I was sprinting after Bear as the sun began to set. Once it got dark, I knew Bellamy was going to try to move out of his position. Time was running out and I needed help.
When I caught up to Bear, he was stopped in front of a cave entrance. As soon as he saw me get close to him, he darted into the cave. I was hesitant to follow after him because I had no idea who or what could be in there. But, I completely trusted Bear, he would never lead me somewhere unsafe. I walked into the cave and made my way in deeper.
I could see light from a fire as I approached. I saw Bear jumping between multiple people, my people.
"Holy shit," Murphy said as he saw me walk in. He ran up to me and hugged me, like really hugged me. I hugged him back right away, anything we were mad about with each other didn't exist anymore. Emori came up and joined the hug.
"Why am I not surprised you could get in this valley," Emori chuckled as we all pulled apart. I looked over to the other person in this cave, I did not recognize him at all and he was wearing clothes that didn't fit in with grounder attire.
"Who's he?" I was more than curious.
"Reese. He's their field medic," Emori answered.
"Wait, I thought they didn't have a doctor. Isn't that why they took Abby?" I grew a little confused.
"I'm not really a doctor," Reese spoke up and I looked back over to him. He was tall and had straight blond hair that hung eye level. "I deal with surface level injuries."
I turned back to Murphy and Emori, "where's Echo and Raven?"
"They went to get the shiny new commander," Murphy told me. I looked down to Bear who was sitting right next to me, then brought my eyes back up.
"That's the plan?" My voice rose. "Clarke won't let that happen. She took Madi away so she wouldn't get caught in the middle of this."
"Relax, you look a little wobbly," Murphy told me.
"Shut up. Bellamy and Octavia are stuck in a trench out there, if they move they're dead. I was able to get out, but we need to get them the hell out," I rushed my words out. I was starting to feel a little dizzy.
"Woah, are you hurt?" Reese asked as he came over to me when I stumbled back a step.
"I'm fine!" I shot at him. I was so overwhelmed, all I wanted was to get Bellamy back.
"Kota, he's on our side. Let him look," Emori urged. I looked over to Reese who was waiting for the go ahead from me.
I slowly took my jacket off, revealing the sopping shirt around my arm. It was soaked with my blood, that's when I realized how bad my side was hurting from slamming into the tree.
"You should sit down. You lost a lot of blood," Reese told me. His voice was fading in and out through my ears. I was about to listen to him until my vision went black. It went out for just a few seconds, but it was enough for me to fall over.
When I came to, I noticed that Reese and Murphy had caught me before I hit the ground. They laid me down in the cave and Reese moved to start taking off my useless bandage.
"It's a graze. She'll be okay but I need to stitch this up now," I could hear Reese say.
"We have one last suture kit. I'll get it," I turned my dazed head to look at Emori. She went to dig through a bag.
"No," I tried to sit up, but Murphy put his hand on my chest to stop me. "Did you not hear me? We need to get them out of there, now."
"I'm not going to be the one to tell Bellamy you bled out and died, take a breath and suck it up. We just need to wait for the others to get back," Murphy spoke as he removed his hand from me.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...