Same Wants • 57

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Luna and a few other grounders were leading us back to the container ship. They were sending us back to land after Clarke's failed attempt to get the flame in Luna.

"Where's Jasper?" I asked as I noticed he wasn't with us.

"Saying bye to his new friend," Octavia answered as she stepped into the container. Bellamy and Bear followed her in, but I stopped to watch Clarke and Luna. Clarke had asked for the flame back.

As Luna handed it to her, I was snatched by a grounder. I saw Clarke get shoved into the container as Luna's friends grabbed a hold of her.

"What are you doing!" I screamed. I heard Bellamy yelling my name from the other side of the shut container door. One of the men held the flame in his hand which made me lose my breath. Alie was here and they got me. I was going to get killed and they were going to make Luna take the chip.

I thrashed against the man who was dragging me back inside the building. I knew Alie wanted me dead, so I wondered why this man hasn't done it already. Once we rounded a corner on the metal floor, I spotted Jasper walking towards us with another girl.

"Kota?" He called out when he saw me.

"Alie's here!" I yelled as I kept trying to get my hands free. I could see Jasper say something to the girl next to him quickly and she began to run. The grounder beside me pulled out a cross bow and fired it into her back, stopping her immediately. "No!"

Jasper ran up to the grounder who struck her and punched his face. He didn't even react to it. He just punched Jasper right back, knocking him to the ground. They restrained him like they did to Luna and I and continued to pull us into a room.

Luna was slammed onto a table and held down while they secured Jasper and I's hands above our heads.

"Take the key Luna," once of them said as he held a chip in front of her face. When she didn't answer, they grabbed a cloth and draped it over her face. I watched in horror as he filled a pitcher with water and dumped it onto where the fabric laid.

My attention way pulled away from Luna when one of them approached me. His voice was low and demanding, "let Alie in."

I felt tears streaming down my face as I answered honestly, "I don't know how, I can't."

He flew his fist into my stomach and I gasped at the hit, "she knows you can!"

I could hear Jasper yelling for him to stop next to me. I was hit once again in the stomach, it held so much force that it knocked the air out of me. I wheezed and cried at the same time.

"It stops when you let her in," the man told me. The next punch met me square in the face, it made my vision go blurry. I saw him wind up to give me one more, but a knife was plunged into the side of his head. Luna had gotten free and killed the four chipped men. Her fighting skills were insane, I've never seen someone take out this many people so fast.

The last man she killed was special to her though, she fell next to his dead body. Her thunderous sobs filled the room.

"Are you okay?" Jasper asked from beside me. I lazily moved my head to look at him, I was panting hard.

"I'll be fine in a minute," I half joked. I spit the blood that accumulated in my mouth onto the floor. The door to the room burst open which scared me. I thought there could be more chipped grounders coming in to finish what the others started. That thought dissipated when I saw Bellamy in front of me, he was releasing my hands from their restraints.

"I'm okay," I answered the question he was about to ask. He moved to put his arm around my waist to help me walk. Luna was still on the floor crying, it made my heart ache for her. This woman vowed to never kill again yet she had to kill someone important to her to save her own life. Bear ran up to me, he was whimpering.

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