"There is an underground aquifer with a filtration system that is still operational. Some of the water will go to the hydroponic farm. Isn't that right, Mr. Green?" Jaha spoke to the crowd surrounding us. They actually found the bunker, we were actually going to survive this.
"Most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Monty replied from beside me.
"It won't be easy. There will be plenty of hard work to go around. But together we have struggled. And together we will rise," Jaha concluded. He was getting good at these motivational speeches, everyone was cheering. "Pack your things, just what you can carry. We leave at first light."
I looked over to Bellamy with a soft smile on my face, he returned it right away. It made me think about how much I'll miss seeing his smile in the sunlight. I remember the first time I saw him on Earth, it was beautiful to see everyone glowing in the natural light. I was going to have a hard time being stuck in the bunker but there was no other option.
"Let's get packed up," Bellamy said to me. I nodded to him as we walked out of the large room to collect our things. It wasn't hard to pack, I barely had anything to bring with me, all I really needed was Bellamy and Bear.
Bellamy took the bandages off my leg so I could clean it and put new leaves on. It actually looked really good, it was finally healing up. When he tied off a clean bandage, he told me, "you should get some sleep before we go."
I didn't fight back on it, I was planning on sleeping anyways. I got as comfortable as I could and shut my eyes.
I got a few hours in before Bellamy was lightly shaking my shoulders. I could hear the faint thumping of music and Bellamy looked slightly concerned.
"What is it?" I rubbed my eyes as I sat up.
"Jasper and some others locked themselves in the mess hall. They don't want to come with us," Bellamy revealed. I stood up quickly at his words. He led me over to the doors of the room they were in. Jaha and Monty were there along with a couple other men.
One of the blond men spoke, "they're all locked. This door would be the one to blow."
"How many gas canisters do we have?" Jaha asked as we got there.
"You can't be serious," Bellamy said to him.
"Jasper knows how to put those out. It won't work," Monty informed.
"Slow down," Bellamy broke up the conversation as he went closer to the door. "Let me talk to them."
"Gun," the same blond man pointed out. I looked into the window of the door to see Jasper stumbling over with a pistol in his hand.
"Harper's," Monty knew where he got it from. My heart sunk hearing that Harper was in there, I kind of saw it coming for Jasper but not Harper.
I watched as Jasper put his palm on the window, he had black marker on his hand.
"DNR?" One of the men questioned.
"Do not resuscitate," I said reading the letters on Jasper's hand. Bellamy moved to talk through the intercom on the door.
"Jasper, put down the gun and open the door," Bellamy ordered.
"We're not coming out," Jasper's muffled voice spoke back.
"This is insane," Monty said as he stomped forward to take over the intercom. "Are you really willing to die when there's a way to live?"
"That's just it. We don't think it's a way to live," Jasper replied.
"We're wasting time, set the charge," Jaha demanded. Another man acted on it immediately, setting the explosive onto the door with the timer going.
"Just wait!" Bellamy took over the intercom again. "Jasper, people will get hurt. I know you care about that."
"If you don't want anyone to get hurt... don't open the door," Jasper responded. He walked away from the door and turned the music on the speaker louder.
"We're all set. We should clear the hall," a guard spoke.
Jaha tried to speak to Jasper one more time, "Mr. Jordan, I will not let you children die."
"You sent us down here to die," I spat at him. Jaha turned to stare at me. "The only difference is now they have a choice."
"If this is what they want-" Bellamy started.
Monty cut him off, "they're wasted, they don't know what they want!"
There was a second of silence before I spoke up again, "stand down."
Jaha glared at me for a moment more before he nodded. The guard went up to deactivate the explosive. I felt defeated, I wanted them all to live but it wasn't my choice to make.
"Let's get ready to move out," Jaha directed.
"What? We can't leave them," Monty stepped towards him.
"I'm sorry Monty. We can't save them if they don't want to be saved," Jaha stated and walked away from us.
I kept my sorry eyes on Monty as he spoke to Bellamy and I, "if Octavia was in there, would either of you let her stay?"
"If Octavia was in there, at least I'd get to say goodbye," Bellamy said softly. I stayed silent at Monty's question because I didn't have an answer. I had no idea what I'd do if Octavia was in there.
Bellamy started to walk away, but I stayed with Monty for a moment. I couldn't help but pull him into a hug. The love of his life was in there, I couldn't imagine what he was feeling. Monty hugged me back. When I pulled away, I said no words. I just walked off to follow where Bellamy had went.
When I caught up to him, he was putting his backpack on. He handed mine to me and then bent down to pet Bear on his head.
"Ready to go?" He asked to the both of us.
"What else is there to do?" I said with a half smile. Bellamy stood up straight and walked beside me as we began our way.
"Remember it's not black rain, but it could turn into it. Be prepared," Jaha announced to everyone leaving the Ark. Before Bellamy and I left, Jasper and Harper walked up to us.
"Not too late to change your mind," Bellamy told the two of them. Bear went up to Jasper and Harper, both of them automatically began to pet him.
"Yes it is," Jasper sighed. "You guys can still stay, you know?"
"We're not quitters," Bellamy gave a thin smile.
"Thanks for understanding," Jasper's smile was wide.
"Where's Monty?" Harper asked.
"Unloading the rover. We're going to leave it behind for you," I told her. Monty hasn't said bye to her, I could see it on her disappointed face.
"Take care of him for us, will you?" She gave a sad smile.
"We will," I assured her. I pulled her into a tight embrace and spoke in a low voice. "I don't think he'll leave you without saying anything."
She pulled away from me, "may we meet again, Kota."
"May we meet again, Harper," I tried to hold my tears back.
I saw Bellamy and Jasper finish saying their goodbye's and I moved to face Jasper.
"I'm going to miss you. I wish you would come with us," I told him. He looked like he was going to say something at my words, but I didn't finish my sentence yet. "But I understand it."
"Of course you do," Jasper gave me a small chuckle. Jasper put his arms around me and we gave each other a tight squeeze. When we came apart, I lifted my hand up to cup his cheek.
"May you leave this Earth in peace," I felt a tear roll down my skin but I still gave him a smile. I let my hand fall back to my side as Bellamy held my other one. We gave them one last look before we turned to walk out of Arkadia.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...