Gift From Above • 10

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I made it back to camp just ten minutes before the rest did. My crying stopped during my journey back. I was searching for water to drink as the others arrived. I watched as Bellamy's eyes scanned the camp and once they met mine, I could notice his shoulders relax.

People began to surround them as they entered, wondering what happened out amongst the forrest. I turned away from them to continue looking for water, but I was swept into an embrace.

My muscles eased as I returned the hug, "hi Octavia."

"Hi Kota," she spoke into my hair. We pulled away from each other before she asked, "what happened out there?"

"You're brother will explain," I nodded in the direction of him. She gave me a small smile before going to join the crowd. I didn't want a summary of what I just went through, I just wanted some water and some sleep. So that's exactly what I went to do.

Sleep was something I had to get used to not having. A couple of hours after I shut my eyes, I woke up to the camp buzzing. I immediately saw what the commotion was about as something was flying through the dark sky. I got up from my spot in the dirt behind the drop ship, I knew nobody would find me if I stayed there instead of a hut.

Once I rounded the corner, I spotted Octavia right away. She called for Bellamy to come out and see what we were looking at.

When I stopped beside her I told her, "the Ark must have sent something down for us."

I could sense that Bellamy had approached us now, not saying anything. He was probably staring at the same thing our eyes were glued on.

"I'm going to get Monty, meet in the tent," Octavia said as she turned to the drop ship. I brought my eyes away from the sky now.

"Where did you go?" Bellamy asked from behind me.

"To sleep," I said as I spun around to face him. I wasn't prepared to see him without a shirt on. I didn't hide the fact that my eyes looked him up and down and he didn't hide that he liked seeing me do that. Before he could verbally expose my drifting eyes, I left towards the tent.

I met Octavia and Monty under the draped fabric as they were discussing what came down from space. Soon after my entrance, Bellamy joined us. This time with a jacket on.

"I'd guess this thing landed by the lake," I informed, trying not to look at Bellamy. I was slightly embarrassed about staring at his abs just a moment ago.

"We should pack up and head out," Octavia said.

"No, not while it's dark out," Bellamy shut her down. This made me look at him with confusion. "We'll head out when the sun rises. Pass the word Monty." Monty nodded as he exited the tent.

"Bell," Octavia stepped in front of her brother to stop him from leaving the enclosure. "What if the grounders saw it?"

"She's right," I interjected. "Anyone within a hundred miles could see that, we need to leave now."

Bellamy took his stare off his sister and placed it on me, "it's not safe, we wait until it's light."

He stomped out of the tent before Octavia and I could convince him anymore.

"I'm going to follow him, try to make him let us go now," Octavia told me.

"Ok I'll stay here. Come get me when he says yes," I agreed. Octavia left the tent and I sat down on the tree stump that was meant to be a seat. My leg bounced nervously at the thought that there was probably a radio in that ship.

If there was a radio, I could tell my parents I was alive. I noticed nobody in the camp had their wrist bands on anymore, but I wasn't sure how that happened. This radio was my chance of talking to my mom and dad again.

Octavia was taking too long at this point, so I left the tent to find her and her brother. But as soon as I left the tent I saw Clarke and Finn walking to exit the camp walls. I ran to catch up with her.

"I'm coming," I told her, knowing that she was going to check out what came down from the sky.

"I know," she replied as the three of us began toward the lake.

The sun was shining as we approached the ball of scrap metal from the Ark. Clarke and I opened the door to find a girl waking up from the hard landing she took.

"I made it," was the first thing she said to us. Both of us nodding as a reply. We helped her get out of the ship as she admired the beauty around her.

"Welcome home," Clarke said with a smile. I was admiring our surroundings with this girl, it's nothing to be taken advantage of.

"I'm Kota," I introduced myself.

"Raven," she returned, her smile bright as she took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Raven Reyes?" I asked, receiving a look that I was right. "My dad spoke highly of you."

"You're a Solace," she caught on immediately.

"Do you know how they're doing?" I asked, hoping to get any information about them.

"They're okay. I've never seen someone's parents be so proud that their kid got arrested," she came up to me to give my arm a reassuring squeeze. I let out a sigh, knowing that this sounded like them.

Finn emerged from the trees now, the sight of Raven changed his expression.

"Raven!" He called out, making the girl turn.

"Finn!" Raven cried back as they made their way towards each other. Then they were kissing. In front of Clarke. It doesn't take a genius to know that Clarke and Finn had something going on.

"Oh shit," I whispered while Clarke and I stood there watching in shock.

After Finn and Raven pulled away from each other, Clarke made her way over to them. Finn introduced Clarke and Raven's face fell. She revealed that her mom played a part in getting her down to the ground. I turned to look in the ship for the radio, still listening to their conversation.

I couldn't find the radio in the spot it was supposed to be in, all I saw were cut wires. Then I heard Raven tell them that they were killing three hundred people on the Ark today to save air which sent me into a spiral. I punched the outside of the ship out of frustration

"The radio is gone!" I yelled as the three of them were coming up to look for the same thing.

"He got here before us," Clarke said, her voice stressed. She told us to follow after her as she rushed into the woods. I just wondered who she was talking about.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now