Eight Down • 105

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When I reached the top of my climb, I was so out of breath. My arm was sore and stinging, I was just glad I didn't fall because that descent would be life ending. I peeked my head out through the crack to check if anyone was up here. From what I could see, I was in the clear for now. I hauled my body up onto the grassy surface, it was cool and soft. I missed the green coloring of nature.

I took my jacket off to quickly check my bullet injury. I had bled through the shirt I had wrapped around my arm. Right now, there wasn't much I could do about it so I put my jacket back on and chose to ignore it.

I carefully began my way through the woods, I honestly had no plan. The only thing I had on my mind was to find Bear, he was here and he was close. Either something happened to Madi and Clarke, or they let him go. I decided to believe they let him go so I didn't worry myself to death that they got killed.

Then I heard him barking again, it was menacing. He was attacking someone because I heard gunshots and yelping following his bark. I took off in that direction, nervous that a bullet was the reason his barking stopped.

I stayed low as I booked it through the brush, I had no idea what threats were out here. I continued through trees until I finally saw him. There was a man laying dead on the floor and Bear's fur was covered in red.

"Bear!" I whispered yet shouted at the same time. His head shot over to me, once he could tell who I was he sprinted.

I ran towards my dog as well, we basically collided into each other and I hugged him tightly. I kissed the top of his head and he squirmed to try and jump on me. I never wanted to be separated from him again, Bear was family. He was safe and protective, just like Bellamy.

I realized that more people probably heard his barks and that we needed to leave the area. I told Bear to come as I began running further into the woods. What I was thinking to do probably wasn't the smartest idea. I wanted to take out as many prisoners as possible just by myself. We didn't know how many were up here, it could be only ten people for all we knew. I started towards the pillbox at point C, ignoring Bear's whining. I had no idea what he was upset about because I saw that he wasn't hurt at all.

As I got closer, I stood behind a tree to survey the area. Unfortunately, it wasn't just ten people. There were well over twenty armed men, I stood no chance against them.

After a few minutes of watching, Bear began to growl. I turned quickly and peered through my scope to see where he was looking. Four men were coming in our direction. I could run, but they'd for sure hear me. I could shoot, but then their friends would hear me.

I slung the sniper around behind me and pulled out a knife. I decided my best bet was to wait until they got closer and I had a clear shot.

"Follow me, quiet," I whispered to Bear. As I kept my eyes locked on the figures getting closer through the trees. Now was the best time to do this, I wouldn't get a better line of sight than this.

As soon as one knife left my hand I grabbed another. One man dropped dead from being pierced in the chest. The others immediately raised their guns and I ducked behind a bush before they could see me. The last thing I wanted was for them to fire shots, if other people heard it and came as back up I'd be screwed.

"Fan out! They're close!" One of the men directed. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and think of a way out of this. I slowly tried to back away, so Bear and I could get a chance to just run.

I wasn't quiet enough, the crunching of branches and leaves underneath me were enough to let them know where I was. When they turned their heads to look at me, I turned around and sprinted. It was more than likely I could take them all out in a fight, especially with my knives, but I didn't want to kill any more people today. I didn't want to kill anyone at all, but this was war.

Bear started barking at me as we sprinted through the dirt, I turned back to see the three men getting closer. None of the had their guns raised because they were too focused on running after me. Suddenly, Bear departed from my side and hurdled himself at one of the men. This made me stop to turn around and face them.

He jumped high as he approached one of them, latching his jaw onto the prisoner's throat. Bear's teeth sunk in as he took him down to the floor, the man's gargled yelping poisoned my ears. I immediately threw the knife I had in my hand at the third guy as he was distracted by Bear's takedown. The knife struck him in the side of his head, his fight was over.

All of a sudden, I was decked. The final man had checked his shoulder into my left arm, where I had been grazed by a bullet not long ago. As my body flew, my right side smacked into a tree. I hit the ground and wheezed, trying to ignore the excruciating pain in my left arm. I flipped myself onto my back and pulled two knives out, one in each hand. I hid them slightly up my jacket sleeve as the massive man came to tower over me.

My panting was loud and I was sure there was fear evident in my eyes. He laughed at me, giving me the grimiest smile. The prisoner then held his pistol out with both his arms extended and crouched down to get closer to my face.

"Shame I have to kill such a pretty lady," his voice rumbled. It grossed me out.

I pulled my knives out my sleeves and simultaneously stabbed them into each of his wrists. His pistol dropped from his grip instantly as he howled in agony. I took his state of shock as an opportunity to slam my fist into his face. My punch drew blood from his nose and he fell back, hitting his head on the ground behind him. I scurried to my feet and pulled out my last knife. I didn't give myself the chance to doubt myself, I just threw it out of my fingers, killing him immediately.

I turned away from his body and put my hands on my knees as I took in air heavily. I felt sick to my stomach. I killed eight people in one day, maybe even nine or ten, I couldn't even keep track. I was disgusted, apparently my stomach thought the same thing. I puked up the remaining rations I had ate, I felt completely empty now with hurling the last of the food I had.

Bear was nudging my leg, like he wanted us to get out of here. "Okay, okay," I said between my breaths. Bear's head was covered in blood from tearing that man apart. I stood myself back up and went to collect all of my knives. I slotted each one back into my belt, the blood of the prisoners stained a portion of my pants.

Bear was bouncing up and down like he wanted to show me something. When I started to go to catch up with him, he just started to run where he wanted to go. I picked up my pace to follow him, wherever he was leading me had to be better than aimlessly wandering around here. I needed to get Bellamy out of that death trap, I hoped Bear was leading me some place where I could figure out a way to do that.

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