Those Three Steps • 128

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"Stop fighting," I heard Bellamy grow agitated from behind me as he dragged Josephine along.

"I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand," Josephine stressed. "You're killing all of us, including your girlfriend. I didn't take you as that type of guy."

I kept my eyes forward, letting whatever she said roll off my back. We had a mission, get her to Gabriel and save Clarke. I didn't need to listen to any begging from the girl who stole our friend.

"Is Clarke really worth that?" Josephine quizzed when Bellamy said nothing. All of a sudden, I could hear her gasping for air, I turned around to see that Clarke's body was convulsing in the dirt. I ran over and knelt down beside Bellamy.

"Shit, she's seizing. Move her head over. We have to wait it out," I said while watching Bellamy try to get a hold on her. I whipped my head around at the sound of yelling in the ravine a few feet away from us.

"Don't," Bellamy ordered.

"Keep her still, there's cover, I'll be right back," I defied. I took off and heard some not-so calm whispered yelling from Bellamy, demanding for me to come back. I quickly began climbing down the steep hill that was covered in vines and logs. I knew I just left Bellamy in a shitty way, but I was going to be quick. I needed to see how far and from which way it came from because I'm not trying to get killed right now.

There was also that other factor. The part of my heart that wanted to see if we could find Octavia out here.

I looked around for a minute once I was all the way down and stayed completely silent. There was never another yell, but there were really bright lights flashing on from above me. A rush of anxiety overcame me, I turned around and looked up the steep hill to see that the ground at the top shone. Even worse, that's exactly where Bellamy and Clarke were.

I was desperately reaching for vines to help me climb up faster. There was yelling, but it sounded far and my mind was just trying to focus on getting the fuck out of this ravine. I tuned everything out, all the noise and the panic. I just needed to get up, that's all I needed to think about.

But when I finally clawed my way back to the top ground, no one was there. "I'm an idiot," I whispered, completely pissed off with myself. I just had to go check what that noise was and now I have no freaking clue who took Bellamy or where they took him.

This is a moment where I really missed Bear, I wouldn't be so scared if he was here. He was always with me when Bellamy couldn't be. I was alone like this when I found Bear, he helped me not lose my mind. I was able to think out loud with him and we survived it together.

"Assess, address, advance," I said out loud to myself. My mom always told me the very first thing you assessed was injuries. I looked for any clothing tears that were new and for blood. I unfortunately hit the jackpot when I look down to my shin.

I knelt down to be able to pull up my pant and when I did, it was a bloody mess. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes. I could not panic, not right now.

"You can't help anyone if you're not okay," I repeated the words soothing my brain. It happened to help that it sounded like my mom's voice.

"Dakota, please," my mom was trying to quiz me.

"Mom, please," I repeated back to her. "You've drilled this into me, you don't have to keep asking me if I know it."

"I know I'm sorry, I just know that someday you will find yourself in a horrible situation all by yourself. You're going to want to know what to do and how to keep yourself calm," she explained herself.

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