Man From The Mountain • 54

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When I was making my way out of the Ark, I stopped at the door that led outside. I stood and watched Bellamy and Bear. Bellamy was kneeling with one knee on the ground as he scratched behind Bear's ears and Bear kept attempting to lick his face. The sight gave me a moment of comfort.

I heard running footsteps approach behind me, I turned expecting to see Octavia. Instead I saw a large figure dressed in grounder attire coming at me.

I pulled a knife out, but he was fast. I was decked to the ground and gasped when my head smacked the floor. The man let out a painful growl. I looked to see my knife wedged into his bicep, I didn't even realize that I had stabbed him.

I took this chance to launch my foot into his stomach. He stumbled back and I scrambled to get on my feet.

The hit to my head made me a bit disoriented, so when I ran I had a hard time not falling over.

"Bellamy!" I screamed as I tried to run down the hallway and away from that man. I went to yell for him again, but my feet were swept out from under me. My face contacted with the ground and I became immobile.

There was a tight grip on both my ankles and I lifted my head to see what was happening to me. The first thing I saw was my own blood splattered on the floor tiles where I had landed.

I struggled to flip my body over as I was being dragged face down, but I wasn't able to. My legs started kicking, wanting to break free of the grasp on them. I reached my arms out in hopes to get a hold on anything that could stop this man from taking me somewhere. There was nothing to grab though.

I was able to tell where he was taking me now, we were going to the airlock. Once he yanked me in, I saw everyone tied up and restrained in there. Everyone except Bellamy, Bear and Clarke. The grip on my ankles was replaced with rope. He bound my feet together tightly and then moved to pull my arms behind my back. No matter how hard I tried to not let him, he was stronger. My hands were now tangled in rope as well. He picked my body up to sit me against the wall. My eyes darted to Octavia who was looking at me with tears running.

The man put a gag in my mouth and secured it harshly around my head. He had a gas mask on making it so I couldn't see his face, but he pulled it off to talk to me.

I didn't recognize his face but I knew his voice. It was Emerson, the Mount Weather guard Clarke had brought here once. I knew his voice from the radio when Bellamy was listening in from the vents.

He grabbed my hair on the back of my head to force me to look at him as he spoke, "pretty girl. I see what Bellamy likes you for."

Octavia started thrashing against her restraints at his words. He shoved my head, making me fall over to my side. I was now laying on the ground, unable to get up due to my limbs being roped together.

I wondered if I had broken my nose from hitting the floor, but there was so much adrenaline running through me that I didn't feel much pain.

"Emerson I know you can hear me," Clarke's voice came in on his radio. "You want to kill me, not them."

Emerson had a smug smile on his face as he unlatched the walkie from his belt to reply, "something like that."

"You can have me if you let my friends go," Clarke offered a deal. It was a bad deal, Bellamy would not have agreed with it if he was with her.

"You better hurry then," Emerson said as he pocketed the radio.

Octavia continued to try and release herself from the wall as we waited. Raven looked extremely distraught, it made me realize that Sinclair was not here as well. I hoped he was with Bellamy or Clarke, but Raven's expression made me think otherwise.

I moved my head so I could look out of the doors of the airlock. Clarke rounded the corner carefully with her hands up.

Emerson knelt down and pulled me up by my hair to make me face where Clarke was.

"I held up my end of the deal. Let my friends go," Clarke spoke sternly.

"Tell Bellamy to show himself first," Emerson replied. Now I knew why he chose me to grab.

"I don't know what you're talking-" Clarke was cut off by my yelp. Emerson laid a forceful punch into my abdomen.

Bellamy came around the corner quickly with his gun raised, "no!"

Emerson yanked my head back while putting a large blade up to my exposed throat. I could feel my body shuddering against his.

"Take out the clip and throw it down the hall, put down the gun and come in here with your pretty girlfriend," Emerson instructed. I noticed Bear was not here, I trusted that Bellamy made him stay by the rover through this.

I shook my head while staring at Bellamy, I knew he was going to listen to Emerson but he shouldn't.

"You wanted me. I'll go in once you let them go," Clarke tried to bargain.

"I was talking to Bellamy," Emerson stated. He began to slice the skin across my chest with the blade he had. I unintentionally whimpered at the pain, feeling tears escape from my eyes.

"Okay, okay. Stop. I'll come in," Bellamy announced. He followed Emerson's earlier directions and began to slowly walk towards us.

As soon as he entered, Emerson nodded towards cuffs latched onto the walls. Bellamy locked himself into them without taking his eyes off of me. Once he was secured, Emerson released me. I collapsed to the floor not realizing that he was the one holding all my weight up.

My heavy breathing was audible. I was panicked that I couldn't do anything to get us out of here. I saw Emerson walk out of the airlock with his gun pointed at Clarke. All of a sudden, the doors shut closed.

I looked to Bellamy, not able to watch this man kill our friend. Bellamy had fear written across his face which made me stress even more.

The lights turned red in the airlock and an announcement over the speaker said, "oxygen venting in progress."

He was going to suffocate us to death. I could not take my eyes off of Bellamy. He was trying to break from the cuffs, but now I couldn't see anymore. My eyes shut on their own as I got extremely light headed. I was drifting away, all the noises started to fade.

I could see a woman's figure behind my shut eyes. She looked proper, put together. She wore a long red dress and had curled brown hair. I knew I was looking at Alie. If Clarke couldn't get us out of here, everyone left on Earth would be controlled by her.

Suddenly, she disappeared. I could feel my lungs filling up with air again. I shot my eyes open and wheezed to replenish the oxygen I had lost.

Clarke was already working to get everyone out of their restraints. Once she got Bellamy free, he fumbled over to me.

"I've got you. I've got you," he sounded like he was reassuring himself more than me. When he freed me, he scooped me into my arms and took me outside.

"I can stand," I said softly to him and he placed my feet onto the dirt. He was scanning my face like he usually did when I got hurt. "Bellamy... I saw her."

I didn't realize how shaky my voice was until now. I was terrified of the chip inside of me.

"She can't get to you Kota. We will get her out of you," he said to me. His voice was full of promise but I could tell he was nervous at what I told him.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now