Exposed • 78

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Abby was speaking to Clarke in the airlock. Bellamy was helping me put on the rest of my suit while Bear sat beside me. Bellamy was already finished putting his on.

"You don't have to come with. You should stay here with O," Bellamy told me gently as he put on one of my gloves.

"I do have to come with. I'm not separating from you again," I told him. After he finished putting on my other glove, he cradled my face in his hands.

"I love you," he said to me. He said it in a way that made me want to cry. Those words held so much power.

"I love you too," I whispered back to him, trying not to let tears make their way to my eyes. He leaned his head in and kissed me like he never wanted to let me go. It made me feel warm, even in a time like this.

When I pulled back, I asked him, "what about Bear?" His face gave me the answer, he didn't have to say anything. It was filled with sorrow, Bear has been with us for so long. This would be our last trip with him.

I turned to the sound of the airlock door opening and was surprised to see Murphy and Emori entering.

"Room for two more?" Murphy asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Murphy, what are you doing in here?" Bellamy questioned.

"We heard you were going after Raven. We want to help," Murphy explained.

"I've been to the island dozens of times, nobody knows the waters better than me," Emori added.

"Maybe it will help our chances bringing the chosen ones back," Murphy stated.

"There's a lottery. I'll make sure your name is in it. I'll do the best I can to get Emori in it too," Abby said back to him.

After Murphy and Emori suited up, we all left the safety of the bunker. The air didn't seem to effect Bear right away because he was trotting along like normal. I walked beside Bellamy, and flinched when he grabbed Murphy to turn him around.

"What are you really up to Murphy?" Bellamy interrogated.

Murphy looked to me and then back to Bellamy, "you killed us when you opened that door. You know that, right? Oh what, you think your people are going to waste a spot on Emori, on me? We were safe and you screwed us. You want to know what we're up to, it's called surviving. There's a bunker on that island, you're our ride and that's it. We can't all have a sister that's Queen of the grounders."

I felt extremely guilty, Bellamy opened that door for Octavia and I. Now other people who thought they would survive, won't. Bellamy pulled my face to look at him instead of Murphy walking away from us.

"I don't regret opening that door, Kota. I will do anything to keep you safe," his voice was serious and raw. He didn't have to tell me this because I already knew what he thought. It didn't help the guilt that I felt though.

We got into the truck and began our journey, I sat in the front with Bellamy as the others were in the back. We didn't talk much, my mind would not stop thinking. I could feel Bellamy glance over to me throughout the entire ride.

"Bellamy watch out!" I yelled as I saw a body jump out into the road. I didn't warm him quick enough, the truck bounced as it ran over the person and veered off to hit a tree. My body flung forward on the impact.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked me.

"I'm fine," I assured. "It was like he wanted to get run over."

Bellamy sighed before he spoke again, "I'll go check the damage."

I watched as he got out, he was instantly pulled into a fight by another grounder that came up. I screamed his name as he was taken down to the ground. Before I could get out of the truck myself, I was pulled out by a set of hands. A grounder threw my body into the ash covered dirt. I went to reach for a knife and realized that they were underneath my suit. I was so screwed.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now