Signal Fire • 55

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My eyes followed Bear as he went up to Raven, but my mind was elsewhere. I could not stop thinking about seeing Alie. I never felt like she was within me before, but now I did. I felt her trying to get to me. I wondered how it was possible for me not to let her in. I still didn't understand how my mind had been trained.

I was snapped out of it when Bellamy emerged with a covered body in his arms. He set him down onto the ground and Octavia knelt over the limp figure.

She sobbed violently as she uncovered Lincoln's face. Silent tears dripped down mine. Bear had gone to stand beside Octavia, his howl ripped through the air. I've only seen him do this once before when Finn died. Bear seemed to do this when he also lost a trusted friend.

I moved my glare onto Bellamy. His face was hard, he showed no emotion. He knew he played a part in his sister's pain and I knew it killed him on the inside.

Bellamy halted the rover to a stop because of a tree blocking our path. It was just Bellamy, me, Clarke, Octavia, Jasper and Bear. The rest of our group stayed back at Arkadia. Raven said she may be able to find a back door into Alie since she downloaded herself to the Ark mainframe.

"We'll back track. Find a way around," Bellamy told us. Before he could get the rover moving again, Octavia jumped out and started running. We all got out to follow her.

"I guess we're running now," Jasper said under his breath. I noticed Bellamy had his gun raised, he was on high alert.

"Put it down. Lincoln said they're not hostile," I said to him before taking off after my friend. He glared at me with hesitation, but ended up listening. We ran along the rapid river until we made it to a large body of water.

"Where's the village?" I asked while scanning the area around us. My eyes landed on some rock formations not too far from where we stood.

"No!" I could hear Octavia stress as she booked it towards the rocks. Like before, all of us followed her.

"She's gone," I could hear Clarke say from behind me once we caught up to Octavia.

"What do we do now?" Jasper asked us all.

I kept my eyes locked on Octavia as she made her way to the edge of the water. She belted out a scream that made me jump from the volume of it.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Clarke's voice came from beside me. I turned to face her, she looked really concerned. I must've had an expression of worry.

"I saw Alie, Clarke. In the airlock after I passed out," I said quietly.

"Raven said she wasn't able to get into your mind," Clarke told me what I already knew.

"I can feel that she's trying to get to me now. I didn't have that feeling before I saw her. If we can't find Luna, I'm not sure what's going to happen to me," I could hear the fear in my own voice.

Clarke reached out to lightly touch my arm, "we'll find a way to do this. As of right now she can't control you and we need to set up a fire for the night. We will keep looking for her tomorrow."

I nodded to her and saw that Octavia was coming back to the group. Jasper was already setting up for a fire and Octavia helped to start the flames.

I watched Bellamy attempt to put a comforting hand on Octavia's back, but she shoved him away.

"How long, O?" Bellamy questioned in response to her action.

"I don't know," she fired back, avoiding his eyes on her.

"I wasn't the one who killed Lincoln," Bellamy sounded defeated.

"Every time I look at you, all I see Pike raising the gun up to his head. I hear the bullet that killed him. I feel Kota holding my hand when it happened," her voice was quaking. I shivered slightly at the memory of Lincoln's ending.

"O-" Bellamy started but was cut off by me.

"Bellamy," I whispered his name. Something wasn't right with me, I felt off. My limbs were starting to tingle, my mind went hazy and a wave of nausea coursed through my stomach.

I saw Bellamy look over to me, his face seemed confused. He was probably expecting me to say more than just his name.

For some reason I couldn't get myself to tell him I didn't feel right. My head started pounding in my skull. I knew this was Alie, I didn't know what she was doing but I knew she was trying to break in.

I collapsed into the dirt, feeling my body convulsing as everyone gathered around me. My eyes rolled back and I could hear muffled panicking surrounding me.

"Flip her to her side!" I think it was Clarke saying that.

"What's happening!" Bellamy roared.

"She's seizing..." someone replied, but I couldn't hear anything else. My body continued to twitch but I felt completely numb. The pain in my head was something I've never felt before and all I could do was wait it out.

I don't know how long I was seizing for before I came to. My body had stopped jolting and I began to regain feeling.

I blinked my eyes faster than normal to get myself to believe it was over. The pulsing in my head subsided to something I could handle.

The last thing to come back to me was my hearing. Bellamy was hovering over me, his eyes bounced back and forth from my face to someone else.

"Is it over? Clarke, is she okay?" The words spoken matched the movement of Bellamy's lips.

"I told you Bellamy, we have to wait for it to pass," Clarke's voice was soft. I still couldn't move my body even though I was conscious, every part of me felt so weak.

"Fuck!" I heard Jasper yell while throwing branches into the fire. He was most likely overwhelmed at what happened to me and the fact that we had no idea where Luna was. The flames changed from its natural color to a neon green. I thought I was imagining it, but I knew I wasn't when everyone else was shocked at what they were seeing.

I reached out to touch Bellamy's arm so he would look back at me. When he turned, I saw relief flood to his face.

"It's a signal fire. This is how we get to Luna," Clarke said from beside me.

Bellamy reached out to cradle my face and spoke gently to me, "you're okay baby. You're going to be okay."

I saw the tears that filled his eyes and wanted to comfort him, but I still didn't have the energy to get myself to speak. Bellamy noticed this too.

"You can go to sleep Kota, I'll be right here," he assured. My eyes lightly shut at his words, like they were waiting for his permission. I instantly fell into a deep sleep, my entire being was exhausted.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now