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One Year After Praimfaya

After nine months, Bellamy finally convinced me to start training. I knew it was his way of coping and releasing anger, but I couldn't find the strength to start fighting again. Even if it was just to practice and get stronger.

"Ready?" Bellamy asked me as I put a shirt on.

"Can't we just train together? Why does Echo have to be there?" I asked and turned to face him.

"She's skilled. She can teach you a lot," Bellamy told me.

I started to like Echo less and less since we got here. The others didn't seem too unpleased with her presence, but they didn't notice what I noticed. She talked to everyone, but rarely said a word to me. When our group was all in the same room I caught on to her stares towards Bellamy.

Bellamy told me about how he stopped her from taking her own life right before we got on the rocket. I assumed for months she was just grateful for what he's done for her, but recently I figured that wasn't the only thing she felt towards him. Bellamy still didn't like her, but he needed to train so he tolerated her.

I didn't object anymore with Bellamy, he looked visibly excited that I actually agreed to start training. I walked beside him to the room we had designated for training. When we walked in, I could see Echo and Raven sparring. She was obviously teaching Raven new techniques because they were fighting in slow motion. Once they saw that I had come in with Bellamy, they stopped to face us.

"Look who came to join us," Raven smiled at me being there. "I'm just finishing up. Here, you can go."

Raven stepped away from Echo so I could spar her next. Echo watched me as I approached, I could feel Bellamy's eyes on me. I knew I was a decent fighter, but it's been over a year since I physically fought someone. I was much weaker now and I didn't know if I was ready for this. Echo didn't give me time to collect my thoughts before we started. She swung her fist at me, making my eyes go wide. I quickly stepped back and dodged the shot, but immediately after Echo swept my legs from under me with her own. I landed on my back and let out a cough from the impact.

"Echo, what are you doing?" I heard Bellamy's voice rise in volume. "She hasn't fought in over a year."

"I thought the Shadow of Death would be a skilled fighter. No matter how much time has passed," Echo shot back to him. She hit a nerve with me, reminding me of the horrible things I've done. I tried so hard for the past year to come to terms with my demons.

I saw her glaring at Bellamy, so I stood up fast. I tightly clenched my fist and punched Echo as hard as I could, hitting the side of her head. It took her by surprise because she stumbled back. Before I could get close to her again, Bellamy grabbed onto me and yanked me to get behind him.

He turned back to look at Echo who looked like she wanted to annihilate me. "Don't try anything," he warned her. Echo was skilled and tall, but it didn't outmatch Bellamy's physique and strength. He could make himself look insanely intimidating when he wanted to. "This turned into something other than sparring."

I gave Echo a look of disgust before I stormed out. I could hear Bellamy following me all the way back to our room. Once both of us entered, Bellamy shut the door and I turned to look at him.

"How the hell can you stand being around her?" I was fuming and didn't give Bellamy a second to answer my question. "She let our people blow up in Mount Weather, she's never been on our side. For God sake, she nearly killed Octavia!"

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now