. I knew Monty had put the flower product in the drop ship for safe keeping, he was right to do it too.

I finally found it inside a backpack that was tucked away in a corner. I brought the medicine down the ladder with me and made my way over to Abby and Raven. Raven's face was twisted as Abby began to wrap her wound.

"Wait, let me put this on first," I told Abby while unscrewing the lid to the jar and picking up a cleanish rag.

"What is that?" She questioned as I got some of the paste onto the piece of cloth.

"It should help with her pain, but her leg will be paralyzed for a few hours," I explained quickly.

"We have no idea if that will work, it could make it worse," Abby said back to me.

Raven spoke now, "Abby let her." Her voice was tired, she was in so much pain. Abby hesitantly nodded to give me the okay.

I applied the floral paste to her skin around the gun shot. I ended up using almost all of the substance, Abby showed me her purple colored back so I felt like her back needed to be numbed as well.

"Please work," I whispered mostly to myself once I finished applying. After a few minutes of waiting, Raven's smile grew a little on her face.

"I can't feel it," she stated. Abby looked over to me with grateful eyes, now she could do what she needed to without causing her mind bending agony. I slid the jar into my inside jacket pocket, thinking it was best that I kept ahold of it.

"It should be like this for a few hours we need to get back to give you enough time for surgery before it wears off," I said to Abby.

I made my way out of the drop ship, automatically looking for Bellamy. He was standing in between two guards with his hands behind his back. Bear was standing beside them, watching for anything threatening.

"Why do you think you can arrest him?" I fired at Kane. I was furious seeing him being restrained like this by his own people.

"He acted out of line Dakota, I won't stand for it," Bellamy was looking at me in a way to say 'shut up.'

"I'm staying right next to him the walk back. Or are you going to keep him away from me too?" I shot back. He let them keep my parents from talking to me, I wouldn't be surprised if he did that with Bellamy too.

Kane agreed to it as Raven was now being carried out of the drop ship. It was time to go see my mom.

"Is Octavia okay?" I asked Bellamy as we walked side by side.

"I sent her off with Lincoln, he said he'd get her out of here safely," Bellamy informed me. I was surprised he let her go with him since I knew he didn't completely trust him, maybe that also changed while I was gone.

I knew he would take care of Octavia but I just wished I could see her, "what happened with Murphy?"

I made sure to keep quiet since he was walking in front of us, Bellamy seemed like he didn't want to answer my question but did anyways.

"Revenge. He killed two guys who helped hang him and he's the one who shot Raven," Bellamy stayed quiet as well. Of course he was the one to do this to Raven.

"He hung you?" My voice cracked asking this. I had tears welling up as Bellamy looked over to me with sad eyes. I wanted to pummel Murphy, but I was no good to anyone if I was arrested too.

Bellamy tried to wave it off, "I'm fine now... who took you?" I could tell his mind was racing with questions. I felt sick at the image of Monty being dragged away by that man making its way into my head.

"I saw Monty, he wasn't awake. There was some guy in a hazmat suit taking him somewhere and when I went to help, the guy's partner attacked me. He injected me with something that put me out for days," tears unintentionally fell down my face as I recalled what had happened. Bellamy's sorry eyes looked like he'd do anything to pull me into him right now. To feel safe with him.

"Kota," I heard my name come from Finn as he caught up to us, I went to wipe the wetness off of my face. "Have you seen Clarke at all? Or heard anything?"

"No I haven't. I'm sorry Finn," I replied. So many people were missing, making me afraid for them. The grounders could have them or whoever those men in hazmats suits were. I felt guilty for feeling so excited to reunite with my mom.

I noticed Bear start to run ahead of us, he could sense we were close to the Ark. I found him greeting the other people who had also come down from space. My eyes widened seeing the woman he almost knocked over from his excitement. Seeing Bear automatically go up to my mom made me trust his instincts even more.

I looked to Bellamy, he nodded for me to go. I didn't want to leave him alone, but the guards were already trying to take him into the Ark. "Say hi to your mom, Kota. We'll see each other in a bit."

I turned back to the slim figure petting my dog and walked towards her.

"Mom," I cried, grabbing her attention. She had a look of utter surprise and relief as she ran up to me. We held onto one another tightly and cried into each other's shoulders. She pulled back and bounced her eyes around my face, taking in the fact that I was actually there.

"My beautiful girl," she cupped my face with her gentle hands.

"I missed you so much," I sobbed. "I tried to talk to you and dad but they wouldn't let me."

"I know honey," she wouldn't take her eyes off me.

"Is dad here?" I asked, there was still a chance he could be here.

"We should go somewhere to talk," she gave me a sad smile. I nodded, knowing what this meant. My father wasn't here.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now