Hangman • 8

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I woke up to the news that Wells was dead. Clarke was telling Octavia and I while we were in the middle of moving wood around for the fence. The huts were almost finished now, I was impressed with myself.

"Who did it?" I asked, concerned that we had lost another life so soon.

"I'm thinking the grounders did it," Clarke answered. Octavia didn't seem upset at the news, but she did have a look of worry at Clarke's response.

I wasn't a big fan of Wells, but he really didn't do much wrong down here. In my eyes, he didn't deserve death.

After Clarke told us what was going on, I went to grab a shovel. Octavia told me she was going to try and get Jasper to walk around outside the gates.

Once I began digging into the Earth, I thought about how that was probably the most peaceful way to be put to rest. I hoped when my time came I'd become a part of this beautiful planet.

"Let me help," I heard from behind me. I spun to see Bellamy walking towards me.

"There's another shovel," I said as I pointed to the tree stump beside me. I'm glad he came to help with this, my arms were going to wear out here pretty quick. I needed to start exercising more.

"Those huts are impressive work," Bellamy acknowledged as he pushed the shovel into the dirt.

"Thanks," I smiled to him, happy that someone recognized what I did.

"You're full of surprises," he stated, now lifting his head to look at me. Both of us stopped doing the task at hand. I stopped because I was getting tired, but he did to look at me. It made my stomach flutter. I laughed in response to him, mostly just trying to shake the feeling I had.

"How did you learn all of this?" He asked, now picking up another scoop from the ground.

"My parents, my mom was an Earth skills teacher and my dad was an architect. Pretty handy to know that stuff down here," I explained. I enjoyed any opportunity to talk about my parents, they were exceptional people.

"Tessa is your mom?" He asked with a half laugh. "I should've known, you look just like her."

I couldn't help but smile as he said this, my father always told me I looked like my mom's younger twin. "I wish they knew I was alive, they've always wanted to see Earth for themselves."

Bellamy fell silent over the awkwardness. I knew he was still uneasy about Murphy doing what he did to me to get my wrist band off. I watched him closely as he stepped towards my figure, but he was interrupted before getting anywhere.

"Bell, Kota. Clarke's tent now," Octavia called out while continuing her stride into camp with Jasper following close behind.

"Come on," Bellamy told me while dropping his shovel to follow his sister. When we made it into the tent, Octavia reached into her pocket and laid the contents on the table. It was two of Wells' fingers and a make shift knife.

"Who else knows about this?" Bellamy investigated.

"Just us, we brought it straight here," Octavia voiced.

I picked up the knife from the table, "this was made out of metal from the drop ship."

"What does that mean?" Jasper quickly asked.

"The grounders didn't kill Wells, one of our own did," Clarke spelt it out.

"We need to keep this quiet," Bellamy expressed. I watched as Clarke disagreed with him by attempting to leave the tent, but Bellamy stepped in front of her.

"Get out of the way Bellamy," Clarke ordered.

"Think about this Clarke, them thinking the grounders did this is helping this camp get to where it needs to be. This is good for us," Bellamy explained.

Clarke scoffed at his words, "you're just going to keep people working for you out of fear?"

"Yes," Bellamy snapped back. "They're securing our camp because of it. Are you just going to walk out there and ask the killer to come forward? Because that won't happen. You don't even know who's knife that is."

Both Bellamy and Clarke were right in their own ways, I agreed with what both of them were saying so I stayed quiet.

"Oh really?" Clarke said as she grabbed the knife from my hand and pointed to something on the handle I hadn't noticed. "There's initials, J.M. John Murphy."

I shook my head at his name, wondering what has happened to my friend I made in lock up. We all followed Clarke out of the tent, she marched toward the suspect and shoved him hard. She was yelling at him about killing Wells, revealing to the rest of the camp that the murder weapon belonged to him.

Murphy attempted to defend himself, but Clarke wasn't having it, "you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him."

"Yeah and I didn't kill him then either," he sneered.

"He tried to kill Jasper too and assaulted Kota," Octavia spoke up. I glanced to my right seeing Jasper become nervous and Bellamy slightly cringe. I tried to give Jasper a reassuring look.

"Whatever, I don't have answer to anyone!" Murphy yelled out.

"Come again?" Bellamy's voice caused Murphy a slight look of discomfort. Murphy started towards us, Bellamy uncrossed his arms and reached one hand back to push me to stand behind him and I let him. I couldn't trust Murphy right now.

"Bellamy, I didn't do this," Murphy's tone was now lower.

"You're knife was found next to his fingers," Bellamy just relayed the information we had. Now I wasn't completely sure than Murphy did do it, there was always a chance that he was innocent of this. I tried to push that thought out of my mind because now there was a riot happening. People flooded around Murphy, kicking and tossing him around.

I followed the crowd as they led the bloodied boy over to a tree. I heard Clarke yelling for them to stop.

"Let him go!" I screamed to the people tying him up. Nobody seemed to hear me over the ruckus, or I was just being ignored but I kept trying. "Stop! Let him go!"

Murphy was a dick to me ever since we landed, but I still knew him. He was my friend even if he didn't think so anymore. I knew who he really was. Once again no one listened to me and panic rushed through my body as I saw a rope being thrown over a tall tree branch.

"Stop it!" I screamed hurdling towards Murphy and the people hoisting him up. Someone had stopped my advances with a firm grip now handling my upper arm. I snapped my head back, surprised to see it was Bellamy halting me. He dragged me towards the outer edge of the crowd even though I attempted to escape his hold.

"Don't get caught up in this," he said with heavy breaths. Then I heard his name starting to be chanted. He left me there as he turned around to go back to the cluster of people. My eyes frantically searched for Octavia, but they landed on Murphy instead. His eyes were swollen, blood dripped from multiple face lacerations and the most horrifying thing, a noose around his neck.

"Oh my god," I whispered to myself. They wanted Bellamy to kick the stool from under him. I was frozen in fear of what he would do. Clarke attempted to talk Bellamy out of it in a panic, but she didn't succeed. His eyes caught mine as he shoved Clarke away from him, then turned while kicking the thing that was keeping Murphy alive. His glare before doing so exposed that he was partially doing this for revenge on my end as well.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now