New World • 112

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"Boys and girls... meet planet Alpha," Shaw said as we descended to the ground. I felt my jaw hanging open at the view. It was stunning, breathtaking. Mountainous terrain with low clouds and pastel colors in the sky. There were trees and greenery flooding the planet. My mom would have been in awe of it's beauty. No one spoke as we landed, we all couldn't stop staring.

I was eager to get out of my seat once we came to a stop, I rushed out of my seat and to the door with everyone following me. Bellamy looked to me as he pulled the lever down. The door smoothly opened to reveal the landscape in front of us. Jackson was mumbling for the planet to be breathable.

"Radiation levels are good," Emori said from beside me.

"Air is breathable," I could hear Jackson's smile.

"How about that beacon, Shaw?" Bellamy asked. I couldn't take my eyes off the view, it was incredible.

"Eight clicks due East. I think it's on high ground. There's a water source about halfway," he answered.

"We go together," I looked around to those surrounding me. We all began to step forward onto new ground.

"Anyone got something better than 'we're back, bitches?'" Miller said as my feet touched the dirt.

"Nothing tops that line," I laughed.

"Monty would know what to say," Murphy added. "He should be here."

"He is," Bellamy told him.

"Monty said for us to do better. So let's do better," Clarke's voice was soft.

"That's easy to say, but talk is cheap," Shaw spat before following the rest of the group.

I looked over to Clarke, she tried to hide that she was upset but I could see it written all over her face. "It's going to take time for them to come around. You know that," I gave her my thoughts.

Her lips pressed into a thin line and she gave me a quick nod. I felt Bellamy's hand place itself on my lower back to push me to go. There was a lot to explore.

We walked through the woods for a while. I examined the plants as we went along. There were so many trees, bushes and berries everywhere and it drove me nuts that I had no idea what they were. The nature seemed similar to Earth's, but there was nothing that was exactly the same. That was until I noticed small grains of sand starting to show up in the dirt. The dirt was getting softer under our feet and the air felt a little more moist.

"We're getting close to the water," I announced. No one questioned me about how I knew, they just knew that I was right. And I was, after walking a few more steps the trees opened up to a beach. There was a huge lake surrounded by mountains. The water was a pristine blueish-green. The most amazing part was the the sky actually. We could see a faint outline of another planet as the two different suns shone down on us.

"Now that's a view," Bellamy commented.

"The suns look like they're eclipsing," Clarke pointed out.

"I don't mind camping here," Reese said as he set his pack in the sand. I brought my eyes back to the water and started to take off my own backpack. The water was mostly calm with a few whitecaps from the breeze. I started to strip my clothes off, all I wanted to do was jump in. I dropped my jacket and knife filled belt to the ground. I pulled my shirt off my head and stepped out of my hefty cargo pants.

My arm was healing nicely from the bullet graze and my side was improving, even though the color of my skin said otherwise. But in that moment, I couldn't give less of a shit about it.

"What are you doing? We haven't tested it," I could hear Bellamy's concerned voice. I didn't even turn to look at him, I just took off into the water. I dove in once it got to my thighs. The water was chilly, but it was so refreshing when my head dipped under.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now