Sins Of The Suns • 114

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Jackson ended up tranquilizing Emori so we could secure her in the restraints that Murphy found earlier. My pacing had started from the anxiety of the situation. If this was in the air, it was going to affect all of us sooner or later.

"How do we contact the mother ship? We need warn them that we're not in that transport," Reese stated.

"We can't. Radio isn't working down here," Bellamy answered.

"We can't worry about that right now. What I'm worried about is us going crazy and killing each other," I spoke up.

"Kota's right," Clarke agreed. "Emori was affected first probably because of that cut she got during the swarm. We need to restrain ourselves until this passes."

"You just love playing leader, don't you?" Murphy snarked.

"Murphy, you know she's right," Bellamy said back to him and Murphy just shook his head. "There should be more chains like those all around here. Let's go before another one of us loses it."

"I'll stay with Emori," Echo volunteered. It was better this way anyways, even though Murphy didn't approve. "She's already tried to kill you and there's only one other chain in here. You can't be in here alone."

"Fine," Murphy gave in. I watched as Bellamy secured Echo's wrist and pocketed the key. He also pulled out a tranquilizer to give her if she started to feel abnormal.

I followed directly behind as he left the room, the next place we went into there were two more spots. We locked Miller and Jackson up, then we left to look for more restraints.

"I can stay in here," Shaw stated. Reese stepped forward to speak, but Shaw didn't give him the chance to. "With Clarke."

"Not a good idea dude," Reese knew they had bad blood.

"No, it's okay," Clarke accepted. "We'll both be restrained anyways."

"Okay," Bellamy sighed. He was hesitant about this, but he knew that Clarke could make her own decisions.

After they were secured, I led the rest of us to the classroom. I remembered seeing four restraints there from earlier. I thought it was odd and was scared about what these people were doing with their kids, but now it made more sense. Bellamy stacked the guns out of reach in the corner of the classroom. He locked the three of us in and went to do his own.

"So you just get to keep everyone's key?" Murphy remarked as he sat on the ground with his back resting on the wall.

"Relax. Kota will have mine," Bellamy said as he was locking his cuff.

"Great, give it to the person who would do anything for you," Murphy sassed. He did have a point.

"Fine," Bellamy held his key up. "Reese will have it."

Bellamy tossed the key over to Reese who caught it easily. "Safe and sound," Reese spoke as he slipped the key into his pocket.

"Satisfied?" Bellamy cocked his head.

"Sure, as long as the people who live here don't come home after they kill everybody on the mothership," Murphy said.

"Nice one, Murphy," Bellamy didn't let his words get to his head. Murphy was a professional chain yanker, he was always saying something to churn the pot. Especially when he was stressed. I knew Emori's actions freaked him out.

I sat down along with Reese and Bellamy, we were going to be in here for a bit. The silence was so awkward for some reason. Bellamy was on my left while Murphy was on my right and Reese was straight ahead. I purposefully chose the spot next to the book shelf so I could keep myself busy. I grabbed a random book and began looking through it. It was another book about bugs, this place had a lot of them apparently.

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