Act Of War • 43

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I walked beside Bellamy as we entered Mount Weather. His leg was mostly healed now, but he still walked with a slight limp. This was the first time I came back here since the war, it felt wrong.

Octavia wasn't afraid to voice the same feeling once we approached the dining hall.

"Welcome," Pike greeted us over the music when he saw us enter. It gave me a weird feeling to see the farm station crew enjoying a meal in the mountain that traumatized me. "Come. Join us."

"You sure made yourselves at home," I said under my breath. I received a small nudge from Bellamy for my comment.

"Must be thirty of them in here," Octavia's tone matched mine.

"Thirty-six," Pike corrected. "But the more the merrier."

"Wow. The grounders will think we moved in," Octavia didn't hide her disapproval. Bellamy shot her a look to quit it. "I'm out."

I grabbed her arm as she turned away so I could look at her, "I'll see you later."

She gave me a quick hug before leaving the dining area. I turned around to see Bellamy already walking off with Pike. I started moving forward to catch up with them.

"Bellamy," I called to him to make him turn around. He faced me, waiting to hear what I had to say. "Go outside, talk to Octavia. Please."

Bellamy nodded to me before leaving in the same direction Octavia did. I was now awkwardly standing in front of Pike.

"Sit, Dakota. Have something to eat," he offered while taking a seat. I hesitated but obliged. "I know it must be difficult to be back here."

I wish he wouldn't bring up the memories of this place. The memory of Bellamy and Clarke killing all the people in here to save us. The memory of me enduring pain I wouldn't want anyone to ever experience. The memory of my mom dying at this mountain's front door.

"Yeah," was all I could say to his statement. A pair of hands placed a hot plate of food in front of me. I picked up the plate to hand it back, this place made me lose my appetite. I could sense Pike observing me while I did this.

"I'm sorry about your mother, Dakota. She was one of a kind, smartest woman I knew," Pike started. I didn't want to hear it, I was scared that I would have a melt down in front of all these people. "She no doubt passed that all down to you."

"Excuse me," I abruptly said while standing up. I could feel my chest tighten at every word about my mom. I made my way out of the dining room and down a long hallway.

I was trying so hard to get my breathing under control that I didn't notice I had stopped at the door to the dorm. I reached my hand out to the door handle and slowly turned it. When I completely opened it, I almost gagged at the smell.

I stepped carefully into the place where I had been strapped down and drilled into. My eyes bounced across all the dried blood covering the table and the floor. Nobody had dared to come in here and clean it up.

I found an abandoned electrical rod on the ground and bent down to pick it up. My anger got the best of me because I was no longer thinking about what I was doing.

I screamed as I started smashing anything I could with the metal pole. I felt tears make their way out of my eyes as I tried to demolish that fucking operating table.

I'm not sure how long this went on for before someone came into the room I was destroying. I jumped as strong hands stopped my arms from swinging at another inanimate object.

"Look at me. Look at me," I heard from whoever had a hold on me. I turned my head to see Bellamy, he had an expression filled with stress. I immediately dropped the rod in my hand as he spun my body to face his.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now