We spotted Monty stumbling in our direction and continued to run until we reached him. My leg was beginning to ache again, it made me wonder if it was ever going to completely heal.
Bellamy wrapped Monty's arm around his shoulder as Monty spoke to Murphy. "You chose the machine over me?"
"Look I'm sorry, but it's back at the lab and not damaged-" Murphy was cut off from saying more by Monty hugging him.
"I may not hate you anymore," Monty told him.
"We need to go," Bellamy hurried them up. I led the way back to the lab as Bellamy and Murphy helped Monty run.
By the time we got back, we were down to seven minutes until take off. Emori and Harper hugged their boys quickly as Raven told us to refill our oxygen tanks.
"Clarke isn't back yet?" I asked Raven.
"No, she should be on her way now," Raven was scrambling to do last minute things. "Echo! Come on!"
I couldn't see Echo anywhere around. "I'll go look for her. Kota, refill your oxygen," Bellamy said. He ran up the stairs as I did what he told me to do.
I watched most of our group get into the rocket, but I didn't just yet. I knelt down in front of Bear and smothered him with a hug. I couldn't stop myself from crying while I held him. I had to decide if I should keep him in here or let him go outside. Kill him by radiation or kill him by starvation.
"Kota we have to go," I could hear Raven say from behind me, she was in the ship. I didn't care, I never wanted to let go of Bear. He was my best friend and stuck with me through everything, forever loyal. It also felt like my dad sent him to me, it felt like I was letting go of a piece of my dad too. I had second thoughts about going up with them to space now.
I could feel another set of arms wrap around Bear and I, I knew it was Bellamy.
"Two minutes!" Raven announced, her voice was stressed but also sympathetic.
"Clarke isn't back yet," I could hear Bellamy tell her without pulling his arms away.
"The radiation is already affecting the avionics," her voice shook. She hated to be the one to make us leave them behind, but she knew there was no other option.
"Kota, it's time to go," Bellamy said softly to me. I was completely sobbing now, we were leaving not only Bear behind but Clarke too.
"I can't," I whispered. "What do I do?"
Bellamy knew what I was referring to, he knew I was talking about either leaving Bear in here or letting him go outside. "There's no time to let him out, he has to stay."
I looked up to Bellamy now, unburying my face from Bear's fur. He gave Bear a kiss on the top of his head as he softly said, "may we meet again, Bear kom Skaikru."
"Bellamy..." my voice was wavering. Bellamy unlatched my arms from Bear and picked my crumbled body up. "Stop! We can't leave them here! Bellamy!"
I screamed at him as he rushed me into the rocket. Bellamy secured my defeated self into a seat and did the same to himself in the seat next to me.
I watched Bear sitting in the lab as the rocket door began to shut. He seemed so calm, not realizing what was happening. I felt like I was going to vomit when the door completely shut.
"Kota, calm your breathing right now. You need as much oxygen as possible," Bellamy told me. He was right too, my hyperventilating would only screw me later.
"Go for launch," Raven said and the rocket began to emerge to ground level. I closed my eyes and gripped Bellamy's hand tightly as the rocket took off. As the rocket fired up out of the atmosphere I said goodbye to Clarke in my mind. I said goodbye to Bear and those in the bunker. I said goodbye to my mother and goodbye to Earth.
Before I knew it, the booster separated from the rest of the rocket. The ship was no longer jolting as we floated through the darkness of space. Gravity no longer existed. My tears stopped and my breathing was normal, I made my mind go numb. I had to if I was going to make it through this.
"We should be seeing the Ring now," Raven told us. "There it is."
I looked up to the floating circle, it's was completely dark though. Clarke hasn't got the power on.
"She didn't do it," Raven realized the same thing I had.
"She will get it done. Suit up Raven you're going on your space walk," Bellamy told her. She unbuckled herself from her seat and began to float around. Emori and Echo had stunned faces, they've never experienced anything like this before. I thought of Finn and how people used to call him space walker.
Bellamy helped Raven get into the hatch on the floor so she could suit up to get to the hangar door. I kept telling myself Clarke would succeed in getting the power turned on, she had to.
Bellamy had unbuckled himself from his seat to watch Raven go to the Ring. I checked the monitor on my wrist to see what my oxygen was at, it read thirteen percent. We had little time to get in and hook the oxygenator up.
"Raven's at the door," Bellamy told us all after a few minutes have passed.
"The power?" I questioned.
"Not yet," Bellamy replied. "Come on Clarke."
We all waited in silence, at this point I'm pretty sure all of us were praying. That was until Monty told us to look at the screen that showed the Ring. It was lighting up, Clarke had done it.
I kept my eyes on the monitor, watching Raven get the doors open and start to float her way back to us. I looked back at my oxygen level, it now read ten percent. My panicking earlier did not set me up well.
Bellamy helped Raven get back in and he strapped himself in the seat again. Once we got the rocket into the hangar and closed the door, we weren't experiencing zero g any longer. All of us scurried to get the oxygenator to the spot where it needed to be hooked up.
Murphy and Emori were carrying Raven in, she was out of air.
"What do we do?" Murphy asked anyone who had an answer.
"We share," Emori replied as they sat down with Raven.
Bellamy, Echo and I carried the machine over to the panel with Harper and Monty following. Once we got there, I found it hard to catch my breath. My oxygen was at zero percent. I dropped to my knees after setting the machine down, gasping to fill my lungs.
"Echo grab the canister from my bag. She needs it!" Bellamy ordered as he ripped the helmet I had on off. The others were running out of air too, Harper and Monty were taking breaths from the small oxygen tank that Echo gave to us to use.
"There should be red and black wires, connect those," I heard Monty instruct Bellamy.
I watched Echo take a breath from the mask and hand it back to me. I tried to take another breath from it, but nothing came out. It was empty.
I kept gasping as my vision went spotty, it felt exactly as it did when Emerson put us in that airlock. No matter how hard I tried to stay awake, I couldn't. I drifted off into blackness, I felt myself go limp.
All of a sudden, I could breathe again. I could hear all of us wheezing as my senses began to come back. I felt hands grab onto my suit and I was dragged over to a vent. I could hear Bellamy gasping from above me.
"We made it," I could hear him faintly tell me. I continued to breathe in the air from the vent, the fire in my lungs started to subside.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...