Hazmat • 21

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"Have Finn, Clarke and Myles come back yet?" I asked running up to Octavia. I was panting my words out.

"No not yet, why are you so out of breath?" Octavia wondered.

"I asked Miller for a boxing lesson," I answered.

Octavia looked really amused, "did you beat him up?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh, "no he kicked my damn ass."

"We should send a group out to look for them, they have been out there a while," Octavia said my thoughts out loud.

"You and I can go, I'll ask Monty. You should tell Bellamy," I pushed that fight off to her.

"What? No. You tell Bellamy, he's your lover," she disagreed.

"He's your brother," I raised an eyebrow towards her. She sighed in defeat and left me to go find him. I needed to check in with Monty anyways, he was working with the flowers I showed him.

I made my way to Monty's hut and entered after a quick knock on the wood.

"How's it going?" I asked while peeking over his shoulder.

"I think it's ready to use," he told me with a small smile. He turned it into a paste consistency and it held a vibrant purple tone.

"You can be our test subject," I nudged his shoulder.

"No way, I'm not going numb before a war," he said back with a laugh.

"Anyways, Octavia, me and probably Bellamy are going to go out and look for Clarke, Finn and Myles. They've been gone for too long. Can you come?" I changed the subject to the more dire one.

"Yeah I'll gear up, I'll meet you at the gate," he agreed without hesitation. I gave him a quick nod, then exited his hut.

My eyes landed on Bellamy and Octavia, it was clear Bellamy did not approve of this search party situation.

I walked up to them to help convince Bellamy we needed to find them soon.

"What are you thinking?" He spat at me right when I walked up.

"I was thinking that our friends have been gone for way too long, we need to look for them," I shot back with just as much attitude as him.

"There's a big possibly they're already dead Kota. We need to be here, ready to defend ourselves," he explained to me.

"You didn't think that way when I was out there too long. You were going to leave to look for me," I reminded him.

His tone lowered, "you were a different situation." He meant he was going to go out there for me even if it got him killed.

I hated that his statement felt special in a moment like this. It didn't matter if I was different in his mind, they still needed help.

"You went after me when I was gone Bell. They're important too," Octavia pointed out.

Bellamy huffed in frustration and I think he knew he wouldn't hear the end of it from Octavia and I if he didn't give in. Or that we'd sneak out and do it anyways.

"Fine we'll go, grab guns," he instructed. Octavia already had two on her shoulder. She took one off to hand to me, which I grabbed.

"Let's go, Monty's waiting at the gate," I told them as I spotted Raven standing beside him. Monty must've asked her to come as well. "And Raven."

We've been searching for a while now and still never got a sign of our missing friends. Raven and Octavia split off together while Monty went on his own. All of us agreed this was the best way to find them as soon as possible, but we made sure never to drift too far from each other.

Having walkies helped so much, there was no more wondering if the other members who broke off were alive or not.

"We hear something in the bushes," I heard Raven's voice whispering through the radio.

Bellamy immediately replied, "stay alert, stay quiet. We're coming to you."

"I'm hearing something too," Monty came through. His voice sounded more static than Raven's.

"I'll go help Monty, find your sister," I said to Bellamy.

"No, you stay right behind me," he demanded.

"Bellamy, Monty is alone. He didn't sound as worried as Raven did," I said while following him in the direction of Octavia and Raven. He ignored me completely which ticked me off a bit.

"It's Myles, he's hurt bad. We need your help Bellamy," Raven's voice came through again on the radio.

"Monty come in," Bellamy spoke but received no answer.

"If they found Myles then Monty probably found Clarke or Finn and they're going to need your help to get Myles back to camp," I made my case once more. Bellamy now turned to me, visibly not wanting to agree with me.

"Take this," he put the radio into my hands. "You come back to this spot in twenty minutes whether you find Monty or not."

"Okay, I will," I agreed to his terms. He watched me run off before he continued to the others.

As I made my way over to the path Monty was supposed to take, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I kept telling myself he was okay, that he had found Clarke and Finn. I'd consider Monty one of my closest friends now. He was someone I could talk to for a little laughter or a lot of knowledge. I didn't think anyone understood the magnificence of nature the same way I did. That's where Monty gave me comfort, because he understood it. If we ever had the time to, we'd probably talk about trees for hours.

I could hear leaves crunching ahead of me but I couldn't see who it was. It sounded like it could be two or three people, maybe he really did find them.

"Monty!" I yelled, wishing to hear his voice call back. I got nothing in return, I mean absolutely nothing. The steps seemed to halt at my yell.

This put me on edge so Bellamy's voice over the radio made me jump, "Kota? Are you doing okay?"

I quickly raised the radio to my mouth, "yeah I'm good. How's Myles?"

"He's losing a lot of blood, you have five minutes. Have you seen anything?" He sounded pretty stressed.

"Not yet, I'll be back in five," I confirmed the little time I had.

Bellamy said something else through the radio, but it didn't process through my ears. I saw a figure not to far in front of me and it wasn't a grounder. This person was wearing a hazmat suit, confusion filled my face. I felt myself go pale seeing what he was doing. Monty was limp on a stretcher the man was dragging behind himself.

"Bellamy," my voice was unintentionally shaky. It probably sounded like that through the radio because Bellamy was quick to reply.

"Stay right there I'm coming," he immediately said.

"They have Monty, but it's not a grounder," I kept my talking as quiet as possible. I couldn't let this man take Monty when I could help him. I set the radio down on the ground to pull a knife out. I took a deep breath to calm my quivering hand and ignored whoever was talking through the walkie.

All of a sudden, something hard collided with the back of my head sending me face first into the dirt. Despite my dizziness, I knew I had to fight back. I had dropped my knife due to the hit, so I grabbed another from my pocket as I forced my body to flip over. I realized it was the butt of a pistol that struck me. Another man in a hazmat suit was standing above me with it in his hand. I tried to back away even though the pain in my head was almost debilitating.

He holstered his weapon to my surprise, but pulled out something from his bag that was almost scarier than a gun. He got down on top of me with a massive needle and syringe ready to use. He plunged the needle into the side of my neck and emptying its content into my body. I screamed at the burn it sent through me and hoped Bellamy would hear me.

Black dots came across my already blurry vision. I lifted my arm that securely held my knife and started slashing wherever I could. I saw that I had ripped his suit with it, he cursed at me as a result of it. Then everything was spinning and I couldn't move. My eyelids kept falling together against my will. I could no longer see anything, but I felt my body being dragged through the rough Earth before going completely unconscious.

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