Sneaking In • 45

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I spent the day scavenging our room and med bay to try and find the jar that held the paralytic flower paste. There were so many people in pain that I felt like I needed to help.

Bellamy said that Abby had used the rest on my leg injury, but if Bear could sniff the jar he'd be able to find where they grew.

After hours of searching, I decided to go find Bellamy to see if he knew where Abby may have put it. Bellamy was no where in the Ark, actually there was barely anyone in the Ark. I quickly made my way outside to see if there was something happening.

The Ark guards were arresting people, Pike being one of them. What I didn't expect to see was for Bellamy to be put in cuffs. I started shoving people and guards out of my way to get to him. Bellamy shook his head at me to tell me to stop when he finally saw me.

"Let him go! What did he do?!" I screamed to the guards that were restraining him. What the hell was going on?

When they wouldn't answer me, I shoved one of the guards hard to get away from Bellamy.

"Kota! Stop!" I could hear Bellamy yell at me. A hand landed on my shoulder to spin me around, I was met with Kane.

"He supplied them with the guns, Kota. They were going out there to kill the army," Kane explained to me. I was confused before, but now I was really damn confused.

I stared at Kane with wide eyes as he told me this. I could tell Kane knew that I had doubt in his words. That was until I saw Octavia watching them arrest Bellamy without fighting against it.

I snapped my head back to look as they took Bellamy into custody, his eyes were on me the entire time but his expression didn't hold any regret. I knew Pike had talked him into this, he knew he needed Bellamy on his side to get things like this done.

"You should be Chancellor! Put your name on the ballot tomorrow!" A man yelled to Pike.

I felt myself get dizzy, my mind wouldn't stop thinking about figuring out why Bellamy had done this.

"Come," I instructed Bear as I marched away from the crowd. I stopped in my tracks hearing Bellamy's voice chant Pike's name, but I couldn't get myself to turn and look at him. He didn't do that when I was facing him, he wouldn't be able to handle what I thought about it. Pike was making him his soldier and both of them knew I wouldn't stand for it, that's why they were passing secrets to each other behind my back.

I laid in bed with my eyes wide open all night. As much as I didn't agree with what Bellamy had done yesterday, I knew he had a reason. I just wanted him out of lock up so I could talk to him.

The only time I left our room was to vote, but after that I was right back in bed. I was no use to anyone when I was stressing out this much.

My head shot up as I heard the door open. I was relieved to see Bellamy enter the room and stood up from the mattress.

"Kane let you out. He wouldn't let me see you," I stated as he stared into my eyes.

"Pike let me out," he responded. My eyebrows furrowed at his words and Bellamy noticed. "He won the election."

I balled my fists up to stop them from trembling. Bellamy stepped forward and wrapped his warm arms around my body and I returned it.

"We're going to be just fine Kota," his voice was gentle. It always was when it was just me and him. A knock on our door made me pull back from our embrace while the voice on the other side called for Bellamy to get going.

I noticed Bear growling, which made me suspicious because he only did that if he felt threatened. Bellamy looked to Bear, thinking it was weird he was growling as well. I went to open the door before Bellamy could.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now