Deep Sleep • 87

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Once we got into the ship, there was an extremely loud alarm blaring. I saw Echo pull out her sword and she stated, "we don't know what we're walking into."

"If someone was here, they'd shut that alarm off," I said back to her and opened the airlock door. Harper and Emori stayed back with the rocket as the rest of us began to try and navigate through the ship.

Bellamy led the way through multiple hallways, he stopped while his flashlight caught words plastered on the door. "No inmates past this point?" He questioned the words he read.

"Prison labor," Monty answered. "The mining missions were dangerous. They sent people they thought were disposable."

"Sounds familiar," I let out a small laugh at the irony. These people risked their prisoners just like the Ark did.

"Relax. Their ancestors were prisoners a hundred years ago. The people on that transport ship are survivors, just like us," Raven informed.

"Wait I know where the bridge is," I looked to Bellamy and Raven. "My dad studied the layout of these ships. He thought they were cool. This way."

I just remembered my dad telling me about the Eligius ships, he never knew if there were actually Eligius ships out there but he knew that they were made. It pained me that I couldn't recall this earlier, the memories of my parents began to slip more as time went on.

I led them through a different hall until we found a wall that had been busted open. We all entered through the opening and I could tell Bellamy was feeling uneasy. "Something bad happened here," Bellamy told us.

Raven and Monty immediately got to work on the multiple screens. I let out a sigh when the alarm stopped sounding, it was getting really annoying.

I sat down in one of the comfortable chairs as Raven typed away. "The ship doesn't use hydrazine. They could never store enough for a long mission," Raven explained.

"What do we do then?" Bellamy asked as he stood next to me.

"Can we use their fuel to land the pod or not?" Murphy pushed.

"Sure, if you want to explode every cell in your body," Raven gave an answer we didn't want to hear. "But their drop ship is short range transport. They'd have to have a supply for refueling. And the crowd goes wild."

"You found it?" I asked because of her last statement. "We have a way down?"

"I made you a promise Kota, now I get to keep it," Raven replied. It made me smile the slightest bit, it also made me feel bad for pressing her about getting back down not that long ago.

"That's not all we have," Monty added as he turned something on. "Laser comm."

There were voices coming though the system. Murphy stood up to the sound, "can we talk to them?"

"Wait, wait. We don't know who we're dealing with," Bellamy said as he moved from beside me to stop Murphy from pressing buttons.

"Movement North West. McCreary do you see it?"

"I've got something better than movement. I've got tracks."

"They're hunting our people," Raven said as we heard the voices over the comm.

"We don't know that. Octavia can handle this," I stated with confidence as I stood up from my seat.

"I'm going to figure out who we're dealing with. Monty, Murphy, Echo go get the hydrazine," Raven ordered without taking her gaze off the screen. I watched as the three of them left to collect the fuel we needed.

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