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"Is that a castle?" I asked in shock of what we were standing in front of. We hiked up a mountain and found ourselves at a high-end village. The building was incredible, the architecture was mind blowing. I wished my dad could see this, he would be impressed.

"Looks like it," Murphy solidified.

"Remember, we're coming in friendly. Don't fire your weapons," Bellamy spoke to all of us as we moved in. I don't think we are going to have to shoot at all. The place seemed abandoned.

Murphy was banging on doors as we walked around the buildings. Emori called us over to look at something she found. There was a small flag hanging, it had the same symbol that the flame did.

"Alie?" Emori questioned.

"Becca did the tech for Eligius," Clarke answered.

"Destroy the world and two hundred years later they put you on a flag," Bellamy shook his head. "Hope for us yet."

I looked over to Murphy, I could tell he was tempted to kick down these doors. Bellamy caught on to this as well, "Murphy, these are people's homes. We're not breaking in."

"This place is deserted. No one is here," I stated.

"We don't know that. It seems like people were here recently," Echo said.

Murphy went ahead with his idea though, he kicked a pair of double doors open. "Look at that, this one was unlocked," he remarked.

When we walked in, Murphy picked up a leather cuff that was chained to the wall, "kinky."

I looked over to the wall where Bellamy and Clarke stood. They were examining a photo on the wall and the stuff cluttered on the ground under it. The picture contained a family of three, mom, dad and daughter.

"It's some kind of shrine," Bellamy acknowledged. "People from Eligius three."

"All named Lightbourne," Clarke found out. "They sent families."

I turned to leave out of the room and check in other buildings. A settlement like this has to have some sort of school. I was going crazy not knowing anything about this place, I had to find anything that could give me some kind of knowledge.

I peered through a window and saw desks and drawings, jackpot. I turned the door handle, pleased that it opened without a fight.

"You seem like you're looking for something," Bellamy spoke from behind me.

"Yeah, information," I replied as I entered the classroom. There was a decent sized bookshelf across the room and that's exactly where I went over to.

"Kids were here," Bellamy stated. I turned around to see him holding up a piece of paper. It was a scratchy drawing of some colorful stick figures. "I wonder where they went."

I turned back to the layers of books and began sifting through them. A lot of them were children reads, like make belief bedtime stories. I pulled out the ones about wildlife and nature, these I could work with. I set a stack down at a desk and seated myself. Bellamy walked over to me as I flipped a book about plants open.

"Kota, don't beat yourself up about not knowing anything about this place," he said to me softly.

I lifted my gaze to land on his eyes, "I'm not."

"Yes, you are. I see it on your face, it's driving you nuts," he exposed as he took a seat next to me. After being together for so long, it was hard to hide expressions from each other.

"I feel kind of useless I guess," I mumbled to him. To my surprise, Bellamy scoffed at me. "Don't laugh."

"I'm sorry," Bellamy held his hands up. "Just never say those words again."

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now