After the chaos, I was brought into med bay. We were lucky that this part of the ship wasn't demolished by fire. I got my leg cleaned and re-bandaged while Bellamy left to meet with the others and figure out where we go from here.
When my leg was finished being tended to, I got up from my seat. I made my way over to where Octavia was laying on her side with a blank stare. She didn't move her eyes to look at me when I sat across from her.
"I thought you were dead," my voice cracked as I spoke gently to her. I could feel a tear drip out of my eye. This got her to move her gaze on me, her face grew a little softer when she saw me. "I didn't know what to do with myself. I should have been with you."
"I should have been with you when you did die," Octavia muttered back. "I'm sorry I wasn't."
I shook my head at her, we were in the middle of a brawl when I got shot and I knew her mind was preoccupied with Pike being there. I didn't expect anything from her or anyone else when I bled out, there was so much going on at that time. It was nothing for her to apologize for. "You never have to say sorry to me," I said back to her as my tears began to dry.
"You've stuck by me more than my own brother," Octavia stated. I knew she was talking about Bellamy's involvement with Lincoln. What happened when Bellamy was on Pike's side cursed me, I accepted Bellamy back but Octavia hasn't yet. "You're my family."
"You're mine too," I said back to her sincerely. My stare was taken off of Octavia when I saw Bellamy approach from behind her.
"O, are you okay? You gave us a scare," Bellamy spoke. This was not good timing, Octavia still had hard feelings towards him. I looked back to Octavia and her eyes were no longer on me, she just stared past me. "Octavia... we thought you were dead."
"Octavia did die," Octavia responded to him without moving. "She died when you killed Lincoln."
I watched Bellamy carefully, he was staring at her figure. He had sadness drifting into his eyes, "O, I'm your brother."
Now Octavia turned to look at him, "why do you think you're still alive?" Her words shocked me, I knew she hadn't forgiven him but I didn't know she thought about killing him. She turned back away from him, but I kept my glare on Bellamy. His jaw was clenching and he looked defeated.
"I'm going out for a mission, Raven needs the hydrazine that's here," Bellamy told the two of us quickly. I couldn't even get a word in because he turned and walked out so fast. I wanted to go, but I didn't know if I should leave Octavia right now.
"Go. Make sure we survive," Octavia made the choice for me. I stood up and gave her one last look before hobbling outside. Bear followed me as I picked up my pace towards Bellamy. He was talking to Roan, Monty and Clarke.
Bellamy saw me approach and ignored whatever Monty was saying, "no. You're staying here."
He rejected me before I could even say anything, now the rest of the group was looking at me. Roan's glare was hard to disregard, it was blazing into me. I wanted to talk to Bellamy, but I wasn't going to verbally fight in front of the others.
I furrowed my eyebrows and signed my hands quickly, 'no choice. I am coming.'
Bellamy had a look of disapproval as Clarke spoke up, "we're all set. We need to go."
Bellamy went towards the rover to get Bear inside, before I could follow after them Roan said something to me. "You speak with your hands," he stated.
"Sometimes," I grumbled.
"Hm," Roan seemed intrigued by it. He said nothing else though, he just got into the cargo truck and I made my way over to the passenger side of the rover. Bellamy was waiting there for me and helped lift me into the vehicle. Just Bellamy, Bear and I were in the rover all the others that came were sitting in the cargo truck.
As we started driving, Bellamy spoke to me, "you shouldn't have come with, Kota. You're still hurt and this trip is dangerous." He sounded upset, I knew it wasn't because of me.
I didn't say anything back to what he said to me, I let there be a pause before I talked. "Bellamy, Octavia will-"
"Kota, don't," he warned as he cut my sentence off. I took a deep breath before speaking again.
"Listen to me," I said delicately. He kept his eyes on the path but he let me continue. "She will forgive you, she needs time. You do everything you can to make it right and she will see that. Just like I did."
"We don't have time," he mumbled.
"We will have time," I said back to him. Bellamy hesitantly nodded, but I was just glad he understood what I was saying to him. He was stronger and more determined when he had hope, I'd do anything to make sure he kept his hope alive.
"There's a roadblock," Bellamy pointed out in front of us. I looked to see a group of grounders huddled on the dirt road.
"Trikru," I stated as Bellamy brought the rover to a stop. We stared at them, I could tell Bellamy was trying to think of a way to get around this. I tensed up seeing Clarke walk up to them, she left the other truck.
"Stay in here, move to the back of the rover," Bellamy demanded, he sensed that I was wanting to come with. "Don't fight me, Kota. Ice Nation has been burning down Trikru villages. If this goes wrong, you need to be in here."
I nodded to him so he could leave the rover to help Clarke. Once he exited, I made my way to the backseat of the rover where Bear was sitting. I watched Clarke and Bellamy out of the windshield glass, they were crouching over a man on the ground. He was injured, Clarke was examining his leg.
I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Clarke looked like she couldn't help him. Bellamy was looking towards the truck behind me, he seemed antsy to get out of here. Both of them were now coming back to the vehicles.
As Bellamy got to the driver side door of the rover, he yelled to someone, "hey kid! Get away from there."
A few seconds later I heard a small voice shouting, "Azgeda! Azgeda!"
"Get in!" I blared to Bellamy. We needed to take off, Trikru would attack us for having Ice Nation warriors in the truck. Bellamy jumped in while the grounders roared at us. He put the rover in drive and slammed on the pedal, if I wasn't holding onto the seat in front of me I probably would have flown to the back.
I could see arrows flying all around us and heard banging on the side of the rover. The vehicles were quicker than the grounders on foot, so we were able to escape the mess in a few minutes.
"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked as he sped down the path.
"I'm okay," I asserted from behind him. I could hear his heavy panting from getting away from the mayhem.
We continued the drive in silence. I could tell Bellamy didn't want to talk more about Octavia and I didn't know what else to say about it.
After a while, Bellamy once again stopped the rover. I immediately saw why, we were stuck on the other side of a river.
"There wasn't supposed to be a river here according to Monty's map," Bellamy informed me. I saw Clarke and Roan approach the rover as I examined the river. I could hear Clarke repeat what Bellamy just said. The water was running fast, it was extremely clear and a lighter hue than a normal river.
"It's ice melt," I told them once I realized it.
"She's right," Roan confirmed. "Run off from the mountain."
"We need to get across it," Clarke was stressed about this problem. I saw Roan turn and start walking, I knew he was going to find if there was an open crossing near.
"We can take the rover and check upstream to see if there's a way across," I said loud enough for all of them to hear. "It'll be faster than walking."
Roan turned back around at my words and Clarke responded to my plan, "okay. I'll stay here to watch the hydrazine. Roan will go with you two."
"With us?" Bellamy questioned, not sold on that idea.
"Yes. We need to find a way around this and he knows the land," Clarke concluded.
"Get in. Let's go," we didn't have anymore time to waste. Bellamy got in the driver's side and Roan got into the passenger seat. I watched them carefully as we began to go on our way upstream, I hoped this wouldn't go wrong.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...