When we got to the mothership, I went directly into the the medical center. Kane, Murphy and Gaia were all extremely injured and I wanted to help wherever I could. Bellamy didn't follow me in, although I was grateful he made it in and was okay, I was still pretty mad at him, he knew it too.
As I entered, I saw Jackson working on Murphy. Murphy was shot in the shoulder while they were in the rover. Emori was right next to him and she looked sad but not devastated. From her face I could tell he was going to be alright.
Gaia was still unconscious, Clarke had begun working on her leg with Reese joining in to help. It looked bad, I didn't dare to ask any questions about it yet because I didn't want to stress Clarke out anymore than she probably was. I walked over to Kane, seeing Abby inject some sort of medicine into his arm.
"What's that?" I asked, my voice was shaky.
"I'm putting him in a drug induced coma," Abby told me. I stared at Kane's dormant face and felt my tears starting to run once again. Kane held a place in my heart, I needed him to live.
"What happened to him?" I looked away from him and to Abby.
She was hesitant to tell me but ended up doing it anyways, "he was stabbed with a scalpel."
"And his neck?" It was hard to miss the bloody mess there and I knew for a fact that it wasn't from a scalpel.
"He was um... bit," Abby said in a quiet tone.
I was taken aback from her words. Someone had to be really insane to rip out another person's throat with their teeth. I felt a bit nauseous thinking about how that happened. I didn't push for more answers because Abby obviously didn't want to discuss it any further.
"We don't have enough of the drug to keep him in a coma for very long. I don't know what to do," Abby sounded so defeated.
I sat in silence as my mind tried to come up with another way. Sometimes I hate what my brain does to me, but this time I really freaking loved it.
"What about the cryo pods? Would that work?" I spoke after a few moments.
Abby looked up to me with her eyes a little wide, "yes, yes. Brilliant."
I felt relieved from her response, Kane would be alright. He needed to push through.
"Kota?" I turned to the sound of Reese's soft voice. I did not want to talk to him and I let him know that with an eye roll before I turned back to Kane and Abby. "At least just listen to what I have to say."
I was reluctant to face him once again, but I ended up doing it anyway. I had to start forgiving people at some point, might as well start with the person I was least mad at. It will only help me move on from things quicker.
He walked off to the other side of the room, where there were less people to listen in. I followed behind him, I noticed Bear stayed laying down in his position on the floor.
He gazed at me for a second before he began to speak, "I'm sorry I dragged you in the transport like that."
"It wasn't any of your business," I shot back.
"Yeah, it kind of was. You weren't coming in and there were seconds left. If we didn't take off right when we did, all of us would be dead. I would have picked up Bellamy and dragged him in too, but he seems a little heavier than you," he snuck in a joke and I forced myself not to smile at it. "He obviously wanted you in too. Hate me if you want, but I basically saved your life."
"Oh my god," I mumbled. I guess sarcasm was his strongest trait.
"So you forgive me. Great," he had a small smile appear on his lips.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...