Preparation • 96

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All of our heads turned when the door flung open. Octavia entered along with Cooper and Miller. Her eyes landed on the monitor in front of Monty.

"The spy did her job?" She questioned.

"We told you she would," I took a step towards her.

"Can the enemy still see us?" Octavia's head slightly tilted asking us this.

"For now, yes," Monty answered.

"He has her on a loop. To mask out troop movements. When the time comes we need to clear the surface to reduce the risk of anyone noticing the same people moving in the same direction again and again," Cooper spoke up.

Octavia lips curled into a smirk, "well done, Monty."

Octavia turned to her trusted friends, "load the worms into the rover. Ready the army. War is here."

Octavia and her followers left the room and I quickly looked back to Bellamy, "I need to talk to Indra."

"Why? Indra won't be able to convince Octavia out of this," Bellamy didn't know what I was thinking.

"She doesn't know the deal Clarke just made," I said back to him. I faced Clarke now. "Tell Indra to meet us in the townhouse, don't be seen talking to her and don't follow her in. I mean it."

I could tell that Clarke felt like she should be a part of that conversation, but she restricted herself from disagreeing with me.

"Come," I said to Bear, he jumped up from the ground and followed Bellamy and I as we made our way out of the bunker and into the townhouse. Once we got in our meeting spot, I went straight to the window to see if Indra was on her way. Bellamy came up beside me to watch out the window as well.

"Tell me what you're thinking," Bellamy stated. I couldn't get myself to talk, my mind just kept thinking and thinking and thinking. "Kota, snap out of it."

Bellamy knew me enough to know what I was like when my thoughts consumed me. "I have a plan, but Indra needs to be in on it. First let's just see if Indra is able to talk Octavia out of this," I placed my eyes onto his, he was looking at me this entire time.

"Wh-" Bellamy couldn't even get a word out because Indra stormed in.

"We are preparing to go to war. Do you know the risk I'm taking to meet you here?" Indra expressed as she stood in front of the two of us.

"Yes. Thank you for coming," Bellamy said genuinely.

"What do you want?" Indra fired.

"Clarke made a deal with Diyoza. We can share the valley if Wonkru surrenders," I informed her.

Indra looked at me like I was stupid, "she'll never do that. I'll ask you again, what do you want from me?"

"Peace without war is still possible," Bellamy started. "You're her advisor. She'll listen to you."

"Why would I advise her to surrender a war she is likely to win?" Indra questioned rhetorically. "Thanks to you we are able to march freely while the worms ravage the enemy. Once we get there, all we have to do is clean up the mess."

"Those worms could destroy that valley," I reminded her.

"It's a risk she's willing to take," Indra stated back to me. I shook my head, there was no convincing Indra into talking Octavia out of this. We had to go with my plan.

"Do you want to take that risk, Indra?" I raised my eyebrows.

"It's not my choice," Indra responded.

"Without the worms, Octavia won't win this war and there will be lots of bloodshed. Would she surrender if she didn't have them?" I inquired.

"I would hope so. Of course neither of you would never see that happen because she'd know it was you two and throw you right into the pits," Indra replied.

"That's why we're going to make her think it was Cooper," I told her. I could feel Bellamy's eyes burning into me but I kept my stare on Indra. "I saw a failsafe in the processing room. A way to kill the worms if they needed to."

"Cooper would never push that button!" Indra spat, not letting me finish. "And since she's the only one that handles the worms-"

"Listen to me," I growled at Indra, cutting her off. "Cooper will be dead, we'll make it look like an accident. That's why I wanted to talk to you, you need to be the first one to find her. Cooper won't hit the failsafe button, you will."

Indra's face changed, she didn't look at me like I was dumb anymore. "Octavia said not to underestimate you," Indra said back to me. I assumed this meant that she was in.

"Cooper is meeting with Monty to talk about the algae in an hour. We do it then," I finalized. Indra gave us both a single nod and then showed herself out.

"It's a smart play," Bellamy said as he went to stand in front of me. "I can do it, you don't have to be there."

I kept my gaze on him as I answered, "I can't have you do my dirty work for me."

"Kota, it's one life to save hundreds of people. It's the right call," Bellamy reached up to hold my arms in his hands. Even though I said nothing as to how I felt about killing Cooper, he knew that I felt uneasy with my plan. I didn't like Cooper, but I didn't necessarily want her to die.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Let's just go find Clarke and get this over with."

"Wait a second," Bellamy kept his hands on me to stop me from leaving. "Look at me."

I turned my gaze away from the exit and back to the curly haired man in front of me.

"You are stopping a war. You are saving lives," Bellamy enforced that this was the right thing to do. Even though he could tell it was already starting to eat away at me.

"Okay," I whispered to him. He wanted me to really understand what he was telling me, and I did.

Bear helped us search for Clarke in the bunker, once we found her I explained everything. She told me it was a good plan and agreed to be a part of the rest. Now came the part I dreaded, it was time to go find Cooper.

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