The Red Queen • 89

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I was staked out in the trees until morning. There were no signs of fighting or killing which is why I never came out of my spot, but now I was really starting to get worried. I had no idea where he was or if anything has happened to him. I had to check the shelters. It was going to be hard because there were people outside at the camp, but I knew how to be sneaky.

There was a little home with windows a few yards away from me, once the people in that area cleared I booked it over to the windows. I had to jump to peek in because of my height, but from what I could see there was no sign of Bellamy in there.

Bear and I moved on to another shelter quickly and quietly. Nobody has seen us yet. This shelter was easier to peer into, but still no Bellamy.

"Let's move out!" I heard Diyoza bellow from another part of camp. I tip-toed over to where her voice came from, I was curious as to where they were going. I got a close view from where I stood, I was behind large piles of wood. I still could not see Bellamy, this really freaked me out.

I turned fast at the sound of footsteps coming towards me. Before I could react the man shoved me from my spot, exposing to the rest of them that I was there.

"Someone's been watching us!" He announced to the others. I could feel all their attention go on me.

"Hide, safe," I told my dog. This man looked like he wanted to pummel me and I wasn't going to have Bear involved. He probably hasn't had to attack anyone in six years, I wasn't going to make him do it now.

As the man lunged at me, I ducked from his arm and landed my fist into his stomach. He tried to punch me again but my reflexes were quick and he missed. I kicked his side then hit him square in the nose. He stumbled back while trying to regroup himself. The man wasn't quick enough though because I swept his legs out from under him, putting his ass onto the floor. Before I could do anymore damage, I heard multiple guns clicking from behind me.

I turned around slowly with my hands up, six pistols were pointed right at my face. I could tell they were waiting for an order. Diyoza ran these people and now she was approaching me.

"You think you can sneak in on us without me finding out?" She questioned with anger in her voice.

"I mean I did all last night," I stated back. I wanted her to be at least a little afraid of me.

"Stop! She's with me!" My head snapped over to the sound of Bellamy's voice. I noticed the guns being lowered out of the corner of my eye. Bellamy got to where we were standing and pulled me into a hug. "Why aren't you with the others? You were supposed to stay with them."

"You know why," I said as we pulled apart. Diyoza ordered that it was time to go, her people followed her as they walked away from us. "Go where?"

"We're getting that bunker open. The deal worked," Bellamy gave me a soft smile.

"Kota," a familiar voice filled my ears. I turned to see Clarke coming to us. I broke away from Bellamy's grasp and ran to her, engulfing her into a tight hug.

"It's so good to see you," I said to her gently. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"It's good to see you too," Clarke held the same emotion in her voice. I could hear Bellamy call for Bear, he knew that I wouldn't go anywhere without him now that I got him back. Bear jumped up on Clarke, happy to see that she was okay.

"Thank you for taking care of him," I said genuinely.

"He took care of Madi and I. I found him in the lab after you guys took off and he's been with us ever since. Having him with me saved my life," Clarke pet the top of his head before he went back to stand next to me.

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