We got to the familiar village in the valley, where the prisoners adopted as their home. Getting through the gorge was seamless, anyone who was left there had retreated to the village. Bellamy, Bear and I were following directly behind Madi as we slowed down. The prisoners were circled up with weapons raised as they came into our view.
We all had our guns up and Bellamy yelled at them, "weapons down! Put your weapons down dow!"
They were all complying, dropping to their knees with empty hands in the air. There really wasn't going to be another fight, this was a surrender.
"Kill them all," Madi ordered as we came to a stop.
"Wait!" I said after hearing her demand. "Hold your fire."
I lowered my gun as I stepped in front of Madi. We did not need to kill all these people, the fighting was over. She stared back at me, expecting me to say more.
"They surrendered Madi," I said to her. I could not let her go through with killing so many people, it would haunt her.
"They killed hundreds of our people!" She raged back at me. I understood her anger, I was there watching people dropping all around me.
"I know the flame isn't saying to do this," I kept by voice level.
"I don't need the flame to tell me what to do with prisoners invading my home," she still sounded really angry.
"Madi, the prisoners invading used to be me. Used to be Bellamy. Clarke. We went to war because of it. You don't have to kill them. Be better than all of us," I stated firmly.
"The choice is yours, Heda," Bellamy concluded what I said. I looked over to him and noticed that Octavia was looking at me. All of our heads turned at the sound of an alarm blaring over some speakers. That noise did not make me feel good, it made my stomach flip.
"What does that mean?" Bellamy asked to the group of prisoners.
"It's an evac signal. It means conditions are unsafe. We're supposed to bug out," one of the men answered quickly.
Then Raven's voice squeaked over the microphone, "everyone listen up. Life as we know it is about to end, again. Get your asses to the transport ship for immediate evacuation. You have nine minutes."
I shot my head over to Bellamy, giving him a look that was riddled with fear and disappointment. We just got back from space, we just got the valley. My heart was shattered once again. He didn't give me any time to think, Bellamy just grabbed my arm and forced me to sprint. He held onto me the entire way to the ship, Madi and Bear were right next to us. Hundreds of footsteps followed us.
When the transport ship came into view, so did Clarke who was standing in the doorway. She ran out towards us as she laid eyes on Madi. They ran into each other, engulfing one another in a hug.
When they pulled apart, Bellamy let go of his hold on my arm. "Clarke, what's going on?" I questioned out of breath.
"I'll tell you inside," she said as her eyes drifted to the prisoners running past us and into the ship. "No, not them."
"Yes them," Madi stated back to her. "First we save their lives, then we let them prove they deserve it."
"The commanders told you that?" Clarke asked in a softer voice.
"No," she replied and looked over to Bellamy and I. "They did."
Clarke gave me the smallest smile before moving her eyes to Indra, who had approached us.
"Where's your mother? Gaia will need her," Indra spoke.
"She's not with you?" Clarke had no idea she wasn't here. "I have to go find her."

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...