Be The Last • 99

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I was biting my nails while I sat on the cool concrete floor when Octavia opened the door to come in. I stared at her as she approached me but made no effort to stand.

"You used to do that in the Skybox," she indicated to my bad nail biting habit. I did do it in the Skybox a lot, it seemed like the only thing that could calm my nerves at times. I stopped when we got to Earth, I think I switched it out for pacing.

"You used to not want to kill me in the Skybox," I said back to her. I kept my voice small, but she could tell that I was upset.

"Kota, you killed Cooper over worms we weren't even going to use. I guess you'll be happy to know that Clarke took off with the eggs," Octavia revealed.

"So now you're going to war without the one weapon that guaranteed you to win?" I questioned. I knew I probably wouldn't be around for the war but I still cared about her and her people. It was also a stupid decision on her part, I couldn't even fathom the amount of people she would lose just from battle.

"I made a promise to Wonkru to get that valley," she replied sternly. I never thought Octavia and I would ever be in this position, it made my heart hurt.

"Does keeping that promise involve you putting all the people you love in the pits? You do realize what you're doing, right?" I stood up to my feet now so she wasn't looking down at me anymore. "You're going to have to watch your family kill each other."

I could see Octavia's jaw clench from my words. This didn't get her to change her mind though. "There are laws, Kota. All of you broke them. Maybe if you were in here for the last six years you'd know how this worked," she stated.

"I know enough. I know what made you this way. You're empty on the inside and I don't blame you for that after what you've been through," I tried to sympathize with her, but I could tell I definitely hit a nerve. "I know about the dark year Octavia."

"You don't know shit," Octavia seethed aggressively from me bringing the dark year up.

"If you think that, then you really never knew me," I kept my tone soft, yet assertive. There was a pause where neither of us dared to speak up, but I broke the silence. "At least tell me what Bellamy said about this."

Octavia stood there glaring at me, her expression never changed but her eyes went colder. She never answered my request.

"You haven't talked to him?" I scoffed at her. I lost a lot of respect for her in this moment, she was throwing her own brother in the arena and was too scared to even talk to him.

"No," she answered truthfully. After that, she turned around to leave. I knew what I said to her was too much for her to handle, that's why she wasn't able to look at me anymore.

"You haven't seen me really fight yet, Octavia," I stated. This got her attention, she stopped in her tracks but never turned back around to face me. "I will kill Gaia and I will kill Indra because no way in hell am I going to lose Bellamy like this. By his sister's hand. Then you're either going to have to kill me and him yourself or let us go. Getting to that valley won't make up for the demons you'll have."

She stood there for a few seconds, but decided to continue out of the room without another word. I knew my three hour limit was almost up too.

I paced and paced for thirty more minutes until the guards came in. I knew it was time now, Octavia didn't change her decision about this.

The guards unlatched me from the pipe and led me through the bunker until we reached a large metal door. Before opening it, they released my hands from the cuffs that were still on my bloodied wrists. I felt relief now that they were off, my skin wasn't stinging so much anymore.

I was pushed through the heavy door and spotted Bellamy through the gated door that was now being opened. Bellamy turned to the sound of the gate opening and ran up to me. We engulfed each other into a hug immediately, I tried my best to let no tears fall.

"We do this together. Stay next to me the entire time," Bellamy whispered quietly in my ear. His words were barely audible to me, so I knew Indra and Gaia couldn't hear. I nodded my head as we pulled apart and faced forward.

"What if we don't fight?" Bellamy asked to Indra.

"We all get killed," Indra answered.

"She'll have to do it herself," Bellamy stated.

"You believe she won't kill you because you're her brother?" Gaia questioned.

"I have to," Bellamy said and turned to look at me. I wanted to hug him again, but never let him go this time.

"Let's just hope it doesn't come to that," Gaia said back to him before she made her way into the arena.

Indra was watching her daughter walk forward and mumbled to us, "I'll kill you two quickly, I promise."

She stomped off after Gaia as the guards ordered Bellamy and I to go as well. Of course Indra was going to do anything she could to keep her daughter alive, I would never hold bad blood with her over that. Bellamy placed his hand on my back to push me forward.

He walked closely behind me as he whispered in my ear again, "you and I are surviving this."

As we entered the arena, Bellamy's hand released from my back. The scene was extremely intimidating, I looked around as people were staring at us from all around. There was old blood from past fights splattered everywhere and four weapons hanging along the fences for us to use. The only light source was from torches posted on the pillars.

The four of us stood side by side each other, I was in between Bellamy and Indra. My eyes continued to wander until they reached the third story where Octavia sat. She rose from her throne, there was blood streaked down her face. She then took a step forward, Miller was right beside her.

"We're gathered here today to remind ourselves what happens to the enemies of Wonkru," Octavia began to announce. "It doesn't matter who you are. If you choose sides against us, if you divide us, if you defy us... then you are not us. Before we give these traitors a second chance to be called brother, seda or sister, we pay tribute to those who died so that we may live. Omon gon oson."

Octavia didn't sound like Octavia. She was cold and angry. It sent chills down my spine. The entire amphitheater of people repeated her words, "omon gon oson."

Octavia lifted her chin as she kept her eyes on us, "be the last."

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now