Cover In The Storm • 92

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I left the tent to get some air, it was really disturbing to see something live in Obika's stomach. It looked like they were worms or something, the wound where they entered was small and circular.

I didn't know how I felt about Octavia anymore, she's gone so cold. For some reason, she felt like she couldn't trust Bellamy even though he did everything he could to make peace. He also was the one to make the deal to get them out of the bunker.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when I heard Bear growling beside me. I looked out to where he was facing and saw storm clouds and lightning. Shortly after, thunder boomed through the air. Moments later, Bellamy was next to me looking at the same sight.

"It's a sand storm," I told him as more people crowed around to look. "It's blocking our way back."

"Can we out run it?" I heard Indra's voice.

"As long as it keeps moving laterally, we shouldn't have to. But if the wind shifts-" Clarke started explaining.

"The wind hasn't met Wonkru," Octavia interrupted. "Now there's no choice. We keep moving!"

"Keep moving?" Bellamy refuted. "Thanks to you, we're stuck between razor blade winds and burrowing, parasitic bugs."

"Thanks to you, we're at war Bellamy," Octavia spat back.

I let out a scoff at her statement which caused her to glance at me. "Only if you insist on fighting it," Bellamy said back to her.

"Fight or die. That's all there is," Octavia was now looking back at her brother. "You don't understand. I get it. Because you're not one of us."

"Is Obika one of you?" I raised my eyebrows at her and she turned her head to look at me again. "Because from what I see, you're going to end his life like he doesn't mean much."

I could see Cooper try to lunge at me out of the corner of my eye, but Indra stopped her and Octavia told her no.

"Show some respect," a man sneered in Bellamy and I's direction.

"I'd stop if I were you," Octavia said calmly to my face. I kept my focused eyes on her, she knew I wasn't scared of her or her clan. Octavia had no idea how much I had grown as a fighter, I was confident I could take on anyone here. Including her.

My gaze broke away from her when there was screaming coming from the tent. "He's awake," Clarke announced as she ran towards the yells. We all followed her in to see Obika thrashing on the table.

Cooper and Indra were trying to hold his body still as Clarke shined her flashlight on his abdomen. Whatever was in him, wanted out. His stomach was bulging, the creatures squirmed furiously.

Then Obika's skin gave way, his body broke open as worms and blood poured out of him. I brought my arm up to my nose from the putrid odor.

"Everybody out! Now!" I could hear Bellamy shouting as he grabbed onto my body and rushed both of us out. I detached myself from his grip when I spotted a torch, I ran up to take it and threw it into the tent so the worms would burn.

When I turned around, I saw Bellamy and Clarke holding Octavia who was groaning on the ground. As I got closer I could see her skin moving on her arm, one of the worms got inside of her. Bellamy picked her up and ran her into another tent.

"Kota, I need a tourniquet!" Clarke ordered. "And a med kit!"

I searched around the tent fast, I found the med kit first and then some rope that would work fine. There were too many people talking and stressing. I tried to block it out as I knelt down by Octavia, I quickly tied the rope around her arm as tight as possible.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now