Our Terms • 101

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We rushed into Octavia's quarters, but she was not in here. Bellamy was frantically looking around.

"We have to find her," he said.

"Why?" Monty set down the apple tree on a table. I went up to look at it again, it was just so mesmerizing. I missed being around other things that lived. "She didn't shoot us that's got to mean something."

"It means she lost the battle, not the war," Indra told us. "We should split up, but be careful. There are people here who would give their lives for Blodreina."

Then an ear piercing alarm blared through the room. "What is that?" Harper stressed.

"Fire alarm," Gaia answered.

I turned quickly to face them, away from the small apple tree. "The hydrofarm," my voice shook as I realized what was going on. Once again I felt frozen, until Bellamy ran up to me and put his hand on my back to get me moving.

We all sprinted to the hydrofarm, I felt the temperature grow warmer as we got closer. I already knew what we were going to see, so my tears began to flow before we even got there.

Once we arrived I could hear Monty yell from the sight. Octavia turned to face us when she heard him. The entire farm was up in flames behind her, it made her look so evil.

"What did you do?" Monty shot at her through his panting.

"She took away their choice," Indra stated as the fire illuminated her face.

"You still have one," Octavia spoke up. "Stay here and die or march with me and live."

I tore my stare away from her to look at Bellamy, he was already looking at me. His eyes weren't filled with tears like mine were, but they were filled with horror and stress.

I turned to run out of the bunker, I could hear Bellamy following after me. I crammed my way through all the people that were evacuating. The smoke was starting to accumulate throughout the bunker, so when I finally got outside I was able to take a deep breath of fresh air.

I bent forward and put my hands on my knees as my crying started to subside. Bellamy made it to me a few minutes later, placing his hand on my back to let me know he was right there with me.

I stood up straight so I could face him. I heard everyone around us murmuring, word was traveling fast. We all knew that we were going to march to war here soon.

"I can't stand this version of her anymore Bellamy," I told him with a whisper. "She destroyed something incredible."

He nodded to me, he looked distraught but held himself together. He wrapped his one arm around my shoulder and held me like that as we watched people gather around the outskirts of the bunker entrance.

Monty and Harper made it out and sat down on a chunk of concrete as we all waited around. Indra and Gaia emerged as well and came to stand near us. Octavia was the last one to leave the bunker. She said nothing, just marched forward.

I walked towards Monty and knelt down in front of him. He looked completely defeated.

"I'm so sorry, Monty," my voice cracked. "What you did with that farm was remarkable."

He looked up to me after I spoke to him, "I wish you got to see all of it. You would have appreciated it more than anyone."

I pulled him into a brief hug. As we broke apart, I looked to Harper who gave me a sad smile.

"We have six days worth of rations for everyone! Grab a pack and get moving!" Miller announced to the army.

"Ready?" I heard Bellamy from behind me. I stood up and took one of the tote bags from his hand. He already had one slung around his chest and gave the remaining two to Harper and Monty. Harper got up from her spot, but Monty was hesitant. "Come on. Our family's waiting."

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now