Ascension • 59

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Bellamy handed us the gas masks he had in his back pack. We secured them around our faces before I went to open the hatch. Once I did, Bellamy activated the canister and threw it down. The men that entered dropped to the floor and received gun shots from Bellamy and Murphy. I trailed behind Bellamy and Murphy as we made our way into the commander's quarters.

My eyes bounced around the entire room, there was so much going on. There was a woman on the floor bleeding black blood from her head. Jaha was standing above her with a metal rod in hand. Clarke was restrained in a chair with holes in her chest and Abby was hanging by her neck. My mind had had a hard time understanding the scene.

"Jaha has the flame! Get it!" Clarke yelled to us. I heard a shot go off from Bellamy's gun as I ran to Clarke. Murphy was cutting Abby down as I freed her daughter. Once Clarke was no longer restrained she ran over to her mom, she was no longer hanging.

"She's alive," I could hear Clarke's relief pour from her words. I stared at Ontari on the floor, she wasn't moving at all.

Clarke rushed over to her body and held fabric up to the side of her head, "I need to stop the bleeding. Do any of you have a light?"

I watched as Bellamy gave her a flash light from his backpack. Clarke quickly grabbed it from him and checked her eyes with it.

"She's unresponsive," Clarke said and she stopped trying to get her head to quit bleeding.

"What does that mean?" Bellamy's stress was evident through his voice.

"She's brain dead. She won't be able to do anything for us," I answered him quietly.

"It's over," Clarke cried.

"We're trapped here," Murphy said to us. I looked up to Bellamy, he held the same fear in his eyes as I did.

"I'm getting this chip out of my mom's head," Clarke said as she grabbed the EMP from Bellamy's bag that was now on the floor. Bellamy reached out to grab her arm and stop her from moving.

"We're getting it out of Kota's head," his voice was low and demanding. She looked at me with apologetic eyes. I glared at her knowing that she wasn't going to do that. "Clarke, give it to me."

Clarke turned to look away from me and to Bellamy. She whispered to him, "I can't."

Before Bellamy could protest, I stepped towards her, "you have an idea." I stated more than asked, I knew what her face looked like when she was thinking.

She nodded slowly to me, "and I need my mom to help."

I took my look off of her and placed it on Bellamy, he was already looking at me but never released his grasp on Clarke. I moved to get closer to him and put my hand on his arm to release his grip from Clarke gently. My voice was collected when I spoke, "let her have it."

He shook his head at me, "no way, I promised you I would get it out. We're getting it out."

"Right now, I'm okay. If Abby can help, we need to let Clarke do this," I tried not to cry but I felt a tear slip out. I wanted this thing out of me so bad, I had to keep telling myself to trust Clarke.

Bellamy finally released his hold and looked back to Clarke, "your plan better work."

Clarke didn't reply to him, there was just a few moments of silence. I broke it when I said, "help your mom. We'll sweep the floor, make sure the others got up. And we should probably tie all these people up."

Bellamy turned and walked over to Jaha and began tying his limbs together with whatever he could find. I followed after Murphy with a knife in my hand, just in case someone woke up. Murphy jogged to the people that were shot down in the gas we sent out.

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