Deadweight • 125

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Bellamy and I were released from the guarded room and our restraints. After all this time, the paralytic still hasn't run it's course. He picked me up and took me back to the room all our other people were in. The whole way there he kept telling me that he was going to figure out a way for me to not be like this anymore. I wanted to believe him, but my hope was dwindling. This was terrifying, being deadweight and not knowing when I'd go back to normal.

Once we entered, he took me over to the nearest couch and laid me on it. I saw his hand caress my face once they were free, but I wanted to cry because I couldn't feel his touch at all. I noticed the others gather around me, staring at me like I was unconscious.

"What's going on? I went out to look for the two of you," Echo came into my view.

Bellamy kept his eyes on me as he spoke, "she was tranquilized and hasn't moved for hours." There was a pause before what he said next. "Clarke's dead."

Bellamy turned his face away from me to look at the others. "So when do we attack?" Echo's voice shook with her whisper.

"We don't," Bellamy answered. "We do what Clarke would have done. We survive."

I saw that Reese was starting to walk up to me, but Bellamy stepped in front of him to block his path. I noticed his back straighten and fists clench, he didn't want him near me. Looks like he was still unsure of how he felt about Reese.

"Woah dude," Reese sensed the tension and stopped in his tracks. "I just want to help and I might be able to."

Bellamy hesitated, but ended up giving in. He stepped aside to allow Reese to get a better look of my state. "Her eyes are red, is she able to blink?" Reese questioned.

"No," Bellamy simply stated. "She can only move her eyes."

"How long has she been like this?" Reese asked as he briefly shined a light in my eyes.

"Eight... nine hours, I think," Bellamy's voice choked up.

Reese stood back up and looked between Bellamy and I, "Liam will probably know of something that can help. I'll go find him."

Bellamy just nodded, both of us wanted this to be over with. Reese glanced at me one more time and gave me a small smile before storming out of the building. Echo came up to me, she reached out to lift my upper body up as she took a seat on the couch where my head was laying. Once she sat down, she lowered my head back onto her lap. I watched as her fingers gently moved pieces of hair out of my face.

I couldn't feel Echo's touch, but I knew that she was comforting me. I saw her hand continuously pet my temple and I couldn't be more grateful for it in this moment. Echo and I grew into having a caring relationship. We were both really important to each other.

"This isn't forever," her voice was calm, gentle. "We'll figure this out."

I saw Madi come down the stairs and watched as Bellamy turned to face her. She approached him slowly, Madi knew that something was wrong. Bellamy crouched down to be the same height as her as he explained what happened to Clarke. They engulfed each other into a hug, Madi was devastated. I saw my tears dripping on Echo's leg, darkening the color of her pants.

An hour later, Reese came back into the room. Echo was still sitting in the same position and Bellamy had pulled over a chair to be next to me. Reese was holding a very large syringe with a three inch needle, causing alarms to go off in my mind.

"What is that?" Bellamy immediately questioned as he saw what he held. He stood up from the chair as Reese came over to us.

"It's some form of adrenaline," Reese answered. "I explained everything to Liam, he gave me this. He was certain it would work."

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now