Sector Seven • 40

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My leg healed perfectly within a month. It took a lot of work and physical therapy, but it was worth it. My face had faint scars, but over all got back to normal.

I had been training to fight for the two months that followed. It was a rough start, but I began to get really strong and was able to hold my own.

I made Bellamy train with me beyond the scheduled training time. Both of us got our anger, guilt and grief out this way so he never rejected me when I told him I wanted extra time to practice with him.

Bellamy was already muscular, but as I watched him spar with Lincoln I could notice how much stronger he actually looked. Lincoln won against him obviously, because of his years of experience on him, but Bellamy fought really well.

He went over to put his shirt on as Lincoln explained how Bellamy attacked too aggressive which made him lose sight of the actual fighting.

"Kota let's go, we're heading into sector seven today," Bellamy waved me over. We've been doing exploratory missions to look for Clarke and other Ark survivors, so far we haven't had much luck.

Lincoln turned and came over to us, "sector seven is on the Ice Nation boarder."

"I know," Bellamy replied. "Pair up and start sparring!"

Lincoln looked like he wanted to say more, but Bellamy was already leaving the room.

"We'll be careful," I told to Lincoln before following my man.

After Bellamy talked to Kane about bringing weapons, we made our way over to the rover. Jasper was passed out on the floor, so Bellamy and Monty grabbed a hold of him to put Jasper in the vehicle. I went to the front of the rover and bent down to roll Raven out from underneath.

"Time to go," I smiled at her as she got up. I opened the door for Bear to jump in. I've taught him so much over these past three months since I actually had the time to work with him.

Bellamy came up beside me, "have you seen Octavia?"

"She's outside, I'm riding with her," I told Bellamy.

"Of course you are. She's probably on a horse, huh?" Bellamy replied. He knows I take any chance I get to ride on one. I smiled before opening the garage door.

They loaded into the rover as I walked up to Octavia who was sitting on top of a beautiful brown horse.

"Hop on," she gave a smirk and reached her hand out to help me up. I grabbed it and took my seat behind her.

Riding horseback was so freeing. I closed my eyes as the wind whooshed my hair all over the place. I could hear music bumping from the rover beside us until it suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes to see them halting the rover. Octavia noticed this too, so she made the horse lead us to the back doors of the vehicle. I jumped off and opened it up.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"A signal from the Farm Station. It's coming from sector eight," Monty answered.

"That's Azgeda territory. Protocol says we go home to tell the chancellor," I pointed out.

"The chancellor isn't here. Monty's mom and Miller's boyfriend are from Farm Station. It's up to them," Bellamy stated.

"Let's do it," Monty concluded with a head nod from Miller. I shut the doors and got back onto the horse.

We came to a stop at the start of some thick woods, I assumed this was probably the boarder. I jumped off after Octavia as the rest exited the rover.

"The beacon's getting closer," Monty announced.

"Weapons out. Remember, nonlethal," Bellamy instructed. I pulled two knives out of the belt I had made for them, holding one in each hand as we carefully watched the woods.

"It's Ice Nation, white war paint," Octavia told us as a few grounders approached on horses.

Octavia spoke to them in Trigedasleng. I was mad at myself for never learning it in this moment.

"They're looking for Wanheda," Octavia translated.

"Who's Wanheda?" I turned to look at Bellamy.

"I don't know," he said as he faced me. Jasper was now walking up to the grounders, pushing past Miller who was trying to stop him.

He snatched the beacon that was attached to one one them, but was instantly pulled back and got a knife put to his throat. To my surprise, Jasper was laughing about it. The grounder must've thought that this wasn't very funny because he started drawing blood.

I launched my knife into the man feeling that Jasper's life was threatened. Gun fire sounded around me and all the grounders fell to the dirt.

"He needs to get to medical!" Octavia said as she ran to Jasper. The radio in the rover was going off, calling for Bellamy.

"What now?" he grumbled as he went over to it. I followed him to hear what was so important.

All I could hear was, "I'll tell you when you get here."

"Was that Kane?" I asked Bellamy.

"He's in sector four. You and Monty are coming with me. The rest of you get on their horses and get Jasper home," Bellamy ordered. I got into the back seat with Bear as Bellamy and Monty took their places in the front seats of the rover and we began our drive.

After an hour, we made it to where Kane said to meet. We got out of the rover with our weapons drawn and I could tell Monty was boiling on the inside over Jasper.

I put my hand on his shoulder to hopefully give him some comfort and he turned to look at me.

"He's getting worse. Getting wasted everyday is one thing, but laughing with a knife to his throat?" Monty said to me as we walked forward.

"I know Monty," I said sympathetically. It was horrible watching Jasper destroy himself after what happened to his girlfriend, Maya, but there was only so much we could do for him. The events at Mount Weather were heart wrenching, losing my mom was extremely devastating.

We snapped out of it when I could see Kane and Indra emerge.

"Kane, what's going on?" Bellamy questioned at the sight of Indra.

"This is about Clarke," Kane got all of our attention.

"She's being hunted. By everyone," Indra explained for Kane.

"She's Wanheda," I said in realization. "Ice Nation was looking for her. Why?"

Indra continued explaining, "people believe they'll get her power if they kill her. The Azgeda queen wants her power. She would break the coalition and start a war to make it happen."

"Get in the rover," Bellamy immediately said at the news. "We're going back to sector seven."

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