We made it into the dam, Raven and Wick quickly got to work as I stood by the door with Bear.
I was so impatient for this to end. All I could think about was seeing Bellamy, he's been in that mountain for a while. I wanted him to be out of there and safe.
"Three out of five done," I heard Raven update me. We all froze at the sound of a walkie, someone was talking through it. I spotted where it was sitting on the wall but couldn't see anyone else. That was until I was knocked to the ground. I screamed as I hit the floor because of the impact of my already bruised side.
I started kicking and punching in any way that I could. I noticed Bear had a hold on his shoes, trying to drag the man off of me. My body probably wouldn't be able to take another assault so soon.
I could finally stop my fighting once Wick hit the guy over the head. It was hard for my lungs to catch air being reminded of what it felt like to be attacked. I hadn't realized that the man called for backup on his walkie because of intruders, but someone on the other end confirmed they were sending a team.
"We need to do this really fast," Raven said frantically. I stood up quickly and scanned the room to make sure no one else was in here. My eyes landed on a pink liquid pouring out of it's broken glass container.
"Raven... we just lost a bomb," my voice held steady despite my anxiety. She turned around to look where the spillage was, then turned back with panicked eyes.
"What happens if we only blow four of the five?" Wick hoped for the best.
"Electricity will stay on, all our friends will be killed," Raven answered. I looked between the two others.
"You two really need to start thinking, fast," I told them. We needed to blow this dam up, no matter the obstacle.
Raven ran to some kind of panel on the fifth turbine as her and Wick bickered about how to fix this. I toned them out because I didn't really understand what they were saying, until Raven said she figured something out.
"Kota, is it still clear out there?" Raven asked frantically.
"Clear for now," I said while looking out the windows on the doors.
Wick had started working on making sure this last turbine blew up. I could hear footsteps making their way over and I started to back up.
"Wick you better be done soon because they're here," I let him know.
"I'm done, I'm done," Wick said a couple seconds later.
We both got to where Raven was standing and she hit the classic big red button. All of us attempted to start running. We were stopped by guns pointing at our backs and threats of shooting us being yelled.
"Follow me," I whispered Bear his command as we all slowly turned around and held our hands up.
"Stay right there! Stop moving!" One of the men with a hazmat suit ordered to us.
"Keep backing up," Wick whispered and we listened.
"We're too close," I realized that the turbine was ready to burst.
"Not as close as them, run!" Wick yelled and we did. We didn't get too far when the turbine blew up. I could feel the heat rise from around me and only saw colors of orange and yellow. That was just a second before my ears started ringing and I fell unconscious because of the intensity of the explosion.
I woke back up to Raven shaking my shoulders, "Kota wake up, please."
My eyes slowly opened, everything seemed a little hazy and there was debris all around us. Seeing Raven's face made me think that mine just got worse than it already was.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...